2024-03-19 15:30:11 +01:00

493 KiB

Nano-Hexapod on the micro-station

This report is also available as a pdf.

Introduction   ignore

Short Stroke Metrology System


Introduction   ignore

The control of the nano-hexapod requires an external metrology system measuring the relative position of the nano-hexapod top platform with respect to the granite. As the long-stroke ($\approx 1\,cm^3$) metrology system is not developed yet, a stroke stroke ($> 100\,\mu m^3$) can be used instead to validate the nano-hexapod control.

This short stroke metrology system consists of 5 interferometers pointing at 2 spheres fixed on top of the nano-hexapod (Figure ref:fig:LION_picture_close).


This short stroke metrology system is fixed to the main granite using a gantry made of granite blocs to have good vibration and thermal stability (see Figure ref:fig:short_stroke_metrology_overview).


As the metrology system as limited stroke (estimated to be in the order of hundreds of micro-meters in x-y-z), it has to be well aligned in the rest position.

The alignment procedure is as follows:

  1. The granite is aligned to be perpendicular to gravity (using inclinometer and adjusting airlocks)
  2. The height of micro-hexapod is tuned to be able to position the short stroke metrology without additional shim
  3. It is verified that the spindle axis is well perpendicular to the granite using the laser tracker
  4. The micro hexapod is then used to align the two spheres with the spindle axis.



We have the following set of equations:

\begin{align} d_1 &= +D_y - l_2 R_x \\ d_2 &= +D_y + l_1 R_x \\ d_3 &= -D_x - l_2 R_y \\ d_4 &= -D_x + l_1 R_y \\ d_5 &= -D_z \end{align}

That can be written as a linear transformation:

\begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} d_1 \\ d_2 \\ d_3 \\ d_4 \\ d_5 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & -l_2 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & l_1 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -l_2 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & l_1 \\ 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} D_x \\ D_y \\ D_z \\ R_x \\ R_y \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}

By inverting the matrix, we obtain the Jacobian relation:

\begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} D_x \\ D_y \\ D_z \\ R_x \\ R_y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & -l_2 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & l_1 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -l_2 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & l_1 \\ 0 & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}^{-1} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} d_1 \\ d_2 \\ d_3 \\ d_4 \\ d_5 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}
%% Parameters
H = 150e-3;
l1 = (150-48-42)*1e-3;
l2 = (76.2+48+42-150)*1e-3;
%% Transformation matrix
Hm = [ 0  1  0 -l2  0;
       0  1  0  l1  0;
      -1  0  0  0  -l2;
      -1  0  0  0   l1;
       0  0 -1  0   0];
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
Dx 0.0 0.0 -0.79 -0.21 0.0
Dy 0.79 0.21 0.0 0.0 0.0
Dz 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0
Rx -13.12 13.12 -0.0 0.0 0.0
Ry -0.0 -0.0 -13.12 13.12 0.0

Rough alignment of spheres using comparators

Bottom Sphere, then top sphere.

Alignment better than 10um. But the coaxiality between the cylinder and the sphere might not be good.

Two mechanical comparators used to align the top sphere with the rotation axis of the spindle

Alignment of spheres using interferometers

Angular alignment

%% Load Data
data_it0 = h5scan(data_dir, 'alignment', 'h1rx_h1ry', 1);
data_it1 = h5scan(data_dir, 'alignment', 'h1rx_h1ry_0002', 3);
data_it2 = h5scan(data_dir, 'alignment', 'h1rx_h1ry_0002', 5);
%% Offset wrong points
i_it0 = find(abs(data_it0.Rx_int_filtered(2:end)-data_it0.Rx_int_filtered(1:end-1))>1e-5);
data_it0.Rx_int_filtered(i_it0+1:end) = data_it0.Rx_int_filtered(i_it0+1:end) + data_it0.Rx_int_filtered(i_it0) - data_it0.Rx_int_filtered(i_it0+1);
i_it1 = find(abs(data_it1.Rx_int_filtered(2:end)-data_it1.Rx_int_filtered(1:end-1))>1e-5);
data_it1.Rx_int_filtered(i_it1+1:end) = data_it1.Rx_int_filtered(i_it1+1:end) + data_it1.Rx_int_filtered(i_it1) - data_it1.Rx_int_filtered(i_it1+1);
i_it2 = find(abs(data_it2.Rx_int_filtered(2:end)-data_it2.Rx_int_filtered(1:end-1))>1e-5);
data_it2.Rx_int_filtered(i_it2+1:end) = data_it2.Rx_int_filtered(i_it2+1:end) + data_it2.Rx_int_filtered(i_it2) - data_it2.Rx_int_filtered(i_it2+1);
%% Compute circle fit and get radius
[~, ~, R_it0, ~] = circlefit(1e6*data_it0.Rx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_it0.Ry_int_filtered);
[~, ~, R_it1, ~] = circlefit(1e6*data_it1.Rx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_it1.Ry_int_filtered);
[~, ~, R_it2, ~] = circlefit(1e6*data_it2.Rx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_it2.Ry_int_filtered);


Rx/Ry alignment of the spheres using the micro-station

Eccentricity alignment

%% Load Data
data_it0 = h5scan(data_dir, 'alignment', 'h1rx_h1ry_0002', 5);
data_it1 = h5scan(data_dir, 'alignment', 'h1dx_h1dy', 1);
%% Offset wrong points
i_it0 = find(abs(data_it0.Dy_int_filtered(2:end)-data_it0.Dy_int_filtered(1:end-1))>1e-5);
data_it0.Dy_int_filtered(i_it0+1:end) = data_it0.Dy_int_filtered(i_it0+1:end) + data_it0.Dy_int_filtered(i_it0) - data_it0.Dy_int_filtered(i_it0+1);
%% Compute circle fit and get radius
[~, ~, R_it0, ~] = circlefit(1e6*data_it0.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_it0.Dy_int_filtered);
[~, ~, R_it1, ~] = circlefit(1e6*data_it1.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_it1.Dy_int_filtered);


Dx/Dy alignment of the spheres using the micro-station

Residual error after alignment

%% Load Data
data = h5scan(data_dir, 'alignment', 'h1dx_h1dy', 1);
  • Dx and Dy are less than 1um.
  • Dz less than 0.1um.
  • Rx and Ry less than 4urad.


Remaining errors after aligning the metrology using the interferometers

Metrology acceptance

Because the interferometers are pointing to spheres and not flat surfaces, the lateral acceptance is limited.

data = h5scan(data_dir, 'metrology_acceptance', 'after_int_align_meshXY', 1);

x = 1e3*detrend(data.h1tx, 0); % [um]
y = 1e3*detrend(data.h1ty, 0); % [um]
z = 1e6*data.Dz_int_filtered - max(data.Dz_int_filtered); % [um]

mdl = scatteredInterpolant(x, y, z);
[xg, yg] = meshgrid(unique(x), unique(y));
zg = mdl(xg, yg);


XY mapping of the Z measurement by the interferometer

Simscape Model


Introduction   ignore

Init model

%% Add directories to path for Simscape Model
%% Options for Linearized
options = linearizeOptions;
options.SampleTime = 0;

%% Name of the Simulink File
mdl = 'nass_model_id31';

%% Initialize each Simscape model elements

initializeDisturbances('enable', false);
initializeLoggingConfiguration('log', 'none');

initializeController('type', 'open-loop');

initializeNanoHexapod('flex_bot_type', '2dof', ...
                      'flex_top_type', '3dof', ...
                      'motion_sensor_type', 'plates', ...
                      'actuator_type', '2dof');

initializeSample('type', '0');



initializeRzEstimate('type', 'encoders');


