
126 lines
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#+TITLE: Determination of the optimal nano-hexapod's stiffness
#+STARTUP: overview
#+AUTHOR: Dehaeze Thomas
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* Introduction :ignore:
As shown before, many parameters other than the nano-hexapod itself do influence the plant dynamics:
- The micro-station compliance (studied [[][here]])
- The payload mass and dynamical properties (studied [[][here]] and [[][here]])
- The experimental conditions, mainly the spindle rotation speed (studied [[][here]])
As seen before, the stiffness of the nano-hexapod greatly influence the effect of such parameters.
We wish here to see if we can determine an optimal stiffness of the nano-hexapod such that:
- Section [[sec:spindle_rotation_speed]]: the change of its dynamics due to the spindle rotation speed is acceptable
- Section [[sec:micro_station_compliance]]: the support compliance dynamics is not much present in the nano-hexapod dynamics
- Section [[sec:payload_impedance]]: the change of payload impedance has acceptable effect on the plant dynamics
* Spindle Rotation Speed
** Introduction :ignore:
** Matlab Init :noexport:ignore:
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** Conclusion :ignore:
* Micro-Station Compliance Effect
** Introduction :ignore:
- take the 6dof compliance of the micro-station
- simple model + uncertainty
** Matlab Init :noexport:ignore:
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** Conclusion :ignore:
* Payload "Impedance" Effect
** Introduction :ignore:
** Matlab Init :noexport:ignore:
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** Conclusion :ignore: