2020-10-19 10:13:36 +02:00
title = "Transimpedance Amplifiers"
author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"]
draft = false
: [Electronics]({{< relref "electronics" >}})
## Description {#description}
A transimpedance amplifier is a "current to voltage converter" and is also named a current controlled voltage source.
It is generally used to interface a sensor which outputs a current proportional to the measurement parameter (photodiode for instance).
## Manufacturers {#manufacturers}
2021-03-14 16:00:24 +01:00
| Manufacturers | Country |
| [Kistler](https://www.kistler.com/fr/produits/composants/conditionnement-de-signal/) | Swiss |
| [MMF](https://www.mmf.de/signal%5Fconditioners.htm) | Germany |
| [Femto](https://www.femto.de/en/products/current-amplifiers.html) | Germany |
| [FMB Oxford](https://www.fmb-oxford.com/products/controls-2/control-modules/i404-quad-current-integrator/) | UK |
2020-10-19 10:13:36 +02:00