Identify Transfer functions

%% Input/Output definition
clear io; io_i = 1;
io(io_i) = linio([mdl, '/Controller'],     1, 'openinput');               io_i = io_i + 1; % Actuator Inputs
io(io_i) = linio([mdl, '/Micro-Station'],  3, 'openoutput', [], 'Fnlm');  io_i = io_i + 1; % Force Sensors
io(io_i) = linio([mdl, '/Micro-Station'],  3, 'openoutput', [], 'Dnlm');  io_i = io_i + 1; % Encoders
io(io_i) = linio([mdl, '/Tracking Error'], 1, 'openoutput', [], 'EdL');   io_i = io_i + 1; % Position Errors
io(io_i) = linio([mdl, '/Micro-Station/metrology_5dof/Lion_Metrology'], 1, 'output');   io_i = io_i + 1; % Interferometers

IFF Plant


IFF transfer function - Simscape model

Encoder plant


ENC transfer function - Simscape model

HAC Undamped plant


INT transfer function - Simscape model

Identified Open Loop Plant


Introduction   ignore

IFF Plant


Measured transfer function from generated voltages to measured voltage on the force sensors

The measured frequency response functions from DAC voltages $u_i$ to measured voltages on the force sensors $\tau_{m,i}$ are compared with the simscape model in Figure ref:fig:id31_comp_simscape_frf_ol_iff.


Comparison of the Simscape model and identified IFF plant

The effect of the payload mass on the diagonal elements are shown in Figure ref:fig:id31_effect_mass_frf_ol_iff.


Effect of the payload mass on the IFF plant

Encoder plant

The identified frequency response functions from general voltages $u_i$ to measured displacement of the struts by the encoders $d\mathcal{L}_i$ are compared with the simscape model in Figure ref:fig:id31_comp_simscape_frf_ol_enc.


Comparison of the Simscape model and identified plant - Transfer functions from voltages to encoders


Effect of the payload mass on the transfer function from actuator voltage to encoder displacement

HAC Undamped plant

The identified frequency response functions from actuator voltages $u_i$ to measured strut motion from the external metrology (i.e. the interferometers) are compare with the simscape model in Figure ref:fig:id31_comp_simscape_frf_ol_int.


Measured transfer function from generated voltages to measured voltage on the force sensors


Comparison of the Simscape model and identified plant - Transfer functions from voltages to estimated strut motion from interferometers


Effect of the payload mass on the transfer functions from actuator voltage to measured strut motion by the external metrology

Decoupling improvement thanks to better Rz alignment

Alignment procedure

  • Control based on encoders
  • Slow moving in X and Y
  • Compare with X and Y from interf
%% Load Data
data_1_dx = h5scan(data_dir, 'align_int_enc_Rz', 'tx_first_scan', 2);
data_1_dy = h5scan(data_dir, 'align_int_enc_Rz', 'tx_first_scan', 3);
data_2_dx = h5scan(data_dir, 'align_int_enc_Rz', 'verif-after-correct-offset', 1);
data_2_dy = h5scan(data_dir, 'align_int_enc_Rz', 'verif-after-correct-offset', 2);
hold on;
plot(1e6*data_1_dx.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_1_dx.Dy_int_filtered, 'color', colors(1,:), 'DisplayName', 'Measurement')
plot(1e6*data_1_dy.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_1_dy.Dy_int_filtered, 'color', colors(1,:), 'HandleVisibility', 'off')
plot(1e6*[-10:10]*cos(2.7*pi/180), -1e6*[-10:10]*sin(2.7*pi/180), '--', 'color', colors(2,:), 'DisplayName', '$R_z = 2.7$ deg')
plot(1e6*[-10:10]*sin(2.7*pi/180), 1e6*[-10:10]*cos(2.7*pi/180), '--', 'color', colors(2,:), 'HandleVisibility', 'off')
hold off;
xlabel('Interf $D_x$ [$\mu$m]');
ylabel('Interf $D_y$ [$\mu$m]');
legend('location', 'northeast', 'FontSize', 8, 'NumColumns', 1);
axis equal
xlim([-10, 10]); ylim([-10, 10]);
xticks([-10:5:10]); yticks([-10:5:10]);


hold on;
plot(1e6*data_1_dx.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_1_dx.Dy_int_filtered, 'color', colors(1,:), 'DisplayName', 'Initial')
plot(1e6*data_1_dy.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_1_dy.Dy_int_filtered, 'color', colors(1,:), 'HandleVisibility', 'off')
plot(1e6*data_2_dx.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_2_dx.Dy_int_filtered, 'color', colors(2,:), 'DisplayName', 'After $R_z$ calib')
plot(1e6*data_2_dy.Dx_int_filtered, 1e6*data_2_dy.Dy_int_filtered, 'color', colors(2,:), 'HandleVisibility', 'off')
hold off;
xlabel('Interf $D_x$ [$\mu$m]');
ylabel('Interf $D_y$ [$\mu$m]');
legend('location', 'northeast', 'FontSize', 8, 'NumColumns', 1);
axis equal
xlim([-10, 10]); ylim([-10, 10]);
xticks([-10:5:10]); yticks([-10:5:10]);




data = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-08_16-17_ol_plant_m0_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));
data_align = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-17_17-37_ol_plant_m0_Wz0_new_Rz_align.mat', mat_dir));


Decrease of the coupling with better Rz alignment


data = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-10_18-16_damp_plant_m3_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));
data_align = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_15-52_damp_plant_m3_new_Rz.mat', mat_dir));


Decrease of the coupling with better Rz alignment


  • Good match between the model and experiment

TODO Noise Budget


Introduction   ignore

In this section, the noise budget is performed. The vibrations of the sample is measured in different conditions using the external metrology.

Open-Loop Noise Budget

First, the noise is measured while no motion is performed.

%% Load measured noise
data_m0 = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_16-51_m0_lac_off.mat', mat_dir));

Noise budget in the cartesian frame

Data in the time domain


Measured vibration with the interferometers

In the frequency domain


Measured vibration with the interferometers


Measured vibration with the interferometers

Effect of LAC

%% Load measured noise
data_ol = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_16-51_m0_lac_off.mat', mat_dir));
data_lac = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_16-46_m0_lac_on.mat', mat_dir));

Effect of LAC (Figure ref:fig:id31_noise_budget_effect_lac_m0):

  • reduce amplitude around 80Hz
  • Inject some noise between 200 and 700Hz?


Measured vibration with the interferometers


Measured vibration with the interferometers

Effect of rotation

data_Wz0 = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_16-51_m0_lac_off.mat',       mat_dir));
data_Wz1 = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-18_m0_lac_off_1rpm.mat',  mat_dir));
data_Wz2 = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-39_m0_lac_off_30rpm.mat', mat_dir));

Rotation induces lots of vibrations, especially at high velocity.


Cumulative Amplitude Spectrum for the three important directions ($D_y$, $D_z$ and $R_y$). Three rotating velocities are shown. Integrated RMS values are shown in the legend.

Effect of HAC

%% Load measured noise
data_ol  = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_16-51_m0_lac_off.mat', mat_dir));
data_lac = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_16-46_m0_lac_on.mat' , mat_dir));
data_hac = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_16-49_m0_hac_on.mat' , mat_dir));

Bandwidth is approximately 10Hz.


