Update Content - 2024-06-04
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Tags
- Delta Sigma (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_1">Baker 2011</a>)
- Delta Sigma <baker11_how_delta_sigma_adcs_work_part>
- Successive Approximation
- Successive Approximation
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ The quantization is:
{{< youtube b9lxtOJj3yU >}}
{{< youtube b9lxtOJj3yU >}}
Also see (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_2">Kester 2005</a>).
Also see <kester05_takin>.
## Link between required dynamic range and effective number of bits {#link-between-required-dynamic-range-and-effective-number-of-bits}
## Link between required dynamic range and effective number of bits {#link-between-required-dynamic-range-and-effective-number-of-bits}
@ -96,18 +96,26 @@ Also see (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_2">Kester 2005</a>).
## Oversampling {#oversampling}
## Oversampling {#oversampling}
(<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_3">Lab 2013</a>)
## Sigma Delta ADC {#sigma-delta-adc}
## Sigma Delta ADC {#sigma-delta-adc}
From (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_4">Schmidt, Schitter, and Rankers 2020</a>):
From <&schmidt20_desig_high_perfor_mechat_third_revis_edition>:
> The low cost and excellent linearity properties of the Sigma-Delta ADC have replaced other ADC types in many measurement and registration systems, especially where storage of data is more important than real-time measurement.
> The low cost and excellent linearity properties of the Sigma-Delta ADC have replaced other ADC types in many measurement and registration systems, especially where storage of data is more important than real-time measurement.
> This has typically been the case in audio recording and reproduction.
> This has typically been the case in audio recording and reproduction.
> The reason why this principle is less applied with real-time measurements is the time delay between the bitstream representing the actual value and the availability of the corresponding value after the decimation filter.
> The reason why this principle is less applied with real-time measurements is the time delay between the bitstream representing the actual value and the availability of the corresponding value after the decimation filter.
> The resulting **latency** amounts with a low cost sigma-delta ADC approximately **twenty times the sampling period of the decimated digital output**.
> The resulting **latency** amounts with a low cost sigma-delta ADC approximately **twenty times the sampling period of the decimated digital output**.
<div class="exampl">
A 50kHz decimated sampling frequency has a sample period of 20us, resulting in a total latency of more than 400us.
This would cause almost 180 degrees phase delay for a 1kHz signal frequency, which is not acceptable with high bandwidth motion control systems.
This phenomenon clearly illustrates the necessity to distinguish sample frequency from speed.
Therefore, even though there are sigma-delta ADC with high precision and sampling rate, they add large latency (i.e. time delay) that are very problematic for feedback systems.
Therefore, even though there are sigma-delta ADC with high precision and sampling rate, they add large latency (i.e. time delay) that are very problematic for feedback systems.
> The SAR-ADC (Successive approximation ADCs) is still the mostly applied type for data-acquisition and feedback systems because of its single sample latency.
> The SAR-ADC (Successive approximation ADCs) is still the mostly applied type for data-acquisition and feedback systems because of its single sample latency.
