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+++ title = "Piezoelectric Actuators" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++

[Actuators]({{< relref "actuators" >}})

Piezoelectric Stack Actuators


Manufacturers Links
Cedrat link
PI link
Piezo System link
Noliac link
Thorlabs link
PiezoDrive link
Mechano Transformer link
CoreMorrow link


A model of a multi-layer monolithic piezoelectric stack actuator is described in (Fleming, 2010) ([Notes]({{< relref "fleming10_nanop_system_with_force_feedb" >}})).


Typical specifications of piezoelectric stack actuators are usually in terms of:

  • Displacement/ Travel range \([\mu m]\)
  • Blocked force \([N]\)
  • Stiffness \([N/\mu m]\)
  • Resolution \([nm]\)
  • Length \([mm]\)

Displacement and Length

The maximum displacement specified is the displacement of the actuator when the maximum voltage is applied and when no load is added.

Typical strain of Piezoelectric Stack Actuators is \(0.1%\), the free displacement \(d\) is then related to the length of piezoelectric stack: \[ d \approx \frac{L}{1000} \]

Blocked Force

The blocked force is measured by first applying the maximum voltage to the piezoelectric stack without any load. Thus, the piezoelectric stack experiences its maximum displacement.

A force is then applied to return the actuator to its original length. This force is measured and recorded as the blocking force.

The blocking force is also the maximum force that can produce the piezoelectric stack in contact with an infinitely stiff environment.



The resolution is limited by the noise in the voltage amplified.

Typical [Signal to Noise Ratio]({{< relref "signal_to_noise_ratio" >}}) of voltage amplified is \(100dB = 10^{5}\). Thus, for a piezoelectric stack with a displacement \(L\), the resolution will be

\begin{equation} r = \frac{L}{10^5} \end{equation}

For a piezoelectric stack with a displacement of \(100,[\mu m]\), the resolution will be \(\approx 1,[nm]\).

Piezoelectric Stack experiencing a mass load

Piezoelectric Stack in contact with a spring load

Mechanically Amplified Piezoelectric actuators

The Amplified Piezo Actuators principle is presented in (Frank Claeyssen {\it et al.}, 2007):

The displacement amplification effect is related in a first approximation to the ratio of the shell long axis length to the short axis height. The flatter is the actuator, the higher is the amplification.

A model of an amplified piezoelectric actuator is described in (Lucinskis & Mangeot, 2016).

Manufacturers Links
Cedrat link
PiezoDrive link
Dynamic-Structures link
Thorlabs link
Noliac link
Mechano Transformer link, link, link
CoreMorrow link


Fleming, A., Nanopositioning system with force feedback for high-performance tracking and vibration control, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 15(3), 433447 (2010).

Claeyssen, F., Letty, R. L., Barillot, F., & Sosnicki, O., Amplified piezoelectric actuators: static & dynamic applications, Ferroelectrics, 351(1), 314 (2007).

Lucinskis, R., & Mangeot, C. (2016). Dynamic characterization of an amplified piezoelectric actuator. Retrieved from . .

  • [Actuators]({{< relref "actuators" >}})