Measured vibration with the interferometers


Measured vibration with the interferometers

TODO Noise coming from force sensor

Integral Force Feedback


Introduction   ignore

IFF Plants

Introduction   ignore

6x6 Plant

%% Load identification data
data = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-08_16-17_ol_plant_m0_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));


Obtained transfer function from generated voltages to measured voltages on the piezoelectric force sensor

Compare with Model:


Effect of Rotation

%% Load identification data
data_Wz0 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-08_16-17_ol_plant_m0_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));
data_Wz1 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-08_16-28_ol_plant_m0_Wz36.mat', mat_dir));
data_Wz2 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-08_16-45_ol_plant_m0_Wz180.mat', mat_dir));


Obtained transfer function from generated voltages to measured voltages on the piezoelectric force sensor

Effect of Mass

load('G_ol.mat', 'G_iff_m0', 'G_iff_m1', 'G_iff_m2', 'G_iff_m3', 'f');


Obtained transfer function from generated voltages to measured voltages on the piezoelectric force sensor

Compare with the model



Comparison of the identified IFF plant and the IFF plant extracted from the simscape model

IFF Controller

Controller Design

Test second order high pass filter:

wz = 2*pi*10;
xiz = 0.7;
Ghpf = (s^2/wz^2)/(s^2/wz^2 + 2*xiz*s/wz + 1)
       % s/(2*pi*1)/(1 + s/(2*pi*1)) * ... % HPF: reduce gain at low frequency

We want integral action between 20Hz and 200Hz.

%% IFF Controller
Kiff = -1e2 * ...                           % Gain
       1/(0.01*2*pi + s) * ...               % LPF: provides integral action
       Ghpf * ...
       eye(6);                             % Diagonal 6x6 controller
Kiff.InputName = {'Fn1', 'Fn2', 'Fn3', 'Fn4', 'Fn5', 'Fn6'};
Kiff.OutputName = {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'};

Loop Gain:


IFF Loop gain of the diagonal terms

Root Locus to obtain optimal gain.


Root Locus for IFF. Green crosses are closed-loop poles for the same choosen IFF gain.

TODO Verify Stability

Verify Stability with Nyquist plot:

  • Why bad stability margins?

Save Controller

save('./matlab/mat/K_iff.mat', 'Kiff')

Estimated Damped Plant

%% Damped plant from Simscape model
Gm_hac_m0 = -feedback(Gm_m0, Kiff, 'name', +1);
Gm_hac_m1 = -feedback(Gm_m1, Kiff, 'name', +1);
Gm_hac_m2 = -feedback(Gm_m2, Kiff, 'name', +1);
Gm_hac_m3 = -feedback(Gm_m3, Kiff, 'name', +1);
%% Verify Stability
%% Save Damped Plants
save('./matlab/mat/Gm.mat', 'Gm_hac_m0', 'Gm_hac_m1', 'Gm_hac_m2', 'Gm_hac_m3', '-append');



High Authority Control


Introduction   ignore

Identify Spurious modes

%% Load identification data
data = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-10_18-32_identify_spurious_modes.mat', mat_dir));

HAC Plants

Introduction   ignore

6x6 Plant

%% Load identification data
data = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-17_17-53_damp_plant_m0_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));

Compare with Model:



6x6 plant from generated voltages to displacement of the struts as measured by the external metrology

Effect of Mass

%% Load identification data
data_m0 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-17_17-53_damp_plant_m0_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));
data_m1 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-10_16-01_damp_plant_m1_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));
data_m2 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-10_17-28_damp_plant_m2_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));
data_m3 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-10_18-16_damp_plant_m3_Wz0.mat', mat_dir));


Obtained transfer function from generated voltages to measured voltages on the piezoelectric force sensor

Compare with the model



Comparison of the identified HAC plant and the HAC plant extracted from the simscape model

Comparison with Undamped plant




Robust HAC


Controller design

%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*5;

%% Double Integrator
% H_int = (wc^2)/(s + 1e-1*2*pi)^2;
H_int = wc/s;

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain

H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/30);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = 1./abs(G_hac_m0(i_f, 1, 1));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac = H_gain  * ... % Gain
       H_int   * ... % Integrator
       H_lpf   * ... % Integrator
       eye(6);            % 6x6 Diagonal

Loop gain



Verify Stability



Estimated performances

Save Controller

save('./matlab/mat/K_hac.mat', 'Khac')

High Performance HAC

Introduction   ignore

The goal is to make a controller specific for one mass in order to have high bandwidth.

Mass 0

Load Plant
Controller design
%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*50;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 0.1*2*pi) * ...
        1/(0.1*2*pi + s);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));
% H_int = wc/s;

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 3;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 3;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(2.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(2.5*wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/500);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = 1./abs(G_hac_m0(i_f, 1, 1));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac = H_gain  * ... % Gain
       H_int   * ... % Integrator
       H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
       H_lead  * ... % Integrator
       eye(6);            % 6x6 Diagonal

Khac.InputName = {'eL1', 'eL2', 'eL3', 'eL4', 'eL5', 'eL6'};
Khac.OutputName = {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'};

Loop gain


Loop gain for the High Authority Control
Verify Stability


Nyquist plot for the High Authority Control
Estimated performances

Loop gain with model

Gm_cl_m0 = feedback(Gm_hac_m0, 0.8*Khac, 'name', -1);
Save Controller
Experimental Validation
data_1rpm = load(sprintf('%s/scans/2023-08-18_10-43_m0_1rpm.mat', mat_dir));
data_30rpm = load(sprintf('%s/scans/2023-08-18_10-45_m0_30rpm.mat', mat_dir));
Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Ry [urad]
1rpm 55.3 5.9 0.1
30rpm 85.2 12.5 0.3
Closed-Loop identification
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-18_11-03_m0_perf_hac.mat', mat_dir));

Mass 1

Load Plant
Plant Inverse
Gm_hac_red_m1 = flipRphZeros(-balred(Gm_hac_m1('eL1', 'u1'), 6, ...
                                    balredOptions('StateProjection', 'MatchDC', ...
                                                  'FreqIntervals', [0, 80])));
%% Plant Inverse
Gm_hac_inv_m1 = inv(Gm_hac_red_m1);
Controller design
%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*30;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 0.1*2*pi) * ...
        (50*2*pi + s)/(0.01*2*pi + s);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));
% H_int = wc/s;

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/200);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = 1./abs(G_hac_m0(i_f, 1, 1));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac = 0.8*H_gain  * ... % Gain
       H_int   * ... % Integrator
       H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
       H_lead  * ... % Integrator
       eye(6);            % 6x6 Diagonal

Khac.InputName = {'eL1', 'eL2', 'eL3', 'eL4', 'eL5', 'eL6'};
Khac.OutputName = {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'};

Loop gain

Verify Stability
Estimated performances

Loop gain with model

Gm_cl_m0 = feedback(Gm_hac_m0, Khac, 'name', +1);
Save Controller

Tomography - Performances

First scan with closed-loop at middle

data = load(sprintf('%s/scans/2023-08-17_15-22_tomography_30rpm_m0_robust.mat', mat_dir));



Slow Rotation - 6RPM

%% Load measured noise
data_ol  = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-18_m0_lac_off_1rpm.mat', mat_dir));
data_lac = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-16_m0_lac_on_1rpm.mat', mat_dir));
data_hac = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-14_m0_hac_on_1rpm.mat', mat_dir));
%% Coordinate transform
J_int_to_X = [ 0                 0                -0.787401574803149 -0.212598425196851  0;
               0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
               0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
             -13.1233595800525  13.1233595800525   0                  0                  0;
               0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

a = J_int_to_X*[data_ol.d1; data_ol.d2; data_ol.d3; data_ol.d4; data_ol.d5];
data_ol.Dx_int = a(1,:);
data_ol.Dy_int = a(2,:);
data_ol.Dz_int = a(3,:);
data_ol.Rx_int = a(4,:);
data_ol.Ry_int = a(5,:);

a = J_int_to_X*[data_lac.d1; data_lac.d2; data_lac.d3; data_lac.d4; data_lac.d5];
data_lac.Dx_int = a(1,:);
data_lac.Dy_int = a(2,:);
data_lac.Dz_int = a(3,:);
data_lac.Rx_int = a(4,:);
data_lac.Ry_int = a(5,:);

a = J_int_to_X*[data_hac.d1; data_hac.d2; data_hac.d3; data_hac.d4; data_hac.d5];
data_hac.Dx_int = a(1,:);
data_hac.Dy_int = a(2,:);
data_hac.Dz_int = a(3,:);
data_hac.Rx_int = a(4,:);
data_hac.Ry_int = a(5,:);