@ -117,9 +125,4 @@ Therefore, even though there are sigma-delta ADC with high precision and samplin
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
<style>.csl-entry{text-indent: -1.5em; margin-left: 1.5em;}</style><div class="csl-bib-body">
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_1"></a>Baker, Bonnie. 2011. “How Delta-Sigma Adcs Work, Part.” <i>Analog Applications</i> 7.</div>
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_2"></a>Kester, Walt. 2005. “Taking the Mystery out of the Infamous Formula, $snr = 6.02 N + 1.76 Db$, and Why You Should Care.”</div>
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_3"></a>Lab, Silicon. 2013. “Improving the ADC Resolution by Oversampling and Averaging.” Silicon Laboratories.</div>
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_4"></a>Schmidt, R Munnig, Georg Schitter, and Adrian Rankers. 2020. <i>The Design of High Performance Mechatronics - Third Revised Edition</i>. Ios Press.</div>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title = "Linear Guides"
title = "Linear Guides"
author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"]
author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"]
draft = false
draft = false
category = "equipment"
category = "equipment"
@ -15,3 +15,15 @@ Tags
| [Bosch Rexroth](https://www.boschrexroth.com/en/xc/products/product-groups/linear-motion-technology/topics/linear-guides/) | Germany |
| [Bosch Rexroth](https://www.boschrexroth.com/en/xc/products/product-groups/linear-motion-technology/topics/linear-guides/) | Germany |
| [THK](https://www.thk.com/?q=eng/node/231) | Japan |
| [THK](https://www.thk.com/?q=eng/node/231) | Japan |
## Different Technologies {#different-technologies}
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/linear_bearing_comp.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>Comparison of different linear guides" >}}
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/linear_bearing_cross_section.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 2: </span>Cross section of considered linear guides" >}}
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
@ -57,6 +57,170 @@ Main advantage of flexure jointed Stewart platforms over conventional (long stro
- Easier to decouple the dynamics that works for all the stroke
- Easier to decouple the dynamics that works for all the stroke
## Built Stewart PLatforms {#built-stewart-platforms}
<span class="org-target" id="org-target--sec-built"></span>
- Short Stroke: PZT, Voice Coil, Magnetostrictive
- Long Stroke: DC, AC, Servo + Ball Screw, Inchworm
- Flexible: usually for short stroke
- Conventional
- Force Sensors
- Relative Motion Sensors: Encoders, LVDT
- Strain Gauge
- Inertial Sensors (Geophone, Accelerometer)
- External Metrology
### Short Stroke {#short-stroke}
<span class="org-target" id="org-target--sec-built-short-stroke"></span>
| University | Figure | Configuration | Joints | Actuators | Sensors | Application | Link to bibliography |
| JPL | <fig:stewart_jpl> | Cubic | Flexible | Voice Coil (0.5 mm) | Force (collocated) | | <spanos95_soft_activ_vibrat_isolat>, <rahman98_multiax> Vibration Isolation (Space) |
| Washinton, JPL | <fig:stewart_ht_uw> | Cubic | Elastomers | Voice Coil (10 mm) | Force, LVDT, Geophones | Isolation + Pointing (Space) | <thayer98_stewar>, <thayer02_six_axis_vibrat_isolat_system>, <hauge04_sensor_contr_space_based_six> |
| Wyoming | <fig:stewart_uw_gsp> | Cubic (CoM=CoK) | Flexible | Voice Coil | Force | | <mcinroy99_dynam>, <mcinroy99_precis_fault_toler_point_using_stewar_platf>, <mcinroy00_desig_contr_flexur_joint_hexap>, <li01_simul_vibrat_isolat_point_contr>, <jafari03_orthog_gough_stewar_platf_microm> |
| Brussels | <fig:stewart_ulb_vc> | Cubic | Flexible | Voice Coil | Force | Vibration Isolation | <hanieh03_activ_stewar>, <preumont07_six_axis_singl_stage_activ> |
| SRDC | <fig:stewart_naval> | Not Cubic | Ball joints | Voice Coil (10 mm) | | | <taranti01_effic_algor_vibrat_suppr> |
| SRDC | <fig:stewart_pph> | Non-Cubic | Flexible | Voice Coil | Accelerometers, External metrology: Eddy Current + optical | Pointing | <chen03_payload_point_activ_vibrat_isolat> |
| Harbin (China) | <fig:stewart_tang18> | Cubic | Flexible | Voice Coil | Accelerometer in each leg | | <chi15_desig_exper_study_vcm_based>, <tang18_decen_vibrat_contr_voice_coil>, <jiao18_dynam_model_exper_analy_stewar> |
| Einhoven | <fig:stewart_beijen> | Almost cubic | Flexible | Voice Coil | Force Sensor + Accelerometer | Vibration Isolation | <beijen18_self_tunin_mimo_distur_feedf>, <tjepkema12_activ_ph> |
| JPL | <fig:stewart_geng> | Cubic (6-UPU) | Flexible | Magnetostrictive | Force (collocated), Accelerometers | Vibration Isolation | <geng93_six_degree_of_freed_activ>, <geng94_six_degree_of_freed_activ>, <geng95_intel_contr_system_multip_degree> |
