Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Dehaeze 2024-04-17 11:38:09 +02:00
commit 8a9c47e80b
24 changed files with 5138 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
# ============================================================
# ============================================================
# ============================================================
# ============================================================
## Core latex/pdflatex auxiliary files:
## Intermediate documents:
# these rules might exclude image files for figures etc.
# *.ps
# *.eps
# *.pdf
## Generated if empty string is given at "Please type another file name for output:"
## Bibliography auxiliary files (bibtex/biblatex/biber):
## Build tool auxiliary files:
## Build tool directories for auxiliary files
# latexrun
## Auxiliary and intermediate files from other packages:
# algorithms
# achemso
# amsthm
# beamer
# changes
# cprotect
# elsarticle (documentclass of Elsevier journals)
# endnotes
# fixme
# feynmf/feynmp
# glossaries
# gnuplottex
# gregoriotex
# htlatex
# hyperref
# knitr
# TODO Comment the next line if you want to keep your tikz graphics files
# listings
# makeidx
# minitoc
# minted
# morewrites
# nomencl
# pax
# pdfpcnotes
# sagetex
# scrwfile
# sympy
# pdfcomment
# pythontex
# thmtools
# TikZ & PGF
# todonotes
# easy-todo
# xmpincl
# xindy
# xypic precompiled matrices
# endfloat
# Latexian
## Editors:
# WinEdt
# Texpad
# LyX
# Kile
# KBibTeX
# auto folder when using emacs and auctex
# expex forward references with \gathertags
# standalone packages

.latexmkrc Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#!/bin/env perl
# Shebang is only to get syntax highlighting right across GitLab, GitHub and IDEs.
# This file is not meant to be run, but read by `latexmk`.
# ======================================================================================
# Perl `latexmk` configuration file
# ======================================================================================
# ======================================================================================
# PDF Generation/Building/Compilation
# ======================================================================================
# PDF-generating modes are:
# 1: pdflatex, as specified by $pdflatex variable (still largely in use)
# 2: postscript conversion, as specified by the $ps2pdf variable (useless)
# 3: dvi conversion, as specified by the $dvipdf variable (useless)
# 4: lualatex, as specified by the $lualatex variable (best)
# 5: xelatex, as specified by the $xelatex variable (second best)
$pdf_mode = 4;
# Treat undefined references and citations as well as multiply defined references as
# ERRORS instead of WARNINGS.
# This is only checked in the *last* run, since naturally, there are undefined references
# in initial runs.
# This setting is potentially annoying when debugging/editing, but highly desirable
# in the CI pipeline, where such a warning should result in a failed pipeline, since the
# final document is incomplete/corrupted.
# However, I could not eradicate all warnings, so that `latexmk` currently fails with
# this option enabled.
# Specifically, `microtype` fails together with `fontawesome`/`fontawesome5`, see:
# The fix in that answer did not help.
# Setting `verbose=silent` to mute `microtype` warnings did not work.
# Switching between `fontawesome` and `fontawesome5` did not help.
$warnings_as_errors = 0;
# Show used CPU time. Looks like:
$show_time = 0;
# Default is 5; we seem to need more owed to the complexity of the document.
# Actual documents probably don't need this many since they won't use all features,
# plus won't be compiling from cold each time.
# --shell-escape option (execution of code outside of latex) is required for the
#'svg' package.