Rapid Rotation - 30RPM

%% Load measured noise
data_ol  = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-39_m0_lac_off_30rpm.mat', mat_dir));
data_lac = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-36_m0_lac_on_30rpm.mat', mat_dir));
data_hac = load(sprintf('%s/freq_analysis/2023-08-11_17-34_m0_hac_on_30rpm.mat', mat_dir));
%% Coordinate transform
J_int_to_X = [ 0                 0                -0.787401574803149 -0.212598425196851  0;
               0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
               0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
             -13.1233595800525  13.1233595800525   0                  0                  0;
               0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

a = J_int_to_X*[data_ol.d1; data_ol.d2; data_ol.d3; data_ol.d4; data_ol.d5];
data_ol.Dx_int = a(1,:);
data_ol.Dy_int = a(2,:);
data_ol.Dz_int = a(3,:);
data_ol.Rx_int = a(4,:);
data_ol.Ry_int = a(5,:);

a = J_int_to_X*[data_lac.d1; data_lac.d2; data_lac.d3; data_lac.d4; data_lac.d5];
data_lac.Dx_int = a(1,:);
data_lac.Dy_int = a(2,:);
data_lac.Dz_int = a(3,:);
data_lac.Rx_int = a(4,:);
data_lac.Ry_int = a(5,:);

a = J_int_to_X*[data_hac.d1; data_hac.d2; data_hac.d3; data_hac.d4; data_hac.d5];
data_hac.Dx_int = a(1,:);
data_hac.Dy_int = a(2,:);
data_hac.Dz_int = a(3,:);
data_hac.Rx_int = a(4,:);
data_hac.Ry_int = a(5,:);


Cumulative Amplitude Spectrum of the errors in $D_y$, $D_z$ and $R_y$ during a tomography scan at 30RPM. Three control configuration are compared: Open-Loop, Low Authority Control, and High Authority Control

6DoF Control in Cartesian plane (rotating with the nano-hexapod)


Introduction   ignore

As only Dy, Dz and Ry directions are important, we could only control them. This lead to a 3x3 plant that may be more decoupled than the 6x6 plant.

5x5 plant in Cartesian plane

%% Jacobian for 3x3 plant
n_hexapod = initializeNanoHexapod('flex_bot_type', '2dof', ...
                                  'flex_top_type', '3dof', ...
                                  'motion_sensor_type', 'plates', ...
                                  'actuator_type', '2dof');

Jt_inv = pinv(n_hexapod.geometry.J');
Jt_inv = Jt_inv(:,[1,2,3,4,5]);

J_int_to_X = [ 0                 0                -0.787401574803149 -0.212598425196851  0;
               0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
               0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
             -13.1233595800525  13.1233595800525   0                  0                  0;
               0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

Compute identified plant in the Cartesian plane:

%% Load Data
% data_m0 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-17_10-44_lac_plant_m0_Wz0_interf.mat', mat_dir));
%% New data after calibrating the Rz-offset
data_m0 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-17_16-23_lac_plant_m0_Wz0_interf_Rz_align.mat', mat_dir));

Compute plant model in the Cartesian plane:

Gm_cart = J_int_to_X*Gm_hac_m0({'d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5'}, {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'})*Jt_inv;
Gm_cart.InputName = {'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz', 'Mx', 'My'};
Gm_cart.OutputName = {'Dx', 'Dy', 'Dz', 'Rx', 'Ry'};

Controller Design

%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*30;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 1*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,1,1));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Dx = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator
%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*30;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 1*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,2,2));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Dy = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator
%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*40;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 2*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,3,3));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Dz = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator
%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*10;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 1.5*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,4,4));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Rx = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator
%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*10;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 1.5*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,5,5));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Ry = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator
Khac = blkdiag(Khac_Dx, Khac_Dy, Khac_Dz, Khac_Rx, Khac_Ry);

Check Stability

Save controllers



3DoF Control in Cartesian plane (fixed)


Introduction   ignore

As only Dy, Dz and Ry directions are important, we could only control them. This lead to a 3x3 plant that may be more decoupled than the 6x6 plant.

3x3 plant in Cartesian plane

%% Jacobian for 3x3 plant
n_hexapod = initializeNanoHexapod('flex_bot_type', '2dof', ...
                                  'flex_top_type', '3dof', ...
                                  'motion_sensor_type', 'plates', ...
                                  'actuator_type', '2dof');

Jt_inv = pinv(n_hexapod.geometry.J');

J_int_to_X = [0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
              0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
              0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

Compute identified plant in the Cartesian plane:

%% Load Data
% data_m0 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-17_10-44_lac_plant_m0_Wz0_interf.mat', mat_dir));
%% New data after calibrating the Rz-offset
data_m0 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-17_16-23_lac_plant_m0_Wz0_interf_Rz_align.mat', mat_dir));

Compute plant model in the Cartesian plane:

Gm_cart = J_int_to_X*Gm_hac_m0({'d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5'}, {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'})*Jt_inv(:,[2,3,5]);
Gm_cart.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

Diagonal elements are matching quite well, but off-diagonal elements are very different.

Why so much more coupling than from the model?

  • Is it due to the metrology? The spheres could induce coupling as for instance X motion will also be seen as Z motion. This is especially true if not well centered with the sphere (as seemed to be the case for the lateral interferometers).


3x3 cartesian plant

Normalization of outputs:

Gm_cart_normalized = -diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart)))*Gm_cart;
Gm_cart_normalized.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart_normalized.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

G_cart_normalized = permute(pagemtimes(-diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart))), permute(G_cart, [2,3,1])), [3,1,2]);

Controller Design


%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*30;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 0.1*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,1,1));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Dy = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator


%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*50;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 0.1*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,2,2));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Dz = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator


%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*30;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 0.1*2*pi) * ...
        1/(s + 0.01*2*pi);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(1.5*wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(1.5*wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/300);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = -1./abs(G_cart(i_f,3,3));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac_Ry = H_gain  * ... % Gain
          H_int   * ... % Integrator
          H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
          H_lead;       % Integrator

3x3 controller

Khac = blkdiag(Khac_Dy, Khac_Dz, Khac_Ry);



Check Stability



Save controllers

Save Controller

Controller Design (normalized)

%% Wanted crossover
wc = 2*pi*30;

%% Double Integrator
H_int = 1/(s + 0.1*2*pi) * ...
        (50*2*pi + s)/(0.01*2*pi + s);
H_int = H_int/abs(evalfr(H_int, 1j*wc));
% H_int = wc/s;

%% Lead to increase phase margin
a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
H_lead = 1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));
% a  = 2;  % Amount of phase lead / width of the phase lead / high frequency gain
% H_lead = H_lead*1/sqrt(a)*(1 + s/(wc/sqrt(a)))/(1 + s/(wc*sqrt(a)));

%% Low Pass filter to increase robustness
H_lpf = 1/(1 + s/2/pi/200);

