11 KiB

Vibrations induced by the Slip-Ring and the Spindle

Experimental Setup

Setup: All the stages are OFF.

Two geophone are use:

  • One on the marble (corresponding to the first column in the data)
  • One at the sample location (corresponding to the second column in the data)

Two voltage amplifiers are used, their setup is:

  • gain of 60dB
  • AC/DC switch on AC
  • Low pass filter at 1kHz

A first order low pass filter is also added at the input of the voltage amplifiers.


  • Identify the vibrations induced by the rotation of the Slip-Ring and Spindle

Measurements: Three measurements are done:

Measurement File Description
mat/data_024.mat All the stages are OFF
mat/data_025.mat The slip-ring is ON and rotates at 6rpm. The spindle is OFF
mat/data_026.mat The slip-ring and spindle are both ON. They are both turning at 6rpm

Each of the measurement mat file contains one data array with 3 columns:

Column number Description
1 Geophone - Marble
2 Geophone - Sample
3 Time

A movie showing the experiment is shown on figure fig:exp_sl_sp_gif.

Movie of the experiment, rotation speed is 6rpm

Data Analysis


ZIP file containing the data and matlab files   ignore

All the files (data and Matlab scripts) are accessible here.

Load data

  of = load('mat/data_024.mat', 'data'); of = of.data;
  sr = load('mat/data_025.mat', 'data'); sr = sr.data;
  sp = load('mat/data_026.mat', 'data'); sp = sp.data;

Voltage to Velocity

We convert the measured voltage to velocity using the function voltageToVelocityL22 (accessible here).

  gain = 60; % [dB]

  of(:, 1) = voltageToVelocityL22(of(:, 1), of(:, 3), gain);
  sr(:, 1) = voltageToVelocityL22(sr(:, 1), sr(:, 3), gain);
  sp(:, 1) = voltageToVelocityL22(sp(:, 1), sp(:, 3), gain);

  of(:, 2) = voltageToVelocityL22(of(:, 2), of(:, 3), gain);
  sr(:, 2) = voltageToVelocityL22(sr(:, 2), sr(:, 3), gain);
  sp(:, 2) = voltageToVelocityL22(sp(:, 2), sp(:, 3), gain);

Time domain plots

  hold on;
  plot(sp(:, 3), sp(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'Spindle - 6rpm');
  plot(sr(:, 3), sr(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'Slip-Ring - 6rpm');
  plot(of(:, 3), of(:, 1), 'DisplayName', 'OFF');
  hold off;
  xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Velocity [m/s]');
  xlim([0, 100]);
  legend('Location', 'northeast');


Velocity as measured by the geophone located on the marble - Time domain
  hold on;
  plot(sp(:, 3), sp(:, 2), 'DisplayName', 'Spindle and Slip-Ring');
  plot(sr(:, 3), sr(:, 2), 'DisplayName', 'Only Slip-Ring');
  plot(of(:, 3), of(:, 2), 'DisplayName', 'OFF');
  hold off;
  xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Velocity [m/s]');
  xlim([0, 100]);
  legend('Location', 'northeast');


Velocity as measured by the geophone at the sample location - Time domain


Velocity as measured by the geophone at the sample location - Time domain

Frequency Domain

We first compute some parameters that will be used for the PSD computation.

  dt = of(2, 3)-of(1, 3);

  Fs = 1/dt; % [Hz]

  win = hanning(ceil(10*Fs));

Then we compute the Power Spectral Density using pwelch function.

First for the geophone located on the marble

  [pxof_m, f] = pwelch(of(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);
  [pxsr_m, ~] = pwelch(sr(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);
  [pxsp_m, ~] = pwelch(sp(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);

And for the geophone located at the sample position.

  [pxof_s, ~] = pwelch(of(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
  [pxsr_s, ~] = pwelch(sr(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);
  [pxsp_s, ~] = pwelch(sp(:, 2), win, [], [], Fs);

And finally for the relative velocity between the sample and the marble.

  [pxof_r, ~] = pwelch(of(:, 2)-of(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);
  [pxsr_r, ~] = pwelch(sr(:, 2)-sr(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);
  [pxsp_r, ~] = pwelch(sp(:, 2)-sp(:, 1), win, [], [], Fs);

And we plot the ASD of the measured velocities:

  hold on;
  plot(f, sqrt(pxsp_m), 'DisplayName', 'Spindle - 6rpm');
  plot(f, sqrt(pxsr_m), 'DisplayName', 'Slip-Ring - 6rpm');
  plot(f, sqrt(pxof_m), 'DisplayName', 'OFF');
  hold off;
  set(gca, 'xscale', 'log');
  set(gca, 'yscale', 'log');
  xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('ASD of the measured velocity $\left[\frac{m/s}{\sqrt{Hz}}\right]$')
  legend('Location', 'southwest');
  xlim([2, 500]);


Comparison of the ASD of the measured velocities from the Geophone on the marble
  hold on;
  plot(f, sqrt(pxsp_s), 'DisplayName', 'Spindle - 6rpm');
  plot(f, sqrt(pxsr_s), 'DisplayName', 'Slip-Ring - 6rpm');
  plot(f, sqrt(pxof_s), 'DisplayName', 'OFF');
  hold off;
  set(gca, 'xscale', 'log');
  set(gca, 'yscale', 'log');
  xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('ASD of the measured velocity $\left[\frac{m/s}{\sqrt{Hz}}\right]$')
  legend('Location', 'southwest');
  xlim([2, 500]);


Comparison of the ASD of the measured velocities from the Geophone at the sample location
  hold on;
  plot(f, sqrt(pxsp_r), 'DisplayName', 'Spindle - 6rpm');
  plot(f, sqrt(pxsr_r), 'DisplayName', 'Slip-Ring - 6rpm');
  plot(f, sqrt(pxof_r), 'DisplayName', 'OFF');
  hold off;
  set(gca, 'xscale', 'log');
  set(gca, 'yscale', 'log');
  xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('ASD of the relative velocity $\left[\frac{m/s}{\sqrt{Hz}}\right]$')
  legend('Location', 'southwest');
  xlim([2, 500]);


Comparison of the ASD of the relative velocity


  • The slip-ring rotation induces almost no vibrations on the marble, and only a little vibrations on the sample above 100Hz.
  • The spindle rotation induces a lot of vibrations of the sample as well as on the granite.
  • There is a huge peak at 24Hz on the sample vibration but not on the granite vibration

    • The peak is really sharp, could this be due to magnetic effect?
    • Should redo the measurement with piezo accelerometers.