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#+TITLE: Dotfiles - Manjaro Linux
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: html-postamble:nil
#+SETUPFILE: ./setup/
#+HTML_HEAD: <style> #content {margin: auto;} </style>
The general installation procedure is described [[][here]].
There are Specific configuration files for:
- *Windows Manager*: [[][BSPWM]] and [[][I3]]
- *Hotkey Manager*: [[][SXHKD]]
- *Status Bar*: [[][Polybar]]
- *Launcher*: [[][Rofi]]
- *Compositor*: [[][Picom]]
- *Notification Manager*: [[][Dunst]]
- *Service Manager*: [[][Systemd]]
- *Display Server*: [[][Xorg]]
- *Editors*: [[][Neovim]] and [[./][Emacs (Doom)]] ([[][library of babel]], [[][snippets]])
- *Shell*: [[][Bash]]
- *Terminal Emulator*: [[][Alacritty]]
- *Terminal Multiplexer* [[][Tmux]]
- *Image Setup*: [[][Sxiv]]
- *Music Setup*: [[][Ncmpcpp, Mopidy and Beets]]
- *Video Setup*: [[][Mpv]]
- *Web Browser*: [[][Qutebrowser]]
- *PDF Reader*: [[][Zathura]]
- *GUI File Manager*: [[][PCManFM]]
- *Terminal File Manager*: [[][Ranger]]
- *Calendar and Contacts*: [[][Vdirsyncer, Khal and Khard]]
- *Mails*: [[][Mbsync, Msmtp, Mu and Neomutt]]
- *Contacts*: [[][Khard]]
- *RSS-Reader*: [[][Newsboat]]
- *Version Control*: [[][Git]]
- *Scripts*: [[][Scripts]]
- *Desktop Applications*: [[][.desktop files]]
- *Computation*: [[][Matlab]]
- *GUI Toolkit*: [[][GTK]]
- [[][Other Configurations]] and some [[][data]]
I also have:
- a nice Home-Server ([[][conf]])
- a Linux smart-TV ([[][conf]])
- a Windows PC that I occasionally use ([[][conf]])
- an Android phone ([[][conf]])