# It converts raw SVG files to the PDF+PDF_TEX combo using InkScape.
# SyncTeX allows to jump between source (code) and output (PDF) in IDEs with support
# (many have it). A value of `1` is enabled (gzipped), `-1` is enabled but uncompressed,
# `0` is off.
# Testing in VSCode w/ LaTeX Workshop only worked for the compressed version.
# Adjust this as needed. Of course, only relevant for local use, no effect on a remote
# CI pipeline (except for slower compilation, probably).
# %O and %S will forward Options and the Source file, respectively, given to latexmk.
# `set_tex_cmds` applies to all *latex commands (latex, xelatex, lualatex, ...), so
# no need to specify these each. This allows to simply change `$pdf_mode` to get a
# different engine. Check if this works with `latexmk --commands`.
set_tex_cmds("--shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode --synctex=1 %O %S");
# Use default pdf viewer
$pdf_update_method = 1;
$pdf_previewer = "zathura %O %S";
# option 2 is same as 1 (run biber when necessary), but also deletes the
# regeneratable bbl-file in a clenaup (`latexmk -c`). Do not use if original
# bib file is not available!
$bibtex_use = 2; # default: 1
# Change default `biber` call, help catch errors faster/clearer. See
$biber = "biber --validate-datamodel %O %S";
# Glossaries
add_cus_dep('glo', 'gls', 0, 'run_makeglossaries');
add_cus_dep('acn', 'acr', 0, 'run_makeglossaries');
sub run_makeglossaries {
if ( $silent ) {
system "makeglossaries -q -s '$_[0].ist' '$_[0]'";
else {
system "makeglossaries -s '$_[0].ist' '$_[0]'";
# ======================================================================================
# Auxiliary Files
# ======================================================================================
# Let latexmk know about generated files, so they can be used to detect if a
# rerun is required, or be deleted in a cleanup.
# loe: List of Examples (KOMAScript)
# lol: List of Listings (`listings` and `minted` packages)
# run.xml: biber runs
# glg: glossaries log
# glstex: generated from glossaries-extra
push @generated_exts, 'loe', 'lol', 'run.xml', 'glstex', 'glo', 'gls', 'glg', 'acn', 'acr', 'alg';
# Also delete the *.glstex files from package glossaries-extra. Problem is,
# that that package generates files of the form "basename-digit.glstex" if
# multiple glossaries are present. Latexmk looks for "basename.glstex" and so
# does not find those. For that purpose, use wildcard.
# Also delete files generated by gnuplot/pgfplots contour plots
# (.dat, .script, .table).
$clean_ext = "%R-*.glstex %R_contourtmp*.*";

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nass-introduction.bib Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
author = {Li, Xiaochun},
keywords = {parallel robot},
school = {University of Wyoming},
title = {Simultaneous, Fault-tolerant Vibration Isolation and
Pointing Control of Flexure Jointed Hexapods},
year = 2001,
author = {Bishop Jr, Ronald M},
school = {Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California},
title = {Development of Precision Pointing Controllers with and
without Vibration Suppression for the {NPS} Precision Pointing
year = 2002,
keywords = {parallel robot},
author = {Hanieh, Ahmed Abu},
keywords = {parallel robot},
school = {Universit{\'e} Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium},
title = {Active isolation and damping of vibrations via Stewart
year = 2003,
author = {Afzali-Far, Behrouz},
school = {Lund University},
title = {Vibrations and Dynamic Isotropy in Hexapods-Analytical
year = 2016,
keywords = {parallel robot},
author = {Mark Naves},
school = {Univeristy of Twente},
