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#+TITLE:Measurement of the ID31 Micro-Station

This web-page gathers all the measurements done on the ID31 Micro Station.

Measurements of the dynamics of the station

Measurement 1

Link to the analysis


Date 2017-11-17
Sensors Accelerometers
Excitation Instrumented Hammer
Location Laboratory

Dynamics of the station is evaluated using instrumented hammer and accelerometers fixed on each stage.


  • Obtain a first estimation of resonance frequencies


  • Resonances have been identified at 45Hz and 75Hz
  • However, the quality of the measurements are bad at low frequency
  • New measurements should be done with Geophones

Measurement 2

Link to the analysis


Date 2018-01-12
Sensors Geophones
Excitation Instrumented Hammer
Location Laboratory
Notes Unglued Granite


Obtain better coherence at low frequency.


  • Resonances at 42Hz, 70Hz and 125Hz have been identified
  • The coherence is much better than when using accelerometers

TODO Measurement 3

Link to the analysis


Date 2018-10-12
Sensors Geophones
Excitation Instrumented Hammer
Location Experimental Hutch


The station is now installed on the experimental hutch with a glued granite (final location). The station is identified again.


Measurements of perturbations

Noise coming from the control loop of each stage

Link to the analysis


Date 2018-10-15
Sensors Geophones
Location Experimental Hutch


The objective is to estimate how much perturbation is injected in the system by the control systems of each stages of the micro station.

Geophones are located on the structure. Each stage is turned on and off. The signals of the geophones are then compared when the stage is on and off.


  • The translation stage seems to have effect on the tilt stage at 20Hz.
  • The Tilt stage and the Hexapod control systems have no effect on the motion of the other stages.
  • The spindle stage control system seems to induce a motion of the Hexapod on the Z direction around 20Hz.

Static guiding error estimation

Link to the analysis


Date 2019-01-09
Sensors Interferometer
Location Experimental Hutch

Each stage is statically moved of all its stroke on after the other. A metrology element is located at the sample position and its motion is measured in translations and rotations. For each small displacement, the stage is stopped and the motion of the sample is recorded and averaged.


The goal is to estimate the guiding errors of each stage.


Spindle Measurements

Link to the analysis


Date 2017-04-25
Location PEL Lab


The goal is to estimate all the error motions induced by the Spindle
