4.3 KiB

+++ title = "Matlab" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++

[Simulink]({{< relref "simulink" >}})

Resources on Matlab


Useful Commands

Command Description
desktop Open the Matlab Desktop
workspace Open the Workspace
who List all variables in the workspace
edit <filename> Edit the file using Matlab Desktop (usefully for debugging)
help <function>
doc <function>
checkcode <filename> Check Matlab code files for possible problems
preferences Open Matlab preferences


  • Folder that starts with a + are automatically added to the path. It is useful to add function inside such folder. Then the function is accessible with folder.function.


Bode Plot


Do not show legend for one plot

  hold on;
  plot(x, y1, 'DisplayName, 'lengendname');
  plot(x, y2, 'HandleVisibility', 'off');
  hold off;
  legend('Location', 'northeast');

Linux Installation

If a single user is using the Matlab installation on the machine:

  sudo chown -R $LOGNAME: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017b

Then, Toolboxes can be installed by the user without any problem.

To install Toolboxes, the best is to Download the Matlab installer from mathworks and just select the wanted toolboxes.

Used Toolboxes

Nice functions:

Debug Scripts

https://fr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/debugging-code.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22853116/how-to-debug-matlab-code-without-gui

Command Effect
dbclear Remove breakpoints
dbcont Resume execution
dbdown Reverse dbup workspace shift
dbquit Quit debug mode
dbstack Function call stack
dbstatus List all breakpoints
dbstep Execute next executable line from current breakpoint
dbstop Set breakpoints for debugging
dbtype Display file with line numbers
dbup Shift current workspace to workspace of caller in debug mode
keyboard Give control to keyboard
echo Display statements during function execution


Attaway, Stormy. 2018. MATLAB : a Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Hahn, Brian, and Daniel T Valentine. 2016. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists. Academic Press.

Higham, Desmond. 2017. MATLAB Guide. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Johnson, Richard K. 2010. The Elements of MATLAB Style. Cambridge University Press.

OverFlow, Stack. 2018. MATLAB Notes for Professionals. GoalKicker.com.