title = {Design and optimization of large stroke flexure mechanisms},
year = 2020,
keywords = {flexure},
author = {Rankers, Adrian Mathias},
keywords = {favorite},
school = {University of Twente},
title = {Machine dynamics in mechatronic systems: An engineering
year = 1998,
author = {Wouter Monkhorst},
school = {Delft University},
title = {Dynamic Error Budgeting, a design approach},
year = 2004,
author = {Jabben, Leon},
school = {Delft University},
title = {Mechatronic design of a magnetically suspended rotating
year = 2007,
keywords = {maglev},

476 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
#+TITLE: Nano Active Stabilization System - Introduction
#+AUTHOR: Dehaeze Thomas
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* Notes :noexport:
Prefix is =introduction=
* Context of this thesis / Background and Motivation
- \gls{esrf} (Figure [[fig:esrf_picture]])
#+name: fig:esrf_picture
#+caption: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
#+attr_latex: :width 0.7\linewidth
- ID31 and Micro Station (Figure [[fig:id31_microstation_picture]])
#+begin_src latex :file id31_microstation_picture.pdf
\node[inner sep=0pt, anchor=south west] (photo) at (0,0)
\coordinate[] (aheight) at (photo.north west);
\coordinate[] (awidth) at (photo.south east);
\coordinate[] (granite) at ($0.1*(aheight)+0.1*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (trans) at ($0.5*(aheight)+0.4*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (tilt) at ($0.65*(aheight)+0.75*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (hexapod) at ($0.7*(aheight)+0.5*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (sample) at ($0.9*(aheight)+0.55*(awidth)$);
% Granite
\node[labelc] at (granite) {1};
% Translation stage
\node[labelc] at (trans) {2};
% Tilt Stage
\node[labelc] at (tilt) {3};
% Micro-Hexapod
\node[labelc] at (hexapod) {4};
% Sample
\node[labelc] at (sample) {5};
% Axis
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(55:0.7) node[above] {$y$};
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(90:0.9) node[left] {$z$};
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(-20:0.7) node[above] {$x$};
#+name: fig:id31_microstation_picture
#+caption: Picture of the ID31 Micro-Station with annotations
#+attr_latex: :width 0.49\linewidth
Alternative: =id31_microstation_cad_view.png= (CAD view)
- X-ray beam + detectors + sample stage (Figure [[fig:id31_beamline_schematic]])
#+begin_src latex :file id31_beamline_schematic.pdf
% Parameters
\coordinate[] (rotationpoint) at (0, 4.5*\blockh);
\begin{scope}[rotate around={\tiltdeg:(rotationpoint)}]
% Tilt
\path[] ([shift=(-120:4*\blockh)]rotationpoint) coordinate(beginarc) arc (-120:-110:4*\blockh) %
-- ([shift=(-70:4*\blockh)]rotationpoint) arc (-70:-60:4*\blockh)%
|- ++(-0.15*\blockw, 0.6*\blockh) coordinate (spindlene)%
|- ($(beginarc) + (0.15*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh)$) coordinate (spindlesw) -- ++(0, 0.4*\blockh) coordinate(tiltte) -| cycle;
% Spindle
\coordinate[] (spindlese) at (spindlesw-|spindlene);
\draw[fill=black!30] ($(spindlese)+(-0.1,0.1)+(-0.1*\blockw, 0)$) -| ($(spindlene)+(-0.1, 0)$) -| coordinate[pos=0.25](spindletop) ($(spindlesw)+(0.1,0.1)$) -| ++(0.1*\blockw, -\blockh) -| coordinate[pos=0.25](spindlebot) cycle;
% \draw[dashed, color=black!60] ($(spindletop)+(0, 0.2)$) -- ($(spindlebot)+(0,-0.2)$);
% Tilt
\draw[fill=black!60] ([shift=(-120:4*\blockh)]rotationpoint) coordinate(beginarc) arc (-120:-110:4*\blockh) %
-- ([shift=(-70:4*\blockh)]rotationpoint) arc (-70:-60:4*\blockh)%
|- coordinate (tiltne) ++(-0.15*\blockw, 0.6*\blockh) coordinate (spindlene)%
|- ($(beginarc) + (0.15*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh)$) coordinate (spindlesw) -- ++(0, 0.4*\blockh) -| cycle;
