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function [stewart] = initializeStewartPlatform(stewart, opts_param)
opts = struct(...
'thickness', 10, ... % Thickness of the base and platform [mm]
'density', 1000, ... % Density of the material used for the hexapod [kg/m3]
'k_ax', 1e8, ... % Stiffness of each actuator [N/m]
'c_ax', 1000, ... % Damping of each actuator [N/(m/s)]
'stroke', 50e-6 ... % Maximum stroke of each actuator [m]
if exist('opts_param','var')
for opt = fieldnames(opts_param)'
opts.(opt{1}) = opts_param.(opt{1});
BP = struct();
BP.Rint = 0; % Internal Radius [mm]
BP.Rext = 150; % External Radius [mm]
BP.H = opts.thickness; % Thickness of the Bottom Plate [mm]
BP.density = opts.density; % Density of the material [kg/m3]
BP.color = [0.7 0.7 0.7]; % Color [RGB]
BP.shape = [BP.Rint BP.H; BP.Rint 0; BP.Rext 0; BP.Rext BP.H]; % [mm]
stewart.BP = BP;
TP = struct();
TP.Rint = 0; % [mm]
TP.Rext = 100; % [mm]
TP.H = 10; % [mm]
TP.density = opts.density; % Density of the material [kg/m3]
TP.color = [0.7 0.7 0.7]; % Color [RGB]
TP.shape = [TP.Rint TP.H; TP.Rint 0; TP.Rext 0; TP.Rext TP.H];
stewart.TP = TP;
Leg = struct();
Leg.stroke = opts.stroke; % [m]
Leg.k_ax = opts.k_ax; % Stiffness of each leg [N/m]
Leg.c_ax = opts.c_ax; % Damping of each leg [N/(m/s)]
Leg.Rtop = 10; % Radius of the cylinder of the top part of the leg[mm]
Leg.Rbot = 12; % Radius of the cylinder of the bottom part of the leg [mm]
Leg.density = opts.density; % Density of the material used for the legs [kg/m3]
Leg.color = [0.5 0.5 0.5]; % Color of the top part of the leg [RGB]
Leg.R = 1.3*Leg.Rbot; % Size of the sphere at the extremity of the leg [mm]
legs = stewart.Ab - stewart.Aa;
Leg.lenght = norm(legs(1,:))/1.5; = ...
[0 0; ...
Leg.Rbot 0; ...
Leg.Rbot Leg.lenght; ...
Leg.Rtop Leg.lenght; ...
Leg.Rtop 0.2*Leg.lenght; ...
0 0.2*Leg.lenght];
stewart.Leg = Leg;
SP = struct();
SP.k = 0; % [N*m/deg]
SP.c = 0; % [N*m/deg]
SP.H = stewart.Aa(1, 3) - BP.H; % [mm]
SP.R = Leg.R; % [mm]
SP.section = [0 SP.H-SP.R;
0 0;
SP.R 0;
SP.density = opts.density; % [kg/m^3]
SP.color = [0.7 0.7 0.7]; % [RGB]
stewart.SP = SP;