First analysis of stiffness
This commit is contained in:
@ -702,9 +702,6 @@ Now we can estimate the stiffness with a linear fit.
sprintf('Stiffness is %.3f [N/mm]', abs(1e-3*(d\F)))
: Stiffness is 0.039 [N/mm]
This is very close to the 0.04 [N/mm] written in the [[file:doc/tmp3m0cvmue_7888038c-cdc8-48d8-a837-35de02760685.pdf][Millimar 1318 probe datasheet]].
And compare the linear fit with the raw measurement data (Figure [[fig:mahr_stiffness_f_d_plot]]).
@ -735,3 +732,359 @@ The Millimar 1318 probe has a stiffness of $\approx 0.04\,[N/mm]$.
* Bending Stiffness Measurement
** Matlab Init :noexport:ignore:
#+begin_src matlab :tangle no :exports none :results silent :noweb yes :var current_dir=(file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
#+begin_src matlab :exports none :results silent :noweb yes
#+begin_src matlab :tangle no
#+begin_src matlab :eval no
** Results
#+begin_src matlab
load('meas_stiff_flex_12_x.mat', 't', 'd', 'F');
#+begin_src matlab
d = d(t > 5.35 & t < 14.0);
F = F(t > 5.35 & t < 14.0);
t = t(t > 5.35 & t < 14.0);
d = d - d(1);
F = F - F(1);
t = t - t(1);
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
%% Time Domain plots
tiledlayout(2, 1, 'TileSpacing', 'None', 'Padding', 'None');
ax1 = nexttile;
plot(t, F);
ylabel('Force [N]'); set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ax2 = nexttile;
plot(t, d);
xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Displacement [m]');
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
hold on;
plot(F, d, 'DisplayName', 'Raw data');
% plot(F, F/(d\F), 'DisplayName', 'Linear fit');
hold off;
xlabel('Measured Force [N]');
ylabel('Measured Displacement [m]');
legend('location', 'southeast');
#+begin_src matlab
ta = [0.05, 1.13];
tb = [5.75, 7.2];
d_l = [d(t > ta(1) & t < ta(2)); d(t > tb(1) & t < tb(2))];
F_l = [F(t > ta(1) & t < ta(2)); F(t > tb(1) & t < tb(2))];
d_l = d_l - d_l(1);
F_l = F_l - F_l(1);
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
hold on;
plot(F_l, d_l, '.', 'DisplayName', 'Raw data');
plot(F_l, F_l/(d_l\F_l), 'DisplayName', 'Linear fit');
hold off;
xlabel('Measured Force [N]');
ylabel('Measured Displacement [m]');
legend('location', 'southeast');
#+begin_src matlab :results value replace :exports results :tangle no
h = 25e-3;
sprintf('Stiffness is %.3f [Nm/rad]', abs(h^2*(d_l\F_l)))
: Stiffness is 5.579 [Nm/rad]
** Results - Y
#+begin_src matlab
load('meas_stiff_flex_12_y.mat', 't', 'd', 'F');
#+begin_src matlab
%% Automatic Zero of the force
F = F - mean(F(t > 0.9 & t < 1.1));
%% Start measurement at t = 1.0 s
d = d(t > 1.0);
F = F(t > 1.0);
t = t(t > 1.0); t = t - t(1);
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
%% Time Domain plots
tiledlayout(2, 1, 'TileSpacing', 'None', 'Padding', 'None');
ax1 = nexttile;
plot(t, F);
ylabel('Force [N]'); set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ax2 = nexttile;
plot(t, d);
hold off;
xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Displacement [m]');
#+begin_src matlab
t_l = [5.58, 6.75]; % Time of flexible joint's linear region
t_s = [6.9, 7.24]; % Time of stop's linear region
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
%% Linear Fit
h = 25e-3;
F_l = F(t > t_l(1) & t < t_l(2));
d_l = d(t > t_l(1) & t < t_l(2));
F_s = F(t > t_s(1) & t < t_s(2));
d_s = d(t > t_s(1) & t < t_s(2));
fit_l = polyfit(F_l, d_l, 1);
fit_s = polyfit(F_s, d_s, 1);
%% Reset displacement based on fit
d = d - fit_l(2);
fit_s(2) = fit_s(2) - fit_l(2);
fit_l(2) = 0;
%% Estimated Stroke
F_max = fit_s(2)/(fit_l(1) - fit_s(1));
d_max = fit_l(1)*F_max;
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
hold on;
% plot(F_l, d_l, 'k.', 'DisplayName', 'Raw Data');
% plot(F_s, d_s, 'k.', 'HandleVisibility', 'off');
plot(F, d, 'k.', 'DisplayName', 'Raw data');
plot(F_l, fit_l(1)*F_l + fit_l(2), '--', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$k_{R_x} = %.1f [Nm/rad]$', (h)^2/fit_l(1)));
plot(F_s, fit_s(1)*F_s + fit_s(2), '--', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$k_s = %.1f [Nm/rad]$', (h)^2/fit_s(1)));
plot([0.8*F_max, 1.2*F_max], [d_max, d_max], '--', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$R_{x,max} = %.1f [mrad]$', 1e3*atan2(d_max,h)));
hold off;
xlabel('Measured Force [N]');
ylabel('Measured Displacement [m]');
legend('location', 'southeast');
#+begin_src matlab :results value replace :exports results :tangle no
sprintf('Bending Stiffness is %.1f [Nm/rad]', (h)^2/fit_l(1))
: Bending Stiffness is 5.5 [Nm/rad]