% Micro-Hexapod
% Parameters definitions
\def\baseh{0.22*\blockh} % Height of the base
\def\naceh{0.18*\blockh} % Height of the nacelle
\def\baser{0.22*\blockw} % Radius of the base
\def\nacer{0.18*\blockw} % Radius of the nacelle
\def\armr{0.2*\blockh} % Radius of the arms
\def\xnace{0} \def\ynace{\blockh-\naceh} \def\anace{0}
\def\xbase{0} \def\ybase{0} \def\abase{0}
% Hexapod1
\begin{scope}[shift={(\xbase, \ybase)}, rotate=\abase]
% Base
\draw[fill=white] (-\baser, 0) coordinate[](uhexabot) rectangle (\baser, \baseh);
\coordinate[] (armbasel) at (-\baser+\basearmborder+\armr, \baseh);
\coordinate[] (armbasec) at (0, \baseh);
\coordinate[] (armbaser) at (\baser-\basearmborder-\armr, \baseh);
\begin{scope}[shift={(\xnace, \ynace)}, rotate=\anace]
\draw[fill=white] (-\nacer, 0) rectangle (\nacer, \naceh);
\coordinate[] (uhexatop) at (0, \naceh);
\coordinate[] (armnacel) at (-\nacer+\nacearmborder+\armr, 0);
\coordinate[] (armnacec) at (0, 0);
\coordinate[] (armnacer) at (\nacer-\nacearmborder-\armr, 0);
\draw[] (armbasec) -- (armnacer);
\draw[] (armbasec) -- (armnacel);
\draw[] (armbasel) -- coordinate(mhexaw) (armnacel);
\draw[] (armbasel) -- (armnacec);
\draw[] (armbaser) -- (armnacec);
\draw[] (armbaser) -- coordinate(mhexae) (armnacer);
% Sample
\draw[fill=white] (-0.1*\blockw, 0) coordinate[](samplebot) rectangle coordinate[pos=0.5](samplecenter) node[pos=0.5, above]{Sample} (0.1*\blockw, \blockh) coordinate[](samplene);
\coordinate[](samplenw) at (-0.1*\blockw, \blockh);
\begin{scope}[shift={(0, -0.3*\blockh)}]
% Translation Stage - fixed part
\draw[fill=black!40] (-0.5*\blockw, 0) coordinate[](tyb) rectangle (0.5*\blockw, 0.15*\blockh);
\coordinate[] (measposbot) at (0.5*\blockw, 0);
% Translation Stage - mobile part
\draw[fill=black!10, fill opacity=0.5] (-0.5*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- (-0.5*\blockw, 1.5*\blockh) coordinate[](tyt) -- (0.5*\blockw, 1.5*\blockh) -- (0.5*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- (0.35*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- (0.35*\blockw, 0.8*\blockh) -- (-0.35*\blockw, 0.8*\blockh) -- (-0.35*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- cycle;
% Translation Guidance
\draw[dashed, color=black!60] ($(-0.5*\blockw, 0)+( 0.075*\blockw,0.5*\blockh)$) circle (0.2*\blockh);
\draw[dashed, color=black!60] ($( 0.5*\blockw, 0)+(-0.075*\blockw,0.5*\blockh)$) circle (0.2*\blockh);
% Tilt Guidance
\draw[dashed, color=black!60] ([shift=(-107:4.1*\blockh)]rotationpoint) arc (-107:-120:4.1*\blockh);
\draw[dashed, color=black!60] ([shift=( -73:4.1*\blockh)]rotationpoint) arc (-73:-60:4.1*\blockh);
% % Vertical line
% \draw[dashed, color=black] (samplecenter) -- ++(0, -4*\blockh);
% \begin{scope}[rotate around={\tiltdeg:(samplecenter)}]
% \draw[dashed, color=black] (samplecenter) -- ++(0, -4*\blockh);
% \node[] at ($(samplecenter)+(0, -2.3*\blockh)$) {\AxisRotator[rotate=-90]};
% \node[right, shift={(0.3,0)}] at ($(samplecenter)+(0, -2.3*\blockh)$) {$\theta_z$};
% \end{scope}
% \draw[->] ([shift=(-90:3.6*\blockh)]samplecenter) arc (-90:-87:3.6*\blockh) node[right]{$\theta_y$};
% Laser
\draw[color=red, -<-=0.3] (samplecenter) node[circle, fill=red, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=3pt]{} -- node[pos=0.3, above, color=black]{X-ray} ($(samplecenter)+(1.2*\blockw,0)$);
% Axis
\begin{scope}[shift={(-0.35*\blockw, 3*\blockh)}]
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(0, \axissize) node[right]{$z$};
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(-\axissize, 0) node[above]{$x$};
\draw[fill, color=black] (0, 0) circle (0.05*\axissize);
