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#+TITLE:System maintenance


System packages

To check packages to update:

paru -Qu

And then to perform the update:



First update npm itself

sudo npm install npm@latest -g

Then, we can list outdated packages:

npm outdated -g --depth=0

And finally perform the update:

sudo npm update -g


First upgrade pip itself:

/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Then list outdated packages:

pip3 list --outdated

And update everything with:

pip3 list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip3 install -U

Emacs and Vim

Update Doom emacs with:

doom up

And Vim packages with:

nvim -c PlugUpgrade -c PlugUpdate

Check problems in the system

First check for failed services:

systemctl --failed

Same for user services:

systemctl --user --failed

Look for errors in the logs:

sudo journalctl -p 3 -b

Check orphan and dropped packages

Run the following to list all orphan packages:

pacman -Qtdq | fzf --preview 'pacman -Qil {}' --layout=reverse --bind 'enter:execute(pacman -Qil {} | less)'

Then, either remove the unused packages or set the package to "explicitly installed" with:

sudo pacman -D --asexplicit package_name

Use the ancient-packages (link) command to list dropped packages (packages may longer in the remote repositories, but still on the local system):
