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Nano Hexapod - Optimal Geometry

Introduction   ignore

  • In the conceptual design phase, the geometry of the Stewart platform was not optimized
  • In the detail design phase, we want to see if the geometry can be optimized to improve the overall performances
  • Optimization criteria: mobility, stiffness, dynamical decoupling, more performance / bandwidth


  • Review of Stewart platform: Section ref:sec:detail_kinematics_stewart_review Geometry, Actuators, Sensors, Joints
  • Effect of geometry on the Stewart platform characteristics ref:sec:detail_kinematics_geometry
  • Cubic configuration: benefits? ref:sec:detail_kinematics_cubic

Review of Stewart platforms


Introduction   ignore

  • as was explained in the conceptual phase, Stewart platform have the following key elements:

    • two plates
    • flexible joints
    • actuators
    • sensors
  • the geometry
  • This results in various designs as shown in Table ref:tab:detail_kinematics_stewart_review
  • The focus is here made on Stewart platforms for nano-positioning of vibration control. Not on long stroke stewart platforms.
  • All presented Stewart platforms are using flexible joints, as it is a prerequisites for nano-positioning capabilities.
  • Most of stewart platforms are using voice coil actuators or piezoelectric actuators. The actuators used for the Stewart platform will be chosen in the next section.

  • Depending on the application, various sensors are integrated in the struts or on the plates. The choice of sensor for the nano-hexapod will be described in the next section.

  • Only keep integrated sensor and not external metrology
  • Check for missing information











Geometry Actuators Sensors Reference
Cubic (6-UPU) Magnetostrictive Force (collocated), Accelerometers cite:&geng93_six_degree_of_freed_activ;&geng94_six_degree_of_freed_activ;&geng95_intel_contr_system_multip_degree
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_jpl Cubic Voice Coil (0.5 mm) Force (collocated) cite:&spanos95_soft_activ_vibrat_isolat;&rahman98_multiax
Cubic Voice Coil (10 mm) Force, LVDT, Geophones cite:&thayer98_stewar;&thayer02_six_axis_vibrat_isolat_system;&hauge04_sensor_contr_space_based_six
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_uw_gsp Cubic (CoM=CoK) Voice Coil Force cite:&mcinroy99_dynam;&mcinroy99_precis_fault_toler_point_using_stewar_platf;&mcinroy00_desig_contr_flexur_joint_hexap;&li01_simul_vibrat_isolat_point_contr;&jafari03_orthog_gough_stewar_platf_microm
Cubic Piezoelectric ($25\,\mu m$) Piezo force sensors cite:&defendini00_techn
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_ulb_pz Cubic APA ($50\,\mu m$) Force sensor cite:&abu02_stiff_soft_stewar_platf_activ
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_pph Non-Cubic Voice Coil Accelerometers cite:&chen03_payload_point_activ_vibrat_isolat
Cubic Voice Coil Force cite:&hanieh03_activ_stewar;&preumont07_six_axis_singl_stage_activ
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_uqp Cubic Piezoelectric ($50\,\mu m$) Geophone aligned with the strut cite:&agrawal04_algor_activ_vibrat_isolat_spacec
Non-Cubic Piezoelectric ($16\,\mu m$) Eddy Current cite:&furutani04_nanom_cuttin_machin_using_stewar
Cubic Piezoelectric ($120\,\mu m$) External capacitive cite:&ting06_desig_stewar_nanos_platf;&ting13_compos_contr_desig_stewar_nanos_platf
Non-Cubic Piezoelectric ($160\,\mu m$) External capacitive (LION) cite:&ting07_measur_calib_stewar_microm_system
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_zhang11 Non-cubic Magnetostrictive Inertial cite:&zhang11_six_dof
6-SPS (Optimized) Piezoelectric Strain Gauge cite:&du14_piezo_actuat_high_precis_flexib
Cubic Voice Coil Accelerometer in each leg cite:&chi15_desig_exper_study_vcm_based;&tang18_decen_vibrat_contr_voice_coil;&jiao18_dynam_model_exper_analy_stewar
Cubic Piezoelectric Force Sensor + Accelerometer cite:&wang16_inves_activ_vibrat_isolat_stewar
Almost cubic Voice Coil Force Sensor + Accelerometer cite:&beijen18_self_tunin_mimo_distur_feedf;&tjepkema12_activ_ph
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_yang19 6-UPS (Cubic?) Piezoelectric Force, Position cite:&yang19_dynam_model_decoup_contr_flexib
Figure ref:fig:detail_kinematics_naves Non-Cubic 3-phase rotary motor Rotary Encoders cite:&naves20_desig;&naves20_t_flex

Effect of geometry on Stewart platform properties


Introduction   ignore

  • Remind that the choice of frames (independently of the physical geometry) impacts the obtained stiffness matrix (as it is defined as forces/motion evaluated at the chosen frame)
  • Important: bi (join position w.r.t top platform) and si (orientation of struts)

For the nano-hexapod:

  • Size requirements: Maximum height, maximum radius


  • Give some examples:

    • struts further apart: higher angular stiffness, same linear stiffness
    • orientation: more vertical => increase vertical stiffness, decrease horizontal stiffness

Mobility and required joint and actuator stroke


The Cubic Architecture


Introduction   ignore

Cubic configuration file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/

The Cubic Architecture

From cite:&geng94_six_degree_of_freed_activ, 7 properties of cubic configuration:

  1. Uniformity in control capability in all directions
  2. Uniformity in stiffness in all directions
  3. Minimum cross coupling force effect among actuators
  4. Facilitate collocated sensor-actuator control system design
  5. Simple kinematics relationships
  6. Simple dynamic analysis
  7. Simple mechanical design
  • Principle
  • Examples of Stewart platform with Cubic architecture
  • Different options? Center of the cube above the top platform? Where to mention that ? With examples

Static Properties

Explain that we get diagonal K matrix => static decoupling in the cartesian frame. Uniform mobility in X,Y,Z directions

Dynamical Properties?



  • proposes an architecture where the CoM can be above the top platform
  • "Dynamic isotropy, leading to equal eigenfrequencies, is a powerful optimization measure."
  • Show examples where the dynamics can indeed be decoupled in the cartesian frame (i.e. decoupled K and M matrices)
  • Better decoupling between the struts? not sure… Compute the coupling between the struts for a cubic and non-cubic architecture
  • Same resonance frequencies for suspension modes? Maybe in one case: sphere at the CoM? Could be nice to show that. Say that this can be nice for optimal damping for instance (link to paper explaining that)



Inertia used for experiments will be very broad => difficult to optimize the dynamics Specific geometry is not found to have a huge impact on performances. Practical implementation is important.

Geometry impacts the static and dynamical characteristics of the Stewart platform. Considering the design constrains, the slight change of geometry will not significantly impact the obtained results.

Bibliography   ignore