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Determination of the optimal nano-hexapod's stiffness

Introduction   ignore

As shown before, many parameters other than the nano-hexapod itself do influence the plant dynamics:

  • The micro-station compliance (studied here)
  • The payload mass and dynamical properties (studied here and here)
  • The experimental conditions, mainly the spindle rotation speed (studied here)

As seen before, the stiffness of the nano-hexapod greatly influence the effect of such parameters.

We wish here to see if we can determine an optimal stiffness of the nano-hexapod such that:

Spindle Rotation Speed


Introduction   ignore

Conclusion   ignore

Micro-Station Compliance Effect


Introduction   ignore

  • take the 6dof compliance of the micro-station
  • simple model + uncertainty

Conclusion   ignore

Payload "Impedance" Effect


Introduction   ignore

Conclusion   ignore