2019-10-31 11:14:28 +01:00

45 KiB

Sample Stabilization for Tomography Experiments in Presence of Large Plant Uncertainty - Tikz Figures

Configuration file is accessible here.

Fig 1: Schematic representation of the ID31 end station


Schematic representation of the ID31 end station (png, pdf, tex).

Fig 2: CAD View of the ID31 end station

    \tikzstyle{legend}=[draw, text width=4.2cm, align=center]

    \node[inner sep=0pt, anchor=south west] (assemblage) at (0,0)

    \coordinate[] (aheight) at (assemblage.north west);
    \coordinate[] (awidth)  at (assemblage.south east);

    \coordinate[] (xrightlabel) at (-0.2, 0);
    \coordinate[] (xleftlabel)  at ($(awidth)+(0.2, 0)$);

    % Translation Stage
    \coordinate[] (ty) at ($0.5*(aheight)+0.1*(awidth)$);
    \draw[<-] (ty) -- (ty-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Translation Stage\\$\SI{-5}{m\metre} < T_y < \SI{5}{m\metre}$};

    % Sample Interface
    \coordinate[] (sampleint) at ($0.77*(aheight)+0.5*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (sampleintmid) at ($(sampleint)+(-1, -0.5)$);
    \draw[<-] (sampleint) -- (sampleintmid) -- (sampleintmid-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Sample Interface};

    % Sample
    \coordinate[] (sample) at ($0.9*(aheight)+0.5*(awidth)$);
    \draw[<-] (sample) -- (sample-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Sample Environment\\$\SI{1}{\kg} < M < \SI{50}{\kg}$};

    % Tilt Stage
    \coordinate[] (tilt) at ($0.55*(aheight)+0.78*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (tiltmid) at ($(tilt)+(1, 0.5)$);
    \draw[<-] (tilt) -- (tiltmid) -- (tiltmid-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Tilt Stage\\$\ang{-3} < \theta_y < \ang{3}$};

    % Spindle
    \coordinate[] (spindle) at ($0.53*(aheight)+0.33*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (spindlemid) at ($(spindle)+(-1, -1.5)$);
    \draw[<-] (spindle) -- (spindlemid) -- (spindlemid-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Spindle\\$\SI{1}{rpm} < \dot{\theta_z} < \SI{60}{rpm}$};

    % Center of gravity compensation
    \coordinate[] (axisc) at ($0.65*(aheight)+0.65*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (axiscmid) at ($(axisc)+(1, 1.5)$);
    \draw[<-] (axisc) -- (axiscmid) -- (axiscmid-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Center of gravity\\compensation system};

    % Micro Hexapod
    \coordinate[] (hexapod) at ($0.52*(aheight)+0.6*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (hexapodmid) at ($(hexapod)+(1, -1.0)$);
    \draw[<-] (hexapod) -- (hexapodmid) -- (hexapodmid-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Long Stroke Hexapod\\$\SI{-10}{m\metre} < T_{x y z} < \SI{10}{m\metre}$\\$\ang{-3} < \theta_{x y z} < \ang{3}$};

    % Frame
    \coordinate[] (frame) at ($0.14*(aheight)+0.65*(awidth)$);
    \draw[<-] (frame) -- (frame-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Frame fixed\\on the granite};

    % X-Ray
    \draw[color=red, ->-=0.7] ($0.92*(aheight)+0.8*(awidth)$) -- node[above, color=black]{X-ray} ++(190:1.8);

    % Size of the setup
    \draw[dashed, <->, color=black!70, line width=0.5pt] ($0.03*(aheight)+0.35*(awidth)$) -- node[below, color=black, pos=0.6]{$\approx\SI{1}{m}$} ($0.14*(aheight)+0.98*(awidth)$);
    \draw[dashed, <->, color=black!70, line width=0.5pt] ($0.032*(aheight)+0.32*(awidth)$) -- node[left, color=black, pos=0.4]{$\approx\SI{1}{m}$} ($0.305*(aheight)+0.0*(awidth)$);

    % Axis
    \begin{scope}[shift={(0.0, 0.7)}]
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(195:0.8) node[above] {$x$};
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(90:0.9) node[right] {$z$};
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(-40:0.7) node[above] {$y$};



CAD View of the ID31 end station (png, pdf, tex).

Fig 3: Picture of the ID31 end station

    \node[inner sep=0pt, anchor=south west] (photo) at (0,0)

    \coordinate[] (aheight) at (photo.north west);
    \coordinate[] (awidth)  at (photo.south east);

    \coordinate[] (granite) at ($0.1*(aheight)+0.1*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (trans)   at ($0.5*(aheight)+0.4*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (tilt)    at ($0.65*(aheight)+0.75*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (hexapod) at ($0.7*(aheight)+0.5*(awidth)$);
    \coordinate[] (sample)  at ($0.9*(aheight)+0.55*(awidth)$);

    % Granite
    \node[labelc] at (granite) {1};
    % Translation stage
    \node[labelc] at (trans) {2};
    % Tilt Stage
    \node[labelc] at (tilt) {3};
    % Micro-Hexapod
    \node[labelc] at (hexapod) {4};
    % Sample
    \node[labelc] at (sample) {5};

    % Axis
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(55:0.7) node[above] {$y$};
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(90:0.9) node[left] {$z$};
      \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(-20:0.7) node[above] {$x$};


Picture of the ID31 end station (png, pdf, tex).

Fig 4: Schematic representation of the NASS added below the sample and the control architecture used


Schematic representation of the NASS added below the sample and the control architecture used (png, pdf, tex).

Fig 5: Transfer function from a force applied by the NASS to the displacement of the sample


Transfer function from a force applied by the NASS to the displacement of the sample (png, pdf).

Fig 6: General control configuration applied to the end station

    % Blocs
    \node[block={2.5cm}{2cm}] (P) {P};
    \node[block={2.5cm}{2cm}, below=1 of P, scale=0.6] (K) {\[%
          K_{T_x} & 0      & \cdots & 0            \\
          0       & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots       \\
          \vdots  & \ddots & \ddots & 0            \\
          0       & \cdots & 0      & K_{\theta_z} \\

    % Block names
    \node[above] at (P.north) {End Station};
    \node[above] at (K.north) {Controller};

    % Input and outputs coordinates
    \coordinate[] (inputw)  at ($(P.south west)!0.75!(P.north west)$);
    \coordinate[] (inputu)  at ($(P.south west)!0.25!(P.north west)$);
    \coordinate[] (outputz) at ($(P.south east)!0.75!(P.north east)$);
    \coordinate[] (outputv) at ($(P.south east)!0.25!(P.north east)$);

    % Connections and labels
    \draw[<-] (inputw) node[above left]{$w$} -- ++(-0.8, 0);
    \draw[<-] (inputu) node[above left]{$F$} -- ++(-0.8, 0) |- (K.west);

    \draw[->] (outputz) node[above right]{$z$} -- ++(0.8, 0);
    \draw[->] (outputv) node[above right]{$d$} -- ++(0.8, 0) |- (K.east);


General control configuration applied to the end station (png, pdf, tex).

Fig 7: Bode plot of the loop gain for the control in the x direction


Bode plot of the loop gain for the control in the x direction (png, pdf, tex).

Fig 8: Positioning error of the sample in the x and y direction during the simulation of a tomography experiment


Positioning error of the sample in the x and y direction during the simulation of a tomography experiment (png, pdf).

Fig 1: Schematic of the Tomography Experiment (Poster)


Schematic of the Tomography Experiment (png, pdf, tex).