2019-01-18 17:18:02 +01:00

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#+TITLE: Control in a rotating frame
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#+PROPERTY: header-args:matlab :session *MATLAB*
#+PROPERTY: header-args:matlab+ :tangle rotating_frame.m
#+PROPERTY: header-args:matlab+ :comments org
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* Goal of this note
The control objective is to stabilize the position of a rotating object with respect to a non-rotating frame.
The actuators are also rotating with the object.
We want to compare the two different approach:
- the measurement is made in the fixed frame
- the measurement is made in the rotating frame
* System
** System description
The system consists of one 2 degree of freedom translation stage on top of a spindle (figure [[fig:rotating_frame_2dof]]).
The control inputs are the forces applied in the translation stage ($F_u$ and $F_v$). As the translation stage is rotating around the Z axis due to the spindle, the forces are applied along $u$ and $v$.
The measurement is either the $x-y$ displacement of the object located on top of the translation stage or the $u-v$ displacement of the actuators.
#+name: fig:rotating_frame_2dof
#+caption: Schematic of the mecanical system
In the following block diagram:
- $G$ is the transfer function from the forces applied in the actuators to the measurement
- $K$ is the controller to design
- $J$ is a Jacobian matrix usually used to change the reference frame
Indices $x$ and $y$ corresponds to signals in the fixed reference frame (along $\vec{i}_x$ and $\vec{i}_y$):
- $D_x$ is the measured position of the sample
- $r_x$ is the reference signal which corresponds to the wanted $D_x$
- $\epsilon_x$ is the position error
Indices $u$ and $v$ corresponds to signals in the rotating reference frame ($\vec{i}_u$ and $\vec{i}_v$):
- $F_u$ and $F_v$ are forces applied by the actuators
- $\epsilon_u$ and $\epsilon_v$ are position error of the sample along $\vec{i}_u$ and $\vec{i}_v$
** Equations
Based on the figure [[fig:rotating_frame_2dof]], we can write the equations of motion of the system.
Let's express the kinetic energy $T$ and the potential energy $V$ of the mass $m$:
#+name: eq:energy_inertial_frame
T & = \frac{1}{2} m \left( \dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2 \right) \\
V & = \frac{1}{2} k \left( x^2 + y^2 \right)
The Lagrangian is the kinetic energy minus the potential energy.
#+name: eq:lagrangian_inertial_frame
L = T-V = \frac{1}{2} m \left( \dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2 \right) - \frac{1}{2} k \left( x^2 + y^2 \right)
The partial derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to the variables $(x, y)$ are:
#+name: eq:inertial_frame_deriv
\frac{\partial L}{\partial x} & = -kx \\
\frac{\partial L}{\partial y} & = -ky \\
\frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{x}} & = m\ddot{x} \\
\frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{y}} & = m\ddot{y}
The external forces applied to the mass are:
F_{\text{ext}, x} &= F_u \cos{\theta} - F_v \sin{\theta}\\
F_{\text{ext}, y} &= F_u \sin{\theta} + F_v \cos{\theta}
By appling the Lagrangian equations, we obtain:
m\ddot{x} + kx = F_u \cos{\theta} - F_v \sin{\theta}\\
m\ddot{y} + ky = F_u \sin{\theta} + F_v \cos{\theta}
We then change coordinates from $(x, y)$ to $(d_x, d_y, \theta)$.