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.4*\axissize, label=right:$y$] (yaxis) at (0, 0){};
% \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, cross, minimum size=0.4*\axissize, label=left:$y$] (yaxis) at (0, 0){};
\node[fit={($(-0.6*\blockw, -0.5*\blockh)$) ($(0.6*\blockw, 4*\blockh)$)}, inner sep=0pt, draw, dashed, color=gray, label={Positioning Station}] (possystem) {};
\draw[fill=black!30] ($(tyb)+(-5, -1)$) coordinate[](granitesw) rectangle node[pos=0.5]{Granite Frame} ($(measposbot)+(5, 0)$) coordinate[](granitene);
% Focusing Optics
\draw[fill=black!20] ($(granitene)+(-1.5, 3)$) rectangle ++(-1, 2);
\draw[spring] ($(granitene)+(-2, 0)$) -- ++(0, 3);
\node[fit={($(granitene)+(-2.8, -0.2)$) ($(granitene)+(-1.2, 5.2)$)}, inner sep=0pt, draw, dashed, color=gray, label={Focusing Optics}] () {};
% Measurement Optics
\draw[fill=black!20] ($(granitesw)+(1.5, 4)$) rectangle ++(1, 2);
\draw[spring] ($(granitesw)+(2, 1)$) -- ++(0, 3);
\node[fit={($(granitesw)+(2.8, 0.8)$) ($(granitesw)+(1.2, 6.2)$)}, inner sep=0pt, draw, dashed, color=gray, label={Imagery System}] () {};
#+name: fig:id31_beamline_schematic
#+caption: ID31 Beamline Schematic. With light source, nano-focusing optics, sample stage and detector.
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
- Few words about science made on ID31 and why nano-meter accuracy is required
- Typical experiments (tomography, ...), various samples (up to 50kg)
- Where to explain the goal of each stage? (e.g. micro-hexapod: static positioning, Ty and Rz: scans, ...)
- Example of picture obtained (Figure [[fig:id31_tomography_result]])
#+name: fig:id31_tomography_result
#+caption: Image obtained on the ID31 beamline
#+attr_latex: :width 0.49\linewidth
- Explain wanted positioning accuracy and why micro-station cannot have this accuracy (backlash, play, thermal expansion, ...)
- Speak about the metrology concept, and why it is not included in this thesis
* Challenge definition
#+name: fig:nass_concept_schematic
#+caption: Nass Concept. 1: micro-station, 2: nano-hexapod, 3: sample, 4: 5DoF metrology
- 6DoF vibration control platform on top of a complex positioning platform
- *Goal*: Improve accuracy of 6DoF long stroke position platform
- *Approach*: Mechatronic approach / model based / predictive
- *Control*: Robust control approach / various payloads.
First hexapod with control bandwidth higher than the suspension modes that accepts various payloads?
- Rotation aspect
- Compactness? (more related to mechanical design)
* Literature Review
#+name: fig:stewart_platform_examples
#+caption: Examples of Stewart Platforms
#+name: fig:stewart_platform_a
#+attr_latex: :caption \subcaption{Stewart platform based on voice coil actuators}
#+attr_latex: :options {0.49\textwidth}
#+attr_latex: :width 0.8\linewidth
#+name: fig:stewart_platform_a
#+attr_latex: :options {0.49\textwidth}
#+attr_latex: :caption \subcaption{Stewart platform based on piezoelectric actuators}
#+attr_latex: :width 0.8\linewidth
- Hexapods
# [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/]]
- Positioning stations
- Mechatronic approach?
* Outline of thesis / Thesis Summary / Thesis Contributions
*Mechatronic Design Approach* / *Model Based Design*:
- [[cite:&monkhorst04_dynam_error_budget]] high costs of the design process: the designed system must be *first time right*.
When the system is finally build, its performance level should satisfy the specifications.
No significant changes are allowed in the post design phase.
Because of this, the designer wants to be able to predict the performance of the system a-priori and gain insight in the performance limiting factors of the system.