| China | <fig:stewart_zhang11> | Non-cubic | Flexible | Magnetostrictive | Inertial | | <zhang11_six_dof> |
| Brussels | <fig:stewart_ulb_pz> | Cubic | Flexible | Piezoelectric, Amplified | Piezo Force | Active Damping | <abu02_stiff_soft_stewar_platf_activ> |
| SRDC | <fig:stewart_uqp> | Cubic | | Piezoelectric (50 um) | Geophone | Vibration | <agrawal04_algor_activ_vibrat_isolat_spacec> |
| Taiwan | <fig:stewart_nanoscale> | Cubic | Flexible | Piezoelectric (120 um) | External capacitive | | <ting06_desig_stewar_nanos_platf>, <ting13_compos_contr_desig_stewar_nanos_platf> |
| Taiwan | <fig:stewart_ting07> | Non-Cubic | Flexible | Piezoelectric (160 um) | External capacitive (LION) | | <ting07_measur_calib_stewar_microm_system> |
| Harbin (China) | <fig:stewart_du14> | 6-SPS (Optimized) | Flexible | Piezoelectric | Strain Gauge | | <du14_piezo_actuat_high_precis_flexib> |
| Japan | <fig:stewart_furutani> | Non-Cubic | Flexible | Piezoelectric (16 um) | Eddy Current Displacement Sensors | Cutting machine | <furutani04_nanom_cuttin_machin_using_stewar> |
| China | <fig:stewart_yang19> | 6-UPS (Cubic?) | Flexible | Piezoelectric | Force, Position | | <yang19_dynam_model_decoup_contr_flexib> |
| Shangai | <fig:stewart_wang16> | Cubic | Flexible | Piezoelectric | Force Sensor + Accelerometer | | <wang16_inves_activ_vibrat_isolat_stewar> |
| Matra (France) | <fig:stewart_mais> | Cubic | Flexible | Piezoelectric (25 um) | Piezo force sensors | Vibration control | <defendini00_techn> |
| Japan | <fig:stewart_torii> | Non-Cubic | Flexible | Inchworm | | | <torii12_small_size_self_propel_stewar_platf> |
| Netherlands | <fig:stewart_naves> | Non-Cubic | Flexible | 3-phase rotary motor | Rotary Encoders | | <&naves20_desig;&naves20_t_flex> |
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-naves"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_naves.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>T-flex <&naves20_desig>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-naval"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_naval.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 2: </span><&taranti01_effic_algor_vibrat_suppr>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-mais"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_mais.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 3: </span><&defendini00_techn>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-geng"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_geng.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 4: </span><&geng94_six_degree_of_freed_activ>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-jpl"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_jpl.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 5: </span><&spanos95_soft_activ_vibrat_isolat>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-furutani"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_furutani.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 6: </span><&furutani04_nanom_cuttin_machin_using_stewar>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-torii"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_torii.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 7: </span><&torii12_small_size_self_propel_stewar_platf>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-wang16"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_wang16.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 8: </span><&wang16_inves_activ_vibrat_isolat_stewar>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-beijen"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_beijen.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 9: </span><&beijen18_self_tunin_mimo_distur_feedf>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-zhang11"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_zhang11.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 10: </span><&zhang11_six_dof>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-yang19"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_yang19.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 11: </span><&yang19_dynam_model_decoup_contr_flexib>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-du14"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_du14.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 12: </span><&du14_piezo_actuat_high_precis_flexib>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-tang18"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_tang18.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 13: </span><&tang18_decen_vibrat_contr_voice_coil>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-nanoscale"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_nanoscale.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 14: </span><&ting06_desig_stewar_nanos_platf>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-ting07"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_ting07.