%% Notch at the top-plate resonance
% gm = 0.02;
% xi = 0.3;
% wn = 2*pi*665;

% H_notch = (s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

%% Gain to have unitary crossover at 30Hz
[~, i_f] = min(abs(f - wc/2/pi));
H_gain = 1./abs(G_cart_normalized(i_f, 1, 1));

%% Decentralized HAC
Khac = H_gain  * ... % Gain
       H_int   * ... % Integrator
       H_lpf   * ... % Low Pass Filter
       H_lead  * ... % Integrator
       eye(3);            % 6x6 Diagonal

% Khac.InputName = {'eL1', 'eL2', 'eL3', 'eL4', 'eL5', 'eL6'};
% Khac.OutputName = {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'};

Verify Stability

Control Performances

data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_10-36_m0_cart_fixed.mat', mat_dir));
  • Compare with estimated performances

Complementary Filter Control



3x3 plant in Cartesian plane

%% Jacobian for 3x3 plant
n_hexapod = initializeNanoHexapod('flex_bot_type', '2dof', ...
                                  'flex_top_type', '3dof', ...
                                  'motion_sensor_type', 'plates', ...
                                  'actuator_type', '2dof');

Jt_inv = pinv(n_hexapod.geometry.J');

J_int_to_X = [0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
              0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
              0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

Compute identified plant in the Cartesian plane:

%% New data after calibrating the Rz-offset
data_m0 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_13-32_damp_plant_m0.mat', mat_dir));

Compute plant model in the Cartesian plane:

Gm_cart = J_int_to_X*Gm_hac_m0({'d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5'}, {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'})*Jt_inv(:,[2,3,5]);
Gm_cart.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

Plant Invert

Reduce model size

Gm_cart_dy = flipRphZeros(balred(-Gm_cart('Dy', 'Fy'), 10));
Gm_cart_dz = flipRphZeros(balred(-Gm_cart('Dz', 'Fz'), 10));
Gm_cart_ry = flipRphZeros(balred(-Gm_cart('Ry', 'My'), 10));

Add first resonance

% gm = 200;
% xi = 0.003;
% wn = 2*pi*670;

% Gm_cart_dy = Gm_cart_dy*(s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

% gm = 200;
% xi = 0.003;
% wn = 2*pi*1086;

% Gm_cart_dz = Gm_cart_dz*(s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);

% gm = 200;
% xi = 0.003;
% wn = 2*pi*670;

% Gm_cart_ry = Gm_cart_ry*(s^2 + 2*gm*xi*wn*s + wn^2)/(s^2 + 2*xi*wn*s + wn^2);


Comparaison of the measured direct terms and the reduced order models

Invert and make realizable

Gm_cart_dy_inv = inv(Gm_cart_dy);
Gm_cart_dz_inv = inv(Gm_cart_dz);
Gm_cart_ry_inv = inv(Gm_cart_ry);

Save Plant Inverse

Control Performances

data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_10-59_m0_cf_5Hz.mat', mat_dir));
  • Compare with estimated performances
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_11-04_m0_cf_20Hz.mat', mat_dir));
  • Compare with estimated performances
Different bandwidth for different directions
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_11-16_m0_cf_different.mat', mat_dir));
  • Compare with estimated performances
Dz 25Hz
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/', mat_dir));
  • Compare with estimated performances

Better plant invert

%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart(f>2&f<800,1,1).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<800)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<800))', opts);

Gfit_dy = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dy = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_dy))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart(f>2&f<1500,2,2).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<1500)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<1500))', opts);

Gfit_dz = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dz = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_dz))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart(f>2&f<800,3,3).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<800)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<800))', opts);

Gfit_ry = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_ry = inv(flipRphZeros(Gfit_ry))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
Compare Invert plants
Save plant inverse
Compare Digital Invert plants

Control Performances

Better plant invert
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_13-36_m0_cf_inv_fit.mat', mat_dir));

Scans with good controller


1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-28_m0_1rpm_K_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 796 20 8 8209 73

1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-33_m0_30rpm_cf_control.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 820 39 13 7790 156


3x3 plant in Cartesian plane

%% Jacobian for 3x3 plant
n_hexapod = initializeNanoHexapod('flex_bot_type', '2dof', ...
                                  'flex_top_type', '3dof', ...
                                  'motion_sensor_type', 'plates', ...
                                  'actuator_type', '2dof');

Jt_inv = pinv(n_hexapod.geometry.J');

J_int_to_X = [0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
              0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
              0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

Compute identified plant in the Cartesian plane:

%% New data after calibrating the Rz-offset
data_m1 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_19-05_damp_plant_m1_new_Rz.mat', mat_dir));

Compute plant model in the Cartesian plane:

Gm_cart_m1 = J_int_to_X*Gm_hac_m1({'d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5'}, {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'})*Jt_inv(:,[2,3,5]);
Gm_cart_m1.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart_m1.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

Normalization of outputs:

Gm_cart_m1_normalized = -diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart_m1)))*Gm_cart_m1;
Gm_cart_m1_normalized.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart_m1_normalized.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

G_cart_m1_normalized = permute(pagemtimes(-diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart_m1))), permute(G_cart_m1, [2,3,1])), [3,1,2]);

Better plant invert

N = 9; %Order of approximation
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m1(f>1&f<1500,1,1).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>1&f<1500)', poles, 1./sqrt(f(f>1&f<1500))', opts);

Gfit_dy = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dy = inv(flipRphZeros(Gfit_dy))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m1(f>2&f<1500,2,2).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<1500)', poles, 1./sqrt(f(f>2&f<1500))', opts);

Gfit_dz = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dz = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_dz))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m1(f>2&f<800,3,3).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<800)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<800))', opts);

Gfit_ry = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_ry = inv(flipRphZeros(Gfit_ry))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
Compare Invert plants
Save plant inverse
Compare Digital Invert plants

TODO Control Performances

Better plant invert
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_13-36_m0_cf_inv_fit.mat', mat_dir));

TODO Scans with good controller


1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-28_m0_1rpm_K_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 796 20 8 8209 73

1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-33_m0_30rpm_cf_control.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 820 39 13 7790 156


3x3 plant in Cartesian plane

%% Jacobian for 3x3 plant
n_hexapod = initializeNanoHexapod('flex_bot_type', '2dof', ...
                                  'flex_top_type', '3dof', ...
                                  'motion_sensor_type', 'plates', ...
                                  'actuator_type', '2dof');

Jt_inv = pinv(n_hexapod.geometry.J');

J_int_to_X = [0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
              0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
              0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

Compute identified plant in the Cartesian plane:

%% New data after calibrating the Rz-offset
data_m2 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_17-32_damp_plant_m2_new_Rz.mat', mat_dir));

Compute plant model in the Cartesian plane:

Gm_cart_m2 = J_int_to_X*Gm_hac_m2({'d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5'}, {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'})*Jt_inv(:,[2,3,5]);
Gm_cart_m2.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart_m2.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

Normalization of outputs:

Gm_cart_m2_normalized = -diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart_m2)))*Gm_cart_m2;
Gm_cart_m2_normalized.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart_m2_normalized.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

G_cart_m2_normalized = permute(pagemtimes(-diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart_m2))), permute(G_cart_m2, [2,3,1])), [3,1,2]);

Better plant invert

N = 9; %Order of approximation
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m2(f>1&f<1500,1,1).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>1&f<1500)', poles, 1./sqrt(f(f>1&f<1500))', opts);

Gfit_dy = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dy = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_dy))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m2(f>2&f<1500,2,2).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<1500)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<1500))', opts);

Gfit_dz = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dz = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_dz))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m2(f>2&f<800,3,3).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<800)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<800))', opts);

