2020-06-03 22:43:54 +02:00

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<title>Active structural vibration control: a review</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Tags :
Reference (Rabih Alkhatib &amp;amp; Golnaraghi, 2003) Author(s) Alkhatib, R., &amp;amp; Golnaraghi, M. F. Year 2003 Process of designing an active vibration control system Analyze the structure to be controled Obtain an idealized mathematical model with FEM or experimental modal analysis Reduce the model order is necessary Analyze the resulting model: dynamics properties, types of disturbances, &amp;hellip; Quantify sensors and actuators requirements. Decide on their types and location Analyze the impact of the sensors and actuators on the overall dynamic characteristics Specify performance criteria and stability tradeoffs Device of the type of control algorythm to be employed and design a controller to meet the specifications Simulate the resulting controlled system on a computer If the controller does not meet the requirements, adjust the specifications or modify the type of controller Choose hardware and software and integrate the components on a pilot plant Formulate experiments and perform system identification and model updating Implement controller and carry out system test to evaluate the performance Feedback control Active damping The objective is to reduce the resonance peaks of the closed loop transfer function.</description>