x & = d_u \cos{\theta} - d_v \sin{\theta}\\
y & = d_u \sin{\theta} + d_v \cos{\theta}
We obtain:
\ddot{x} & = \ddot{d_u} \cos{\theta} - 2\dot{d_u}\dot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - d_u\ddot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - d_u\dot{\theta}^2 \cos{\theta}
- \ddot{d_v} \sin{\theta} - 2\dot{d_v}\dot{\theta}\cos{\theta} - d_v\ddot{\theta}\cos{\theta} + d_v\dot{\theta}^2 \sin{\theta} \\
\ddot{y} & = \ddot{d_u} \sin{\theta} + 2\dot{d_u}\dot{\theta}\cos{\theta} + d_u\ddot{\theta}\cos{\theta} - d_u\dot{\theta}^2 \sin{\theta}
+ \ddot{d_v} \cos{\theta} - 2\dot{d_v}\dot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - d_v\ddot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - d_v\dot{\theta}^2 \cos{\theta} \\
By injecting the previous result into the Lagrangian equation [[eq:lagrangian_eq_inertial]], we obtain:
m \ddot{d_u} \cos{\theta} - 2m\dot{d_u}\dot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - m d_u\ddot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - m d_u\dot{\theta}^2 \cos{\theta}
-m \ddot{d_v} \sin{\theta} - 2m\dot{d_v}\dot{\theta}\cos{\theta} - m d_v\ddot{\theta}\cos{\theta} + m d_v\dot{\theta}^2 \sin{\theta}
+ k d_u \cos{\theta} - k d_v \sin{\theta} = F_u \cos{\theta} - F_v \sin{\theta} \\
m \ddot{d_u} \sin{\theta} + 2m\dot{d_u}\dot{\theta}\cos{\theta} + m d_u\ddot{\theta}\cos{\theta} - m d_u\dot{\theta}^2 \sin{\theta}
+ m \ddot{d_v} \cos{\theta} - 2m\dot{d_v}\dot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - m d_v\ddot{\theta}\sin{\theta} - m d_v\dot{\theta}^2 \cos{\theta}
+ k d_u \sin{\theta} + k d_v \cos{\theta} = F_u \sin{\theta} + F_v \cos{\theta}
Which is equivalent to:
m \ddot{d_u} - 2m\dot{d_u}\dot{\theta}\frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}} - m d_u\ddot{\theta}\frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}} - m d_u\dot{\theta}^2
-m \ddot{d_v} \frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}} - 2m\dot{d_v}\dot{\theta} - m d_v\ddot{\theta} + m d_v\dot{\theta}^2 \frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}}
+ k d_u - k d_v \frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}} = F_u - F_v \frac{\sin{\theta}}{\cos{\theta}} \\
m \ddot{d_u} + 2m\dot{d_u}\dot{\theta}\frac{\cos{\theta}}{\sin{\theta}} + m d_u\ddot{\theta}\frac{\cos{\theta}}{\sin{\theta}} - m d_u\dot{\theta}^2
+ m \ddot{d_v} \frac{\cos{\theta}}{\sin{\theta}} - 2m\dot{d_v}\dot{\theta} - m d_v\ddot{\theta} - m d_v\dot{\theta}^2 \frac{\cos{\theta}}{\sin{\theta}}
+ k d_u + k d_v \frac{\cos{\theta}}{\sin{\theta}} = F_u + F_v \frac{\cos{\theta}}{\sin{\theta}}
We can then subtract and add the previous equations to obtain the following equations:
m \ddot{d_u} + (k - m\dot{\theta}^2) d_u &= F_u + 2 m\dot{d_v}\dot{\theta} + m d_v\ddot{\theta} \\
m \ddot{d_v} + (k - m\dot{\theta}^2) d_v &= F_v - 2 m\dot{d_u}\dot{\theta} - m d_u\ddot{\theta} \\
** Analysis
We obtain two differential equations that are coupled through:
- *Euler forces*: $m d_v \ddot{\theta}$
- *Coriolis forces*: $2 m \dot{d_v} \dot{\theta}$
Without the coupling terms, each equation is the equation of a one degree of freedom mass-spring system with mass $m$ and stiffness $k-d_u m\dot{\theta}^2$.
Thus, the term $-d_u m\dot{\theta}^2$ acts like a negative stiffness (due to *centrifugal forces*).
* Analytical Computation of forces for the NASS
For the NASS, the Euler forces should be less of a problem as $\ddot{\theta}$ should be very small when conducting an experiment.
First we will determine the value for Euler and Coriolis forces during regular experiment.
** Euler and Coriolis forces
Let's define the parameters for the NASS.
