Centralized HAC, control in the frame of the struts
\item To compute the positioning errors in the frame of the struts
\item Compute the wanted pose of the sample with respect to the granite using the micro-station kinematics (Section \ref{ssec:nass_ustation_kinematics})
\item Measure the sample pose with respect to the granite using the external metrology and internal metrology for Rz (Section \ref{ssec:nass_sample_pose_error})
\item Compute the sample pose error and map these errors in the frame of the struts (Section \ref{ssec:nass_error_struts})
\item The complete control architecture is shown in Section \ref{ssec:nass_control_architecture}
\item[{$\square$}]\href{file:///home/thomas/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/positioning\_error.org}{positioning\_error}: Explain how the NASS control is made (computation of the wanted position, measurement of the sample position, computation of the errors)
In reality, 5DoF metrology => have to estimate the Rz using spindle encoder + nano-hexapod internal metrology (micro-hexapod does not perform Rz rotation).
\section{Position error in the frame of the struts}
Explain how to compute the errors in the frame of the struts (rotating):
\item Errors in the granite frame
\item Errors in the frame of the nano-hexapod
\item Errors in the frame of the struts => used for control
\caption{\label{fig:nass_control_architecture}The physical systems are shown in blue, the control kinematics in red, the decentralized Integral Force Feedback in yellow and the centralized High Authority Controller in green.}
\item[{$\square$}]\href{file:///home/thomas/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/control-active-damping.org}{active damping for stewart platforms}
\item[{$\square$}]\href{file:///home/thomas/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/bibliography.org}{Vibration Control and Active Damping}
\item[{$\square$}]\href{file:///home/thomas/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/uncertainty\_experiment.org}{uncertainty\_experiment}: Effect of experimental conditions on the plant (payload mass, Ry position, Rz position, Rz velocity, etc\ldots{})
\item Effect of micro-station compliance
\item Effect of IFF
\item Effect of payload mass
\item Decoupled plant
\item Controller design
From control kinematics:
\item Talk about issue of not estimating Rz from external metrology? (maybe could be nice to discuss that during the experiments!)
\item Show what happens is Rz is not estimated (for instance supposed equaled to zero => increased coupling)
\item Compute transfer functions from spindle vertical error to sample vertical error with HAC-IFF
Compare without the NASS, and with just IFF
\item Same for horizontal
\section{Tomography experiment}
\item With HAC-IFF, perform tomography experiment, and compare with open-loop
\item Take into account disturbances, metrology sensor noise. Maybe say here that we don't take in account other noise sources as they will be optimized latter (detail design phase)
\item Tomography + lateral scans (same as what was done in open loop \href{file:///home/thomas/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/phd-thesis-chapters/A4-simscape-micro-station/simscape-micro-station.org}{here})