Gfit_ry = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_ry = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_ry))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
Compare Invert plants
Save plant inverse
Compare Digital Invert plants

TODO Control Performances

Better plant invert
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_13-36_m0_cf_inv_fit.mat', mat_dir));

TODO Scans with good controller


1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-28_m0_1rpm_K_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 796 20 8 8209 73

1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-33_m0_30rpm_cf_control.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 820 39 13 7790 156


3x3 plant in Cartesian plane

%% Jacobian for 3x3 plant
n_hexapod = initializeNanoHexapod('flex_bot_type', '2dof', ...
                                  'flex_top_type', '3dof', ...
                                  'motion_sensor_type', 'plates', ...
                                  'actuator_type', '2dof');

Jt_inv = pinv(n_hexapod.geometry.J');

J_int_to_X = [0.78740157480315  0.21259842519685  0                  0                  0;
              0                 0                 0                  0                 -1;
              0                 0               -13.1233595800525   13.1233595800525    0];

Compute identified plant in the Cartesian plane:

%% New data after calibrating the Rz-offset
data_m3 = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_16-33_damp_plant_m3_new_Rz_fast.mat', mat_dir));

Compute plant model in the Cartesian plane:

Gm_cart_m3 = J_int_to_X*Gm_hac_m3({'d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'd4', 'd5'}, {'u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'u4', 'u5', 'u6'})*Jt_inv(:,[2,3,5]);
Gm_cart_m3.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart_m3.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

Normalization of outputs:

Gm_cart_m3_normalized = -diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart_m3)))*Gm_cart_m3;
Gm_cart_m3_normalized.InputName = {'Fy', 'Fz', 'My'};
Gm_cart_m3_normalized.OutputName = {'Dy', 'Dz', 'Ry'};

G_cart_m3_normalized = permute(pagemtimes(-diag(1./diag(dcgain(Gm_cart_m3))), permute(G_cart_m3, [2,3,1])), [3,1,2]);

Better plant invert

N = 9; %Order of approximation
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m3(f>2&f<800,1,1).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<800)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<800))', opts);

Gfit_dy = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dy = inv(flipRphZeros(Gfit_dy))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m3(f>2&f<1500,2,2).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<1500)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<1500))', opts);

Gfit_dz = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_dz = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_dz))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
%% Estimate resonance frequency and damping
for iter =1:Niter
    [G_est, poles, ~, frf_est] = vectfit3(G_cart_m3(f>2&f<800,3,3).', 1i*2*pi*f(f>2&f<800)', poles, 1./(f(f>2&f<800))', opts);

Gfit_ry = ss(G_est.A, G_est.B, G_est.C, G_est.D);

Stable Inverse

Ginv_ry = inv(-flipRphZeros(Gfit_ry))/(1 + s/2/pi/1e3);
Compare Invert plants
Save plant inverse
Compare Digital Invert plants

TODO Control Performances

Better plant invert
data_cl = load(sprintf('%s/dynamics/2023-08-21_13-36_m0_cf_inv_fit.mat', mat_dir));

TODO Scans with good controller


1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-28_m0_1rpm_K_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 796 20 8 8209 73

1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same controller.

data_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_14-33_m0_30rpm_cf_control.mat", mat_dir));
data_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_m0.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
data_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dx_int, 0));
data_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dy_int, 0));
data_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Dz_int, 0));
data_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Rx_int, 0));
data_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_m0.Ry_int, 0));
Dx [nm] Dy [nm] Dz [nm] Rx [nrad] Ry [nrad]
m0 820 39 13 7790 156



Introduction   ignore

  • Section ref:sec:id31_scans_tomography
  • Section ref:sec:id31_scans_dz
  • Section ref:sec:id31_scans_reflectivity
  • Section ref:sec:id31_scans_dy
  • Section ref:sec:id31_scans_diffraction_tomo

$R_z$ scans: Tomography


Introduction   ignore

m0: 30rpm, 6rpm, 1rpm m1: 6rpm, 1rpm m2: 6rpm, 1rpm m3: 1rpm

Robust Control - 1rpm

1RPM scans are performed for all the masses with the same robust controller.

%% Load Tomography scans with robust controller
data_tomo_1rpm_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-11_11-37_tomography_1rpm_m0.mat", mat_dir));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Rz)-1];

data_tomo_1rpm_m1 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-11_11-15_tomography_1rpm_m1.mat", mat_dir));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.time = Ts*[0:length(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Rz)-1];

data_tomo_1rpm_m2 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-11_10-59_tomography_1rpm_m2.mat", mat_dir));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.time = Ts*[0:length(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Rz)-1];

data_tomo_1rpm_m3 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-11_10-24_tomography_1rpm_m3.mat", mat_dir));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.time = Ts*[0:length(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Rz)-1];

The problem for these scans is that the position initialization was not make properly, so the open-loop errors are quite large (see Figure ref:fig:id31_tomo_1rpm_robust_m0).


$D_x$, $D_y$ and $D_z$ motion during a slow (1RPM) tomography experiment. Open Loop data is shown in blue and closed-loop data in red
yztomographymovie('movies/tomography_1rpm_m0', data_tomo_1rpm_m0, 'xlim_ax1', [-10, 15], 'ylim_ax1', [-0.2, 1.2], 'xlim_ax2', [-300, 300], 'ylim_ax2', [-100, 100])
yztomographymovie('movies/tomography_1rpm_m0_di_5000', data_tomo_1rpm_m0, 'xlim_ax1', [-10, 15], 'ylim_ax1', [-0.2, 1.2], 'xlim_ax2', [-300, 300], 'ylim_ax2', [-100, 100], 'di', 5000)

The obtained open-loop and closed-loop errors are shown in tables ref:tab:id31_tomo_1rpm_robust_ol_errors and ref:tab:id31_tomo_1rpm_robust_cl_errors respectively.

%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop and open-loop
[~, i_m0] = find(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.hac_status == 1);
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dx_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dy_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dz_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Rx_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Ry_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));

data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dx_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dy_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dy_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dz_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dz_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Rx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Rx_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Ry_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Ry_int(1:i_m0), 0));

%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop and open-loop
[~, i_m1] = find(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.hac_status == 1);
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dx_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dy_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dz_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Rx_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Ry_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));

data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dx_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dy_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dy_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dz_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Dz_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Rx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Rx_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Ry_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m1.Ry_int(1:i_m1), 0));

%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop and open-loop
[~, i_m2] = find(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.hac_status == 1);
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dx_int(i_m2+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dy_int(i_m2+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dz_int(i_m2+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Rx_int(i_m2+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Ry_int(i_m2+50000:end), 0));

data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dx_int(1:i_m2), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dy_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dy_int(1:i_m2), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dz_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Dz_int(1:i_m2), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Rx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Rx_int(1:i_m2), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Ry_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m2.Ry_int(1:i_m2), 0));

%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop and open-loop
[~, i_m3] = find(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.hac_status == 1);
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dx_int(i_m3+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dy_int(i_m3+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dz_int(i_m3+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Rx_int(i_m3+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Ry_int(i_m3+50000:end), 0));

data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dx_int(1:i_m3), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dy_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dy_int(1:i_m3), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dz_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Dz_int(1:i_m3), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Rx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Rx_int(1:i_m3), 0));
data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Ry_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_1rpm_m3.Ry_int(1:i_m3), 0));
$D_x$ [$\mu m$] $D_y$ [$\mu m$] $D_z$ [$nm$] $R_x$ [$\mu\text{rad}$] $R_y$ [$\mu\text{rad}$]
$m_0$ 6 6 32 34 34
$m_1$ 6 7 26 51 55
$m_2$ 36 38 36 259 253
$m_3$ 31 33 38 214 203
$D_x$ [nm] $D_y$ [nm] $D_z$ [nm] $R_x$ [nrad] $R_y$ [nrad]
$m_0$ 13 15 5 57 55
$m_1$ 16 25 6 102 55
$m_2$ 25 25 7 120 103
$m_3$ 40 53 9 225 169