#+begin_src matlab :exports code :results silent
mlight = 35; % [kg]
mheavy = 85; % [kg]
wlight = 2*pi; % [rad/s]
wheavy = 2*pi/60; % [rad/s]
wdot = 1; % [rad/s2]
d = 0.1; % [m]
ddot = 0.2; % [m/s]
#+begin_src matlab :exports none :results silent
Felight = mlight*d*wdot;
Feheavy = mheavy*d*wdot;
Fclight = 2*mlight*d*wlight;
Fcheavy = 2*mheavy*d*wheavy;
We then compute the corresponding values of the Coriolis and Euler forces, and the obtained values are displayed in table [[tab:euler_coriolis]].
#+begin_src matlab :results value table :exports results :post addhdr(*this*)
ans = sprintf(' | Light | Heavy | \n Coriolis | %.1f N | %.1f N | \n Euler | %.1f N | %.1f N', Fclight, Fcheavy, Felight, Feheavy)
#+NAME: tab:euler_coriolis
#+CAPTION: Euler and Coriolis forces for the NASS
| | Light | Heavy |
| Coriolis | 44.0 N | 1.8 N |
| Euler | 3.5 N | 8.5 N |
** Spring Softening Effect
#+begin_src matlab :exports none :results silent
Klight = mlight*d*wdot^2;
Kheavy = mheavy*d*wdot^2;
The values for the spring softening effect are displayed in table [[tab:spring_softening]].
This is definitely negligible when using piezoelectric actuators. It may not be the case when using voice coil actuators.
#+begin_src matlab :results value table :exports results :post addhdr(*this*)
ans = sprintf(' | Light | Heavy | \n Spring Soft. | %.1f N/m | %.1f N/m', Klight, Kheavy)
#+NAME: tab:spring_softening
#+CAPTION: Spring Softening effect
| | Light | Heavy |
| Spring Soft. | 3.5 N/m | 8.5 N/m |
* Control Strategies
** Measurement in the fixed reference frame
First, let's consider a measurement in the fixed referenced frame.
The transfer function from actuator $[F_u, F_v]$ to sensor $[D_x, D_y]$ is then $G(\theta)$.
Then the measurement is subtracted to the reference signal $[r_x, r_y]$ to obtain the position error in the fixed reference frame $[\epsilon_x, \epsilon_y]$.
The position error $[\epsilon_x, \epsilon_y]$ is then express in the rotating frame corresponding to the actuators $[\epsilon_u, \epsilon_v]$.
Finally, the control low $K$ links the position errors $[\epsilon_u, \epsilon_v]$ to the actuator forces $[F_u, F_v]$.
The block diagram is shown on figure [[fig:control_measure_fixed_2dof]].
#+name: fig:control_measure_fixed_2dof
#+caption: Control with a measure from fixed frame
The loop gain is then $L = G(\theta) K J(\theta)$.
*** QUESTION Is the loop gain is changing with the angle ?
Is \[ G(\theta) J(\theta) = G(\theta_0) J(\theta_0) \] ?
** Measurement in the rotating frame
Let's consider that the measurement is in the rotating reference frame.
The corresponding block diagram is shown figure [[fig:control_measure_rotating_2dof]]
#+name: fig:control_measure_rotating_2dof
#+caption: Control with a measure from rotating frame
The loop gain is $L = G K$.
* Effect of the rotating Speed
** TODO Use realistic parameters for the mass of the sample and stiffness of the X-Y stage
** TODO Check if the plant is changing a lot when we are not turning to when we are turning at the maximum speed (60rpm)
* Effect of the X-Y stage stiffness
** TODO At full speed, check how the coupling changes with the stiffness of the actuators
* Noweb Snippets :noexport:
:HEADER-ARGS:matlab+: :results none :exports none :tangle no
:HEADER-ARGS:emacs-lisp+: :tangle no :eval no-export
** Matlab Init
#+NAME: matlab-init
#+BEGIN_SRC matlab :results none :exports none
clear; close all; clc;
ans = 0;
** Matlab Export Figure
#+NAME: matlab-export-figure
#+BEGIN_SRC matlab :var fn="figure" ft="png" size="normal-normal" :exports none
exportFig(fn, size);
ans = [fn, ".", ft];
** Add hline to org table
#+name: addhdr
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=""
(cons (car tbl) (cons 'hline (cdr tbl)))