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DONE Measurement of the slip-ring noise when turning

CLOSED: [2019-05-14 mar. 10:36]

Voltage amplifier:

  • 60db
  • AC
  • 1kHz

Additionnal LPF at 1kHz

  • meas30: All off
  • meas31: Slip-ring on
  • meas32: slip-ring 6rpm
  • meas33: slip-ring 60rpm

Channel 1: direct Channel 2: slip-ring

DONE Measuremeent of the noise of the slip-ring when turned ON using geophones

CLOSED: [2019-05-14 mar. 10:36]

Voltage amplifier:

  • 60db
  • AC
  • 1kHz

Additionnal LPF at 1kHz

  • meas35: All off
  • meas36: slip-ring ON

geophone at the sample location slit into 2 BNC:

  • first one (column one): direct wire
  • second one (second column): slip-ring wire

Each of the signal is amplified by voltage amplifier:

  • 60db
  • AC
  • 1kHz

Additionnal LPF is added before the voltage amplifiers

DONE Measure of the ground and marble velocity

CLOSED: [2019-05-14 mar. 10:34]

One geophone is located on the marble, the other one on the floor.

col1: floor col2: marble

Each of the signal is amplified by voltage amplifier:

  • 60db
  • AC
  • 1kHz
  • meas 37: Z direction
  • meas 38: N direction
  • meas 39: E direction

DONE Measure of the vibration when rotating the Slip-ring and Ty

CLOSED: [2019-05-14 mar. 10:39]

All the stages are OFF except Ty and Slip-Ring.

Each of the signal is amplified by voltage amplifier:

  • 40db!!!
  • AC
  • 1kHz

col1: marble col2: sample

Rotating the slip-ring at 60rpm and scans with the Ty at 1Hz. Everything on the Z direction

  • meas 50: Slip-Ring at 1Hz, Ty OFF
  • meas 51: Slip-Ring at 1Hz, Ty ON (The current and cnt error of Ty is also registered)
  • meas 52: Slip-Ring at 1Hz, Ty 1Hz 600000cnt

DONE Measure of the vibration induced by Ty motion

CLOSED: [2019-05-14 mar. 10:42]

One geophone at the sample position One geophone on the marble

Each of the signal is amplified by voltage amplifier:

  • 40db!!!
  • AC
  • 1kHz

col1: marble col2: sample

Ty Scans:

  • sin @ 1Hz with amplitude = 600 000 cnt (= 3mm)
  • meas 40: Z direction
  • meas 41: E direction
  • meas 42: E direction without any motion (Ty OFF)