10 KiB
Vibrations induced by the Slip-Ring and the Spindle
Experimental Setup
Setup: One geophone is located on the marble, the other one on the floor (see figure fig:experimental_setup).
Two geophone are use:
- One on the floor (corresponding to the first column in the data)
- One at the marble location (corresponding to the second column in the data)
Two voltage amplifiers are used, their setup is:
- gain of 60dB
- AC/DC switch on AC
- Low pass filter at 1kHz
A first order low pass filter is also added at the input of the voltage amplifiers.
- Identify the marble dynamics in all the directions
Measurements: Three measurements are done:
Measurement File | Description |
mat/data_037.mat |
Z direction |
mat/data_038.mat |
N direction |
mat/data_039.mat |
E direction |
Each of the measurement mat
file contains one data
array with 3 columns:
Column number | Description |
1 | Geophone - Floor |
2 | Geophone - Marble |
3 | Time |

Data Analysis
ZIP file containing the data and matlab files ignore
All the files (data and Matlab scripts) are accessible here.
Load data
m_z = load('mat/data_037.mat', 'data'); m_z = m_z.data;
m_n = load('mat/data_038.mat', 'data'); m_n = m_n.data;
m_e = load('mat/data_039.mat', 'data'); m_e = m_e.data;
Time domain plots
subplot(1, 3, 1);
hold on;
plot(m_z(:, 3), m_z(:, 2), 'DisplayName', 'Marble - Z');
plot(m_z(:, 3), m_z(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'Floor - Z');
hold off;
xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Voltage [V]');
xlim([0, 100]); ylim([-2 2]);
legend('Location', 'northeast');
subplot(1, 3, 2);
hold on;
plot(m_n(:, 3), m_n(:, 2), 'DisplayName', 'Marble - N');
plot(m_n(:, 3), m_n(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'Floor - N');
hold off;
xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Voltage [V]');
xlim([0, 100]); ylim([-2 2]);
legend('Location', 'northeast');
subplot(1, 3, 3);
hold on;
plot(m_e(:, 3), m_e(:, 2), 'DisplayName', 'Marble - E');
plot(m_e(:, 3), m_e(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'Floor - E');
hold off;
xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Voltage [V]');
xlim([0, 100]); ylim([-2 2]);
legend('Location', 'northeast');
Compute the power spectral densities
We first compute some parameters that will be used for the PSD computation.
dt = m_z(2, 3)-m_z(1, 3);
Fs = 1/dt; % [Hz]
win = hanning(ceil(10*Fs));
Then we compute the Power Spectral Density using pwelch
[px_fz, f] = pwelch(m_z(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);
[px_gz, ~] = pwelch(m_z(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
[px_fn, ~] = pwelch(m_n(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);
[px_gn, ~] = pwelch(m_n(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
[px_fe, ~] = pwelch(m_e(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);
[px_ge, ~] = pwelch(m_e(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
The results are shown on figure fig:floor_marble_psd_z for the Z direction, figure fig:floor_marble_psd_n for the north direction, and figure fig:floor_marble_psd_e for the east direction.
Compute the transfer function from floor motion to ground motion
We now compute the transfer function from the floor motion to the granite motion.
The result is shown on figure fig:tf_granite.
[TZ, f] = tfestimate(m_z(:, 1), -m_z(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
[TN, ~] = tfestimate(m_n(:, 1), -m_n(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
[TE, ~] = tfestimate(m_e(:, 1), -m_e(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
- We see resonance of the granite at 33Hz in the horizontal directions
- We see two resonances for the z direction: at 60Hz and 75Hz