
12 KiB

Setup file




  detect-all           = true,
  detect-family        = true,
  detect-mode          = true,
  detect-shape         = true,
  detect-weight        = true,
  detect-inline-weight = math,




Fix the spacing of \left and \right. Use these with the proper bracket in order to ensure that they scale automatically.



\usepackage[      %
    acronym,      % Separate acronyms and glossary
    toc,          % appear in ToC
    automake,     % auto-use the makeglossaries command (requires shell-escape)
    nonumberlist, % don't back reference pages
    nogroupskip,  % don't group by letter
    nopostdot     % don't add a dot at the end of each element



Config Extra









Do not modify itemize/enumerate environments by default




List of figures

\setlength{\cftfignumwidth}{2.5em}  % Adjust this value as needed



I reduce the size of tables so that longer tables can still fit into an A4 (reduce font and make sans serif).




\clubpenalty         = 10000
\widowpenalty        = 10000
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000

Floating images configuration

By default, if a figure consumes 60% of the page it will get its own float-page. To change that we have to adjust the value of the floatpagefraction derivative.


See more information here.

Etoolbox package



Use pdf instead of png



\usepackage{xpatch} % Recommanded for biblatex
\usepackage[        % use biblatex for bibliography
    backend=biber,  % use biber backend (bibtex replacement) or bibtex
    style=ieee,     % bib style
    hyperref=true,  % activate hyperref support
    backref=true,   % activate backrefs
    isbn=false,     % don't show isbn tags
    url=false,      % don't show url tags
    doi=false,      % don't show doi tags
    urldate=long,   % display type for dates
    maxnames=3,     %
    minnames=1,     %
    maxbibnames=5,  %
    minbibnames=3,  %
    maxcitenames=2, %
    mincitenames=1  %

Remove ISSN, DOI and URL to shorten the bibliography.

 \clearfield{issn} % Remove issn
 \clearfield{doi} % Remove doi
\ifentrytype{online}{}{% Remove url except for @online

And increase the spacing between the entries, as per default they are too small.


Also reduce the font-size


Table of Contents for each chapter

Note that this is marked as deprecated for koma-script.

% Change section font
% Change indentation
% \usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind}

TODO Fonts

  % \usepackage{unicode-math} % It seems I don't need that as I don't want to use unicode char
  \setmainfont{EB Garamond}
  % \setmathfont{Garamond Math}

  % % Load some missing symbols from another font.
  % \setmathfont{STIX Two Math}[%
  % range = {
  % \sharp,
  % \natural,
  % \flat,
  % \clubsuit,
  % \spadesuit,
  % \checkmark
  % }
  %   ]
  %   \setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Source Code Pro}
  % \usepackage[lf]{ebgaramond} %
  \usepackage[oldstyle,scale=0.7]{sourcecodepro} %




CS Quotes

The csquotes package offers context sensitive quotation facilities, improving the typesetting of inline quotes.


To enclose quote environments with quotes from csquotes, see the following TeX SE thread.

\def\signed #1{{\leavevmode\unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50\hskip1em
    \hbox{}\nobreak\hfill #1%
    \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0 \endgraf}}


And then use quotes as:

# The options derivative adds text after the environment. We use it to add the author.
#+ATTR_LATEX: :options {\cite{Frahm1994}}
/Current (fMRI) applications often rely on "effects" or "statistically significant differences", rather than on a proper analysis of the relationship between neuronal activity, haemodynamic consequences, and MRI physics./

Note that org-ref links won't work here because the attr latex will be pasted as-is in the .tex file.

Setspace for controlling line spacing



Fine tuning of spacing between paragraphs. See thread here.

\setparsizes{0em}{0.1\baselineskip plus .1\baselineskip}{1em plus 1fil}

Possible Equation improvements

Make the equation numbers follow the chapter, not the whole thesis.



The minted package is used for highlighting source code.

\renewcommand{\listingscaption}{Code Snippet}

And reduce the distance between a minted listing and its caption.



This package fixes some incompatibility errors between KOMAScript and other packages (namely minted). It has to be loaded at the end.


Background cover page

Add the cover image as background to the first page. Only do so when outputting a final version, because it significantly slows down the compilation times.




% highlight


% \usepackage[headsepline]{scrlayer-scrpage}
% \pagestyle{scrheadings}

Config to have the chapter name until there is a section, and then displays the sections (from the doc)

% \pagestyle{scrheadings}
% \automark[section]{chapter}
% Clear default header styles

% Set the header content
\ihead{\headmark}  % Chapter (or section on even pages) aligned to the left
\ohead{\pagemark}  % Page number aligned to the right

% Enable the page style

\setkomafont{headsepline}{\color{black}}  % Change color if desired
\ModifyLayer[addvoffset=\dp\strutbox]{headsepline}  % Fine-tune position

Kind of working solution:

% \automark{section}
% \renewhead*{headings}{
%   \ifstr{\headmark}{}{}{%
%     \headmark\hfill
%   }
% }

Section/Figure format






Improve chapter font colors and font size. The following commands make chapter numbers BrickRed.

\renewcommand*{\chapterformat}{  \mbox{\chapappifchapterprefix{\nobreakspace}{\color{BrickRed}\fontsize{40}{45}\selectfont\thechapter}\autodot\enskip}}
% Section with color
% \renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{\color{BrickRed} {\csname the#1\endcsname}\hspace{0.3em}}
\renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{{\csname the#1\endcsname}\hspace{0.3em}}

Hyperref and Bookmarks

\usepackage[            %
    colorlinks=true,    %
    citecolor=BrickRed, %
    linkcolor=BrickRed, %
    urlcolor=BrickRed,  %
    unicode             %


The bookmark package implements a new bookmark (outline) organisation for package hyperref. This lets us change the "tree-navigation" associated with the generated pdf and constrain the menu only to H:2.



Index and glossaries