Robust Control - 6rpm

data_tomo_6rpm_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-11_11-31_tomography_6rpm_m0.mat", mat_dir));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Rz)-1];
data_tomo_6rpm_m1 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-11_11-23_tomography_6rpm_m1.mat", mat_dir));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.time = Ts*[0:length(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Rz)-1];
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
[~, i_m0] = find(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.hac_status == 1);
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dx_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dy_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dz_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Rx_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Ry_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));

data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dx_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dy_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dy_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dz_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dz_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Rx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Rx_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Ry_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Ry_int(1:i_m0), 0));

%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
[~, i_m1] = find(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.hac_status == 1);
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dx_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dy_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dz_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Rx_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Ry_int(i_m1+50000:end), 0));

data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dx_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dy_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dy_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dz_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Dz_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Rx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Rx_int(1:i_m1), 0));
data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Ry_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_6rpm_m1.Ry_int(1:i_m1), 0));
$D_x$ [$\mu m$] $D_y$ [$\mu m$] $D_z$ [$nm$] $R_x$ [$\mu\text{rad}$] $R_y$ [$\mu\text{rad}$]
$m_0$ 8 7 20 41 41
$m_1$ 4 4 21 39 39
$D_x$ [nm] $D_y$ [nm] $D_z$ [nm] $R_x$ [nrad] $R_y$ [nrad]
$m_0$ 17 19 5 70 73
$m_1$ 20 26 7 110 77

Robust Control - 30rpm

%% Load Data
data_tomo_30rpm_m0 = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-17_15-26_tomography_30rpm_m0_robust.mat", mat_dir));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.time = Ts*[0:length(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Rz)-1];


Measured motion during tomography scan at 30RPM with a robust controller
%% Compute RMS values while in closed-loop
[~, i_m0] = find(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.hac_status == 1);
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dx_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dy_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dy_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dz_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dz_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Rx_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Rx_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Ry_rms_cl = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Ry_int(i_m0+50000:end), 0));

data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dx_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dy_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dy_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dz_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dz_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Rx_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Rx_int(1:i_m0), 0));
data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Ry_rms_ol = rms(detrend(data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Ry_int(1:i_m0), 0));
$D_x$ [$\mu m$] $D_y$ [$\mu m$] $D_z$ [$nm$] $R_x$ [$\mu\text{rad}$] $R_y$ [$\mu\text{rad}$]
$m_0$ 2 2 24 10 10
$D_x$ [nm] $D_y$ [nm] $D_z$ [nm] $R_x$ [nrad] $R_y$ [nrad]
$m_0$ 34 38 10 127 129

$D_z$ scans: Dirty Layer Scans


Step by Step $D_z$ motion

%% Load Dz MIM data
data_dz_steps_3nm = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_14-57_dz_mim_3_nm.mat", mat_dir));
data_dz_steps_3nm.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dz_steps_3nm.Dz_int)-1];

data_dz_steps_10nm = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_14-57_dz_mim_10_nm.mat", mat_dir));
data_dz_steps_10nm.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dz_steps_10nm.Dz_int)-1];

data_dz_steps_100nm = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_14-57_dz_mim_100_nm.mat", mat_dir));
data_dz_steps_100nm.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dz_steps_100nm.Dz_int)-1];

data_dz_steps_1000nm = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_14-57_dz_mim_1000_nm.mat", mat_dir));
data_dz_steps_1000nm.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dz_steps_1000nm.Dz_int)-1];

Three step sizes are tested:

  • $10\,nm$ steps (Figure ref:fig:id31_dz_mim_10nm_steps)
  • $100\,nm$ steps (Figure ref:fig:id31_dz_mim_100nm_steps)
  • $1\,\mu m$ steps (Figure ref:fig:id31_dz_steps_response)


Dz MIM test with 10nm steps (low pass filter with cut-off frequency of 10Hz is applied)


Dz MIM test with 100nm steps


$D_z$ step response - Stabilization time is around 70ms

Continuous $D_z$ motion: Dirty Layer Scans

data_dz_10ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_15-33_dirty_layer_m0_small.mat", mat_dir));
data_dz_10ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dz_10ums.Dz_int)-1];
data_dz_100ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_15-32_dirty_layer_m0.mat", mat_dir));
data_dz_100ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dz_100ums.Dz_int)-1];

Two $D_z$ scans are performed:

  • at $10\,\mu m/s$ in Figure ref:fig:id31_dirty_layer_scan_m0
  • at $100\,\mu m/s$ in Figure ref:fig:id31_dirty_layer_scan_m0_large


Dirty layer scan: $D_z$ motion at $10\,\mu m/s$


Dirty layer scan: $D_z$ motion at $100\,\mu m/s$
%% Not so good results with the CF controller
data_cf = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_19-20_dirty_layer_m1_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_cf.time = Ts*[0:length(data_cf.Dz_int)-1];

$R_y$ scans: Reflectivity


%% Load data for the reflectivity scan
data_ry = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_15-24_first_reflectivity_m0.mat", mat_dir));
data_ry.time = Ts*[0:length(data_ry.Ry_int)-1];

An $R_y$ scan is performed at $100\,\mu rad/s$ velocity (Figure ref:fig:id31_reflectivity_scan_Ry_100urads). During the $R_y$ scan, the errors in $D_y$ are $D_z$ are kept small.


$R_y$ reflecitivity scan at $100\,\mu\text{rad}/s$ velocity

$D_y$ Scans


Introduction   ignore

The steps generated by the IcePAP for the $T_y$ stage are send to the Speedgoat. Then, we can know in real time what is the wanted position in $D_y$ during $T_y$ scans.

Open Loop

%% Slow Ty scan (10um/s)
data_ty_ol_slow = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_20-05_ty_scan_m1_open_loop_slow.mat", mat_dir));
data_ty_ol_slow.time = Ts*[0:length(data_ty_ol_slow.Dy_int)-1];

We can clearly see micro-stepping errors of the stepper motor used for the $T_y$ stage. The errors have a period of $10\,\mu m$ with an amplitude of $\pm 100\,nm$.


$T_y$ scan (at $10\,\mu m/s$) - $D_y$ errors. The micro-stepping errors can clearly be seen with a period of $10\,\mu m$ and an amplitude of $\pm 100\,nm$


$T_y$ scan (at $10\,\mu m/s$) - $D_z$ and $R_y$ errors. The $D_z$ error is most likely due to having the top interferometer pointing to a sphere. The large $R_y$ errors might also be due to the metrology system

Closed Loop

%% Slow Ty scan (10um/s) - CL
data_ty_cl_slow = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_20-07_ty_scan_m1_cf_closed_loop_slow.mat", mat_dir));
data_ty_cl_slow.time = Ts*[0:length(data_ty_cl_slow.Dy_int)-1];


$T_y$ scan (at $10\,\mu m/s$) - $D_y$ errors. Open-loop and Closed-loop scans


$T_y$ scan (at $10\,\mu m/s$) - $D_z$ and $R_y$ errors. Open-loop and Closed-loop scans

Faster Scan

%% Fast Ty scan (100um/s) - OL
data_ty_ol_fast = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_20-05_ty_scan_m1_open_loop.mat", mat_dir));
data_ty_ol_fast.time = Ts*[0:length(data_ty_ol_fast.Dy_int)-1];
%% Fast Ty scan (10um/s) - CL
data_ty_cl_fast = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_20-07_ty_scan_m1_cf_closed_loop.mat", mat_dir));
data_ty_cl_fast.time = Ts*[0:length(data_ty_cl_fast.Dy_int)-1];

Because of micro-stepping errors of the Ty stepper motor, when scanning at high velocity this induce high frequency vibration that are outside the bandwidth of the feedback controller.