#+begin_src matlab :results value replace :exports results :tangle no
sprintf('Bending Stroke is %.1f [mrad]', 1e3*atan2(d_max,h))
: Bending Stroke is 17.9 [mrad]
** Results - X
#+begin_src matlab
load('meas_stiff_flex_12_x.mat', 't', 'd', 'F');
#+begin_src matlab
%% Automatic Zero of the force
F = F - mean(F(t > 0.9 & t < 1.1));
%% Start measurement at t = 1.0 s
d = d(t > 1.0);
F = F(t > 1.0);
t = t(t > 1.0); t = t - t(1);
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
%% Time Domain plots
tiledlayout(2, 1, 'TileSpacing', 'None', 'Padding', 'None');
ax1 = nexttile;
plot(t, F);
ylabel('Force [N]'); set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ax2 = nexttile;
plot(t, d);
hold off;
xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Displacement [m]');
#+begin_src matlab
t_l = [4.365, 5.47]; % Time of flexible joint's linear region
t_s = [5.65, 6.09]; % Time of stop's linear region
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
%% Linear Fit
h = 25e-3;
F_l = F(t > t_l(1) & t < t_l(2));
d_l = d(t > t_l(1) & t < t_l(2));
F_s = F(t > t_s(1) & t < t_s(2));
d_s = d(t > t_s(1) & t < t_s(2));
fit_l = polyfit(F_l, d_l, 1);
fit_s = polyfit(F_s, d_s, 1);
%% Reset displacement based on fit
d = d - fit_l(2);
fit_s(2) = fit_s(2) - fit_l(2);
fit_l(2) = 0;
%% Estimated Stroke
F_max = fit_s(2)/(fit_l(1) - fit_s(1));
d_max = fit_l(1)*F_max;
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
hold on;
plot(F, d, 'k.', 'DisplayName', 'Raw data');
plot(F_l, fit_l(1)*F_l + fit_l(2), '-', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$k_{R_x} = %.1f [Nm/rad]$', (h)^2/fit_l(1)));
plot(F_s, fit_s(1)*F_s + fit_s(2), '-', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$k_s = %.1f [Nm/rad]$', (h)^2/fit_s(1)));
plot([0.8*F_max, 1.2*F_max], [d_max, d_max], '-', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$R_{x,max} = %.1f [mrad]$', 1e3*atan2(d_max,h)));
hold off;
xlabel('Measured Force [N]');
ylabel('Measured Displacement [m]');
legend('location', 'southeast');
#+begin_src matlab :results value replace :exports results :tangle no
sprintf('Bending Stiffness is %.1f [Nm/rad]', (h)^2/fit_l(1))
: Bending Stiffness is 5.7 [Nm/rad]
#+begin_src matlab :results value replace :exports results :tangle no
sprintf('Bending Stroke is %.1f [mrad]', 1e3*atan2(d_max,h))
: Bending Stroke is 17.9 [mrad]
** Results - XY
#+begin_src matlab
load('meas_stiff_flex_12_xy.mat', 't', 'd', 'F');
#+begin_src matlab
%% Automatic Zero of the force
F = F - mean(F(t > 0.9 & t < 1.1));
%% Start measurement at t = 1.0 s
d = d(t > 1.0);
F = F(t > 1.0);
t = t(t > 1.0); t = t - t(1);
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
%% Time Domain plots
tiledlayout(2, 1, 'TileSpacing', 'None', 'Padding', 'None');
ax1 = nexttile;
plot(t, F);
ylabel('Force [N]'); set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ax2 = nexttile;
plot(t, d);
hold off;
xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Displacement [m]');
#+begin_src matlab
t_l = [4.99, 6.5]; % Time of flexible joint's linear region
t_s = [6.8, 7.10]; % Time of stop's linear region
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
%% Linear Fit
h = 25e-3;
F_l = F(t > t_l(1) & t < t_l(2));
d_l = d(t > t_l(1) & t < t_l(2));
F_s = F(t > t_s(1) & t < t_s(2));
d_s = d(t > t_s(1) & t < t_s(2));
fit_l = polyfit(F_l, d_l, 1);
fit_s = polyfit(F_s, d_s, 1);
%% Reset displacement based on fit
d = d - fit_l(2);
fit_s(2) = fit_s(2) - fit_l(2);
fit_l(2) = 0;
%% Estimated Stroke
F_max = fit_s(2)/(fit_l(1) - fit_s(1));
d_max = fit_l(1)*F_max;
#+begin_src matlab :exports none
hold on;
plot(F, d, 'k.', 'DisplayName', 'Raw data');
plot(F_l, fit_l(1)*F_l + fit_l(2), '-', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$k_{R_x} = %.1f [Nm/rad]$', (h)^2/fit_l(1)));
plot(F_s, fit_s(1)*F_s + fit_s(2), '-', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$k_s = %.1f [Nm/rad]$', (h)^2/fit_s(1)));
plot([0.8*F_max, 1.2*F_max], [d_max, d_max], '-', 'DisplayName', sprintf('$R_{x,max} = %.1f [mrad]$', 1e3*atan2(d_max,h)));
hold off;
xlabel('Measured Force [N]');
ylabel('Measured Displacement [m]');
legend('location', 'southeast');
#+begin_src matlab :results value replace :exports results :tangle no
sprintf('Bending Stiffness is %.1f [Nm/rad]', (h)^2/fit_l(1))
: Bending Stiffness is 5.6 [Nm/rad]
#+begin_src matlab :results value replace :exports results :tangle no
sprintf('Bending Stroke is %.1f [mrad]', 1e3*atan2(d_max,h))
: Bending Stroke is 23.1 [mrad]
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