> The Jacobian matrix not only reveals the **relation between the joint variable velocities of a parallel manipulator to the moving platform linear and angular velocities**, it also constructs the transformation needed to find the **actuator forces from the forces and moments acting on the moving platform**.
([Merlet 2006](#org77b3718))
## Computing the Jacobian Matrix {#computing-the-jacobian-matrix}
How to derive the Jacobian matrix is well explained in chapter 4 of ([Taghirad 2013](#org1eb570f)) ([notes]({{< relref "taghirad13_paral" >}})).
Consider parallel manipulator shown in Figure [1](#orgf2877e3) (it represents a Stewart platform).
{{<figuresrc="/ox-hugo/jacobian_geometry.png"caption="Figure 1: Example of parallel manipulator with defined frames and vectors">}}
## Velocities of joints and of moving platform {#velocities-of-joints-and-of-moving-platform}
The Jacobian matrix links the joint variable velocities to the moving platform linear and angular velocities.
\dot{\bm{q}} = \bm{J} \dot{\bm{\mathcal{X}}}
with \\(\bm{q} = \left[ q\_1, q\_2, \ldots, q\_m \right]^T\\) the vector of actuated joint coordinates (linear displacement of an actuator prismatic joint or angular rotation of an actuated revolute joint) and \\(\bm{\mathcal{X}} = \left[ x\_1, x\_2, \ldots, x\_n \right]^T\\) the vector of moving platform motion variables (position or orientation).
From equation \eqref{eq:velocity_loop_closure}, we have:
## Static Forces in Parallel Manipulators {#static-forces-in-parallel-manipulators}
The **Jacobian matrix** constructs the **transformation needed to find the actuator forces** \\(\bm{\tau}\\) **from the wrench acting on the moving platform** \\(\bm{\mathcal{F}}\\):
\bm{\mathcal{F}} = \bm{J}^T \bm{\tau}
in which \\(\bm{\tau} = [f\_1, f\_2, \cdots, f\_6]^T\\) is the vector of actuator forces, and \\(\bm{\mathcal{F}} = [\bm{f}, \bm{n}]^T\\) is the 6D wrench applied by the manipulator to the environment at the point \\(\bm{O}\_B\\).
Note that it is here assumed that the forces are static and **along the limb axis** \\(\hat{\bm{s}}\_i\\).