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 15: </span><&ting07_measur_calib_stewar_microm_system>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-ht-uw"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_ht_uw.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 16: </span>Hood Technology Corporation (HT) and the University of Washington (UW) have designed and tested a unique hexapod design for spaceborne interferometry missions <&thayer02_six_axis_vibrat_isolat_system>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-uw-gsp"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_uw_gsp.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 17: </span>UW GSP: Mutually Orthogonal Stewart Geometry <&li01_simul_fault_vibrat_isolat_point>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-pph"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_pph.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 18: </span>Precision Pointing Hexapod (PPH) <&chen03_payload_point_activ_vibrat_isolat>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-uqp"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_uqp.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 19: </span>Ultra Quiet Platform (UQP) <&agrawal04_algor_activ_vibrat_isolat_spacec>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-ulb-pz"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_ulb_pz.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 20: </span>ULB - Piezoelectric <&abu02_stiff_soft_stewar_platf_activ>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-ulb-vc"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_ulb_vc.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 21: </span>ULB - Voice Coil <&hanieh03_activ_stewar>" >}}
### Long Stroke {#long-stroke}
<span class="org-target" id="org-target--sec-built-long-stroke"></span>
| University | Figure | Configuration | Joints | Actuators | Sensors | Link to bibliography |
| Japan | <fig:stewart_cleary> | 6-UPS | Conventional | DC, gear + rack pinion | Encoder, 7um res | <cleary91_protot_paral_manip> |
| Seoul | <fig:stewart_kim00> | Non-Cubic | Conventional | Hydraulic | LVDT | <kim00_robus_track_contr_desig_dof_paral_manip> |
| Xidian (China) | <fig:stewart_su04> | Non-Cubic | Conventional | Servo Motor + Screwball | Encoder | <su04_distur_rejec_high_precis_motion> |
| Czech | <fig:stewart_czech> | 6-UPS | Conventional | DC, Ball Screw | Absolute Linear position | <brezina08_ni_labview_matlab_simmec_stewar_platf_desig>, <houska10_desig_implem_absol_linear_posit>, <brezina10_contr_desig_stewar_platf_linear_actuat> |
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-cleary"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_cleary.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 22: </span><&cleary91_protot_paral_manip>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-kim00"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_kim00.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 23: </span><&kim01_six>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-su04"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_su04.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 24: </span><&su04_distur_rejec_high_precis_motion>" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:stewart-czech"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/stewart_czech.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 25: </span>Stewart platform from Brno University (Czech) <&brezina08_ni_labview_matlab_simmec_stewar_platf_desig>" >}}
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
title = "Synchrotron Radiation Facilities"
author = ["Dehaeze Thomas"]
draft = false
## List of Synchrotrons {#list-of-synchrotrons}
| Name | Country | Gen | Status | Energy | Brightness | Emittance | Current |
| [ESRF](https://www.esrf.fr/about/upgrade) | France, Grenoble | 4th | In operation | 6GeV | | 110pm.rad, 5pm.rad | 200mA |
| [Soleil II](https://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr/fr) | France, Paris | 3rd => 4th | Upgrade planned | 2.75GeV | | 83pm.rad | 500mA |
| [Diamond II](https://www.diamond.ac.uk/Home/About/Vision/Diamond-II.html) | UK, Oxfordshire | 3rd => 4th | Upgrade planned | 3GeV | | 3nm.rad, 8pm.rad | 300mA |
| [ALS-U](https://als.lbl.gov/als-u/als-u-approach/) | US, Berkeley | 3rd => 4th | Ongoing upgrade | 2Gev | | | 500mA |
| [SLAC](https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/content/spear3/photon-source-parameters) | US, Standford | 3rd | | 3GeV | | 10nm.rad, 14pm.rad | 500mA |
| [APS](https://www.aps.anl.gov/About/Overview) | US, Lemont | 4th | In operation | 7GeV | | | |
| [NSLS II](https://www.bnl.gov/nsls2/) | US, New York | 3rd | | 3GeV | 10^21 | 0.5nm.rad, 8pm.rad | |
| [Alba](https://www.cells.es/en/about/welcome) | Spain, Barcelona | 3rd | | 3GeV | | | |