#+begin_src latex :file nass_mechatronics_approach.pdf
% \graphicspath{ {/home/thomas/Cloud/thesis/papers/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass/tikz/figs-tikz} }
% Styles
\tikzset{myblock/.style= {draw, thin, color=white!70!black, fill=white, text width=3cm, align=center, minimum height=1.4cm}};
\tikzset{mylabel/.style= {anchor=north, below, font=\bfseries\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mymodel/.style= {anchor=south, above, font=\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mystep/.style= {->, ultra thick}};
% Blocks
\node[draw, fill=lightblue, align=center, label={[mylabel, text width=8.0cm] Dynamical Models}, minimum height = 4.5cm, text width = 8.0cm] (model) at (0, 0) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] Disturbances}, left = 3 of model.west] (dist) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\mu$ Station}, below = 2pt of dist] (mustation) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\nu$ Hexapod}, above = 2pt of dist] (nanohexapod) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] Mech. Design}, above = 1 of model.north] (mechanical) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] Instrumentation}, left = 2pt of mechanical] (instrumentation) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] FEM}, right = 2pt of mechanical] (fem) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel] Test Benches}, right = 3 of model.east] (testbenches) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel] Assembly}, above = 2pt of testbenches] (mounting) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel] Implementation}, below = 2pt of testbenches] (implementation) {};
% Text
\node[anchor=south, above, text width=8cm, align=left] at (model.south) {Extensive use of models for:\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=5pt]\item Extraction of transfer functions \\ \item Choice of appropriate control architecture \\ \item Tuning of control laws \\ \item Closed loop simulations \\ \item Noise budgets / Evaluation of performances \\ \item Sensibility to parameters / disturbances\end{itemize}\centerline{Models are at the core the mecatronic approach!}};
\node[mymodel] at (mustation.south) {Multiple stages \\ Complex dynamics};
\node[mymodel] at (dist.south) {Ground motion \\ Position errors};
\node[mymodel] at (nanohexapod.south) {Different concepts \\ Sensors, Actuators};
\node[mymodel] at (instrumentation.south) {Sensors, Actuators \\ Electronics};
\node[mymodel] at (mechanical.south) {Proper integration \\ Ease of assembly};
\node[mymodel] at (fem.south) {Optimize key parts: \\ Joints, Plates, APA};
\node[mymodel] at (mounting.south) {Struts \\ Nano-Hexapod};
\node[mymodel] at (testbenches.south) {Instrumentation \\ APA, Struts};
\node[mymodel] at (implementation.south) {Control tests \\ $\mu$ Station};
% Links
\draw[->] (dist.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below,midway]{{\small Spectral Analysis}} (dist.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] (mustation.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below, midway]{{\small CAD Model}} (mustation.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Optimization}} ($(nanohexapod.east)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(nanohexapod.east)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->] ($(fem.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(fem.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(fem.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small Super}\\{\small Element}} ($(fem.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(mechanical.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small CAD}\\{\small model}} ($(mechanical.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(instrumentation.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(instrumentation.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Requirements}} ($(mounting.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(mounting.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(testbenches.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(testbenches.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(implementation.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(implementation.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
% Main steps
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=90, anchor=south, above] (conceptual_phase_node) at (dist.west) {1 - Conceptual Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, above] (detailed_phase_node) at (mechanical.north) {2 - Detail Design Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=-90, anchor=south, above] (implementation_phase_node) at (testbenches.east) {3 - Experimental Phase};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[fit={(conceptual_phase_node.north|-nanohexapod.north) (mustation.south east)}, fill=lightgreen!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (conceptual_phase) {};
\node[fit={(detailed_phase_node.north-|instrumentation.west) (fem.south east)}, fill=lightyellow!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (detailed_phase) {};
\node[fit={(implementation_phase_node.north|-mounting.north) (implementation.south west)}, fill=lightred!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (implementation_phase) {};
% \node[above left] at (dob.south east) {DOB};
% Between main steps
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Concept Validation}}}] (conceptual_phase.north) to[out=90, in=180] (detailed_phase.west);
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Procurement}}}] (detailed_phase.east) to[out=0, in=90] (implementation_phase.north);
% % Inside Model
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north west, draw, fill=white, thin] (multibodymodel) at ($(model.north west) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_nano_hexapod.png}};
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south west, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape) at (model.south west)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_picture.jpg}};
% % Feedback Model
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north east, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape_sim) at ($(model.north east) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{simscape_simulations.pdf}};
% % FeedBack
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south east, draw, fill=white, thin] (feedback) at (model.south east)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{classical_feedback_small.pdf}};
#+name: fig:nass_mechatronics_approach
#+caption: Overview of the mechatronic approach used for the Nano-Active-Stabilization-System
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
- Design \gls{nass} such that it is easy to control (and maintain).