At $100\,\mu m/s$, the micro-stepping errors with a period of $10\,\mu m$ (see Figure ref:fig:id31_ty_scan_10ums_ol_dy_errors) are at 10Hz. These errors are them amplified by some resonances in the system.

This could be easily solved by changing the stepper motor for a torque motor for instance.


$T_y$ scan (at $100\,\mu m/s$) - $D_y$ errors. Open-loop and Closed-loop scans


$T_y$ scan (at $100\,\mu m/s$) - $D_z$ and $R_y$ errors. Open-loop and Closed-loop scans

Combined $R_z$ and $D_y$: Diffraction Tomography

<<sec:id31_scans_diffraction_tomo>> Instead of doing a fast $R_z$ motion a slow $D_y$, the idea is to perform slow $R_z$ (here 1rpm) and fast $D_y$ scans with the nano-hexapod.

%% 100um/s - Robust controller
data_dt_100ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_17-12_diffraction_tomo_m0.mat", mat_dir));
data_dt_100ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dt_100ums.Dy_int)-1];

%% 500um/s - Robust controller (Not used)
% data_dt_500ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-18_17-19_diffraction_tomo_m0_fast.mat", mat_dir));
% data_dt_500ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dt_500ums.Dy_int)-1];

%% 500um/s - Complementary filters
data_dt_500ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_15-15_diffraction_tomo_m0_fast_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_dt_500ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dt_500ums.Dy_int)-1];

%% 1mm/s - Complementary filters
data_dt_1000ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_15-16_diffraction_tomo_m0_fast_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_dt_1000ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dt_1000ums.Dy_int)-1];

%% 5mm/s - Complementary filters
% data_dt_5000ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_18-03_diffraction_tomo_m2_fast_cf.mat", mat_dir));
% data_dt_5000ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dt_5000ums.Dy_int)-1];

%% 10mm/s - Complementary filters
data_dt_10000ums = load(sprintf("%s/scans/2023-08-21_15-17_diffraction_tomo_m0_fast_cf.mat", mat_dir));
data_dt_10000ums.time = Ts*[0:length(data_dt_10000ums.Dy_int)-1];

Here, the $D_y$ scans are performed only with the nano-hexapod (the Ty stage is not moving), so we are limited to $\pm 100\,\mu m$.

Several $D_y$ velocities are tested: $0.1\,mm/s$, $0.5\,mm/s$, $1\,mm/s$ and $10\,mm/s$ (see Figure ref:fig:id31_diffraction_tomo_velocities).


Dy motion for several configured velocities

The corresponding "repetition rate" and $D_y$ scan per spindle turn are shown in Table ref:tab:diffraction_tomo_velocities.

The main issue here is the "waiting" time between two scans that is in the order of 50ms. By removing this waiting time (fairly easily), we can double the repetition rate at 10mm/s.

$D_y$ Velocity Repetition rate Scans per turn (at 1RPM)
0.1 mm/s 4 s 15
0.5 mm/s 0.9 s 65
1 mm/s 0.5 s 120
10 mm/s 0.18 s 330

The scan results for a velocity of 1mm/s is shown in Figure ref:fig:id31_diffraction_tomo_1mms. The $D_z$ and $R_y$ errors are quite small during the scan.

The $D_y$ errors are quite large as the velocity is increased. This type of scan can probably be massively improved by using feed-forward and optimizing the trajectory. Also, if the detectors are triggered in position (the Speedgoat could generate an encoder signal for instance), we don't care about the $D_y$ errors.


Diffraction tomography with Dy velocity of 1mm/s and Rz velocity of 1RPM
Velocity $D_y$ [nmRMS] $D_z$ [nmRMS] $R_y$ [$\mu\text{radRMS}$]
0.1 mm/s 75.5 9.1 0.1
0.5 mm/s 190.5 10.0 0.1
1 mm/s 428.0 11.2 0.2
10 mm/s 4639.9 55.9 1.4

Summary of experiments

For each conducted experiments, the $D_y$, $D_z$ and $R_y$ errors are computed and summarized in Table ref:tab:id31_experiments_results_summary.

%% Summary of results
data_results = [...
    1e9*data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dy_rms_cl,                                      1e9*data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Dz_rms_cl,            1e9*data_tomo_1rpm_m0.Ry_rms_cl           ; ... % Tomo 1rpm
    1e9*data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dy_rms_cl,                                      1e9*data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Dz_rms_cl,            1e9*data_tomo_6rpm_m0.Ry_rms_cl           ; ... % Tomo 6rpm
    1e9*data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dy_rms_cl,                                     1e9*data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Dz_rms_cl,           1e9*data_tomo_30rpm_m0.Ry_rms_cl          ; ... % Tomo 30rpm
    1e9*rms(detrend(data_dz_10ums.e_dy, 0)),                              1e9*rms(detrend(data_dz_10ums.e_dz, 0)),    1e9*rms(detrend(data_dz_10ums.e_ry, 0))   ; ... % Dz 10um/s
    1e9*rms(detrend(data_dz_100ums.e_dy,0)),                              1e9*rms(detrend(data_dz_100ums.e_dz,0)),    1e9*rms(detrend(data_dz_100ums.e_ry,0))   ; ... % Dz 100um/s
    1e9*rms(detrend(data_ry.e_dy,0)),                                     1e9*rms(detrend(data_ry.e_dz,0)),           1e9*rms(detrend(data_ry.e_ry,0))          ; ... % Ry 100urad/s
    1e9*rms(detrend(data_ty_cl_slow.e_dy, 0)),                            1e9*rms(detrend(data_ty_cl_slow.e_dz, 0)),  1e9*rms(detrend(data_ty_cl_slow.e_rz, 0)) ; ... % Dy 10 um/s
    1e9*rms(detrend(data_dt_100ums.Dy_int-data_dt_100ums.m_hexa_dy,  0)), 1e9*rms(detrend(data_dt_100ums.Dz_int, 0)), 1e9*rms(detrend(data_dt_100ums.Ry_int, 0)); ... % Diffraction tomo 0.1mm/s
    1e9*rms(detrend(data_dt_1000ums.Dy_int-data_dt_1000ums.m_hexa_dy,0)), 1e9*rms(detrend(data_dt_1000ums.Dz_int,0)), 1e9*rms(detrend(data_dt_1000ums.Ry_int,0))  ... % Diffraction tomo 1mm/s
$D_y$ [nmRMS] $D_z$ [nmRMS] $R_y$ [nradRMS]
Tomography ($R_z$ 1rpm) 15 5 55
Tomography ($R_z$ 6rpm) 19 5 73
Tomography ($R_z$ 30rpm) 38 10 129
Dirty Layer ($D_z$ $10\,\mu m/s$) 25 5 114
Dirty Layer ($D_z$ $100\,\mu m/s$) 34 15 130
Reflectivity ($R_y$ $100\,\mu\text{rad}/s$) 28 6 118
Lateral Scan ($D_y$ $10\,\mu m/s$) 21 10 37
Diffraction Tomography ($R_z$ 1rpm, $D_y$ 0.1mm/s) 75 9 118
Diffraction Tomography ($R_z$ 1rpm, $D_y$ 1mm/s) 428 11 169

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