| [PSI, SLS](https://www.psi.ch/en/sls/about-sls) | Switzerland | 3rd => 4th | Ongoing upgrade | 2.4GeV | | | |
| [Elettra 2.0](https://www.elettra.eu/lightsources/elettra/machine.html) | Italy, Triestre | 3rd => 4th | Upgrade planned | 2.4GeV | | 0.2nm.rad | |
| [Max IV](https://www.maxiv.lu.se/beamlines-accelerators/accelerators/) | Sweden, Lund | 4th | In operation | 3GeV | | 0.2nm.rad, 2pm.rad | 500mA |
| [DESY, PETRA IV](https://petra4.desy.de/index_eng.html) | Germany, Hamburg | 3rd => 4th | Upgrade planned | 6GeV | | 10pm.rad, 10pm.rad | 100mA |
| [BESSY II](https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/forschung/quellen/bessy/bessy-in-zahlen_en.html) | Germany, Berlin | 3rd => 4th | Upgrade planned | 1.7GeV | | | |
| [SESAME](https://www.sesame.org.jo/accelerators) | Jordan | 3rd | | 2.5GeV | | | |
| [LNLS, Sirius](https://lnls.cnpem.br/accelerators/) | Brazil | 4th | In operation | 3Gev | | 0.25nm.rad | 100mA |
| [HEPS](http://english.ihep.cas.cn/heps/nae/nh/) | China, Huairou | 4th | In operation | 6GeV | 10^22 | 60pm.rad | 200mA |
| [NSRL](https://en.nsrl.ustc.edu.cn/2015/0128/c10878a117870/page.htm) | China, Hefei | 3rd | | 0.8Gev | | | 300mA |
| [SSRF](https://lssf.cas.cn/en/facilities-view.jsp?id=ff8080814ff56599014ff599b8550033) | China, Shangai | 3rd | | 3.5GeV | | 4nm.rad | 300mA |
| [Spring-8 II](http://www.spring8.or.jp/en/) | Japan, Himeji | 3rd => 4th | Upgrade planned | 6Gev | | 50pm.rad | 200mA |
| [NanoTerasu](https://www.qst.go.jp/site/3gev-eng/) | Japan | 4th | In operation | 3GeV | | 1nm.rad | 400mA |
| [Australian Synchrotron](https://www.ansto.gov.au/facilities/australian-synchrotron) | Australia, Clayton | 3rd | | 3GeV | | 16nm.rad | 200mA |
| [Canadian Light Source](https://www.lightsource.ca/index.php) | Canada, Saskatchewan | 3rd | | 3GeV | | 18nm.rad | 220mA |
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ W_stop = 0.0025 [W]
## Basic Circuits {#basic-circuits}
## Basic Circuits {#basic-circuits}
<&okyay16_mechat_desig_dynam_contr_metrol>, Appendix A
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/okyay16_current_amplifier_schematic.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>From <&okyay16_mechat_desig_dynam_contr_metrol>, Appendix A" >}}
## Estimation of the required current noise {#estimation-of-the-required-current-noise}
## Estimation of the required current noise {#estimation-of-the-required-current-noise}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ draft = false
: [Passive Damping]({{< relref "passive_damping.md" >}}), [Mass Spring Damper Systems]({{< relref "mass_spring_damper_systems.md" >}})
: [Passive Damping]({{< relref "passive_damping.md" >}}), [Mass Spring Damper Systems]({{< relref "mass_spring_damper_systems.md" >}})
Review: (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_1">Elias and Matsagar 2017</a>), (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_2">Verbaan 2015</a>)
Review: <elias17_resear_devel_vibrat_contr_struc>, <&verbaan15_robus>
## Working Principle {#working-principle}
## Working Principle {#working-principle}
@ -149,11 +149,15 @@ Possible damping sources:
- Viscous fluid
- Viscous fluid
- Elastomer ([example](https://www.dspe.nl/knowledge/dppm-cases/tuned-mass-damper-with-damped-mass-far-away-from-point-of-interest/))
- Elastomer ([example](https://www.dspe.nl/knowledge/dppm-cases/tuned-mass-damper-with-damped-mass-far-away-from-point-of-interest/))
| Fuild | Reference |
| Fuild | Reference |
| Rocol Kilopoise 0868 | (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_2">Verbaan 2015</a>) |
| Rocol Kilopoise 0868 | <&verbaan15_robus> |
<style>.csl-entry{text-indent: -1.5em; margin-left: 1.5em;}</style><div class="csl-bib-body">
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_1"></a>Elias, Said, and Vasant Matsagar. 2017. “Research Developments in Vibration Control of Structures Using Passive Tuned Mass Dampers.” <i>Annual Reviews in Control</i> 44: 129–56. doi:<a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arcontrol.2017.09.015">10.1016/j.arcontrol.2017.09.015</a>.</div>
## Review of existing TMD {#review-of-existing-tmd}
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_2"></a>Verbaan, C.A.M. 2015. “Robust mass damper design for bandwidth increase of motion stages.” Mechanical Engineering; Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.</div>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/tmd_ligo.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 5: </span>Tuned Mass Damper used at LIGO" >}}
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/tmd_smac.jpg" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 6: </span>Commercial product from [SMAC](https://smac-sas.com/en/tuned-mass-damper/)" >}}
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Reference in New Issue
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