Have good performances by design and not by complex control strategies.
- Uniaxial Model:
- Effect of limited support compliance
- Effect of change of payload
- Rotating Model
- Gyroscopic effects
- Multi Body Model
- Finite Element Models
* Bibliography :ignore:
#+latex: \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Bibliography}]

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% Created 2024-04-17 Wed 11:35
% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt, DIV=12, parskip=full, bibliography=totoc]{scrreprt}
\author{Dehaeze Thomas}
\title{NASS - Introduction}
pdfauthor={Dehaeze Thomas},
pdftitle={NASS - Introduction},
pdfcreator={Emacs 29.3 (Org mode 9.6)},
\chapter{Context of this thesis / Background and Motivation}
\item \gls{esrf} (Figure \ref{fig:esrf_picture})
\caption{\label{fig:esrf_picture}European Synchrotron Radiation Facility}
\item ID31 and Micro Station (Figure \ref{fig:id31_microstation_picture})
\caption{\label{fig:id31_microstation_picture}Picture of the ID31 Micro-Station with annotations}
Alternative: \texttt{id31\_microstation\_cad\_view.png} (CAD view)
\item X-ray beam + detectors + sample stage (Figure \ref{fig:id31_beamline_schematic})
\caption{\label{fig:id31_beamline_schematic}ID31 Beamline Schematic. With light source, nano-focusing optics, sample stage and detector.}
\item Few words about science made on ID31 and why nano-meter accuracy is required
\item Typical experiments (tomography, \ldots{}), various samples (up to 50kg)
\item Where to explain the goal of each stage? (e.g. micro-hexapod: static positioning, Ty and Rz: scans, \ldots{})
\item Example of picture obtained (Figure \ref{fig:id31_tomography_result})
\caption{\label{fig:id31_tomography_result}Image obtained on the ID31 beamline}
\item Explain wanted positioning accuracy and why micro-station cannot have this accuracy (backlash, play, thermal expansion, \ldots{})
\item Speak about the metrology concept, and why it is not included in this thesis
\chapter{Challenge definition}
\caption{\label{fig:nass_concept_schematic}Nass Concept. 1: micro-station, 2: nano-hexapod, 3: sample, 4: 5DoF metrology}
\item 6DoF vibration control platform on top of a complex positioning platform
\item \textbf{Goal}: Improve accuracy of 6DoF long stroke position platform
\item \textbf{Approach}: Mechatronic approach / model based / predictive
\item \textbf{Control}: Robust control approach / various payloads.
First hexapod with control bandwidth higher than the suspension modes that accepts various payloads?
\item Rotation aspect
\item Compactness? (more related to mechanical design)
\chapter{Literature Review}
\subcaption{Stewart platform based on voice coil actuators}
\subcaption{Stewart platform based on piezoelectric actuators}
\caption{\label{fig:stewart_platform_examples}Examples of Stewart Platforms}
\item Hexapods
\item Positioning stations
\item Mechatronic approach?
\chapter{Outline of thesis / Thesis Summary / Thesis Contributions}
\textbf{Mechatronic Design Approach} / \textbf{Model Based Design}:
\item \cite{monkhorst04_dynam_error_budget} high costs of the design process: the designed system must be \textbf{first time right}.
When the system is finally build, its performance level should satisfy the specifications.
No significant changes are allowed in the post design phase.
Because of this, the designer wants to be able to predict the performance of the system a-priori and gain insight in the performance limiting factors of the system.
\caption{\label{fig:nass_mechatronics_approach}Overview of the mechatronic approach used for the Nano-Active-Stabilization-System}
\item Design \gls{nass} such that it is easy to control (and maintain).
Have good performances by design and not by complex control strategies.
\item Uniaxial Model:
\item Effect of limited support compliance
\item Effect of change of payload
\item Rotating Model
\item Gyroscopic effects
\item Multi Body Model
\item Finite Element Models

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