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#+TITLE:Centrifugal Forces

Introduction   ignore

In this document, we wish to estimate the centrifugal forces due to the spindle's rotation when the sample's center of mass is off-centered with respect to the rotation axis.

This is the case then the sample is moved by the micro-hexapod.

The centrifugal forces are defined as represented Figure fig:centrifugal where:

  • $M$ is the total mass of the rotating elements in $[kg]$
  • $\omega$ is the rotation speed in $[rad/s]$
  • $r$ is the distance to the rotation axis in $[m]$
Centrifugal forces


We define some parameters for the computation.

The mass of the sample can vary from $1\,kg$ to $50\,kg$ to which is added to mass of the metrology reflector and the nano-hexapod's top platform (here set to $15\,kg$).

  M_light = 16; % mass of excentred parts mooving [kg]
  M_heavy = 65; % [kg]

For the light mass, the rotation speed is 60rpm whereas for the heavy mass, it is equal to 1rpm.

  w_light = 2*pi; % rotational speed [rad/s]
  w_heavy = 2*pi/60; % rotational speed [rad/s]

Finally, we consider a mass eccentricity of $10\,mm$.

  R = 0.01; % Excentricity [m]

Centrifugal forces for light and heavy sample

From the formula $F_c = m \omega^2 r$, we obtain the values shown below.

Force [N]
light 6.32
heavy 0.01

Centrifugal forces as a function of the rotation speed

The centrifugal forces as a function of the rotation speed for light and heavy sample is shown on Figure fig:centrifugal_forces_rpm.


Centrifugal forces function of the rotation speed

Maximum rotation speed as a function of the mass

We plot the maximum rotation speed as a function of the mass for different maximum force that we can use to counteract the centrifugal forces (Figure fig:max_force_rpm).

From a specified maximum allowed centrifugal force (here set to $10\,[N]$), the maximum rotation speed as a function of the sample's mass is shown in Figure fig:max_force_rpm.

  F_max = 10; % Maximum accepted centrifugal forces [N]

  R = 0.01;

  M_sample = 0:1:100;
  M_reflector = 15;


Maximum rotation speed as a function of the sample mass for an allowed centrifugal force of $100\,[N]$