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<li>Dehaeze, T., Vermat, M., & Christophe, C., <b>Complementary filters shaping using \(H_\infty\) synthesis</b>, In 7th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA) (pp. 459–464) (2019). (<ahref="dehaeze19_desig_compl_filte/index.html">link</a>)</li>
<li>Dehaeze, T., & Collette, C., <b>Active damping of rotating platforms using Integral Force Feedback</b>, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Modal Analysis Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA) (2020). (<ahref="dehaeze20_activ_dampin_rotat_platf_integ_force_feedb/index.html">link</a>)</li>