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+++ title = "Design, modeling and control of nanopositioning systems" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++

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(Fleming and Leang 2014)
Fleming, A. J., & Leang, K. K.

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Nanotechnology

1.2 Introduction to Nanopositioning

1.3 Scanning Probe Microscopy

1.4 Challenges with Nanopositioning Systems

1.4.1 Hysteresis

1.4.2 Creep

1.4.3 Thermal Drift

1.4.4 Mechanical Resonance

1.5 Control of Nanopositioning Systems

1.5.1 Feedback Control

1.5.2 Feedforward Control

1.6 Book Summary

1.6.1 Assumed Knowledge

1.6.2 Content Summary


2 Piezoelectric Transducers

2.1 The Piezoelectric Effect

2.2 Piezoelectric Compositions

2.3 Manufacturing Piezoelectric Ceramics

2.4 Piezoelectric Transducers

2.5 Application Considerations

2.5.1 Mounting

2.5.2 Stroke Versus Force

2.5.3 Preload and Flexures

2.5.4 Electrical Considerations

2.5.5 Self-Heating Considerations

2.6 Response of Piezoelectric Actuators

2.6.1 Hysteresis

2.6.2 Creep

2.6.3 Temperature Dependence

2.6.4 Vibrational Dynamics

2.6.5 Electrical Bandwidth

2.7 Modeling Creep and Vibration in Piezoelectric Actuators

2.8 Chapter Summary


3 Types of Nanopositioners

3.1 Piezoelectric Tube Nanopositioners

3.1.1 63mm Piezoelectric Tube

3.1.2 40mm Piezoelectric Tube Nanopositioner

3.2 Piezoelectric Stack Nanopositioners

3.2.1 Phyisk Instrumente P-734 Nanopositioner

3.2.2 Phyisk Instrumente P-733.3DD Nanopositioner

3.2.3 Vertical Nanopositioners

3.2.4 Rotational Nanopositioners

3.2.5 Low Temperature and UHV Nanopositioners

3.2.6 Tilting Nanopositioners

3.2.7 Optical Objective Nanopositioners


4 Mechanical Design: Flexure-Based Nanopositioners

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Operating Environment

4.3 Methods for Actuation

4.4 Flexure Hinges

4.4.1 Introduction

4.4.2 Types of Flexures

4.4.3 Flexure Hinge Compliance Equations

4.4.4 Stiff Out-of-Plane Flexure Designs

4.4.5 Failure Considerations

4.4.6 Finite Element Approach for Flexure Design

4.5 Material Considerations

4.5.1 Materials for Flexure and Platform Design

4.5.2 Thermal Stability of Materials

4.6 Manufacturing Techniques

4.7 Design Example: A High-Speed Serial-Kinematic Nanopositioner

4.7.1 State-of-the-Art Designs

4.7.2 Tradeoffs and Limitations in Speed

4.7.3 Serial- Versus Parallel-Kinematic Configurations

4.7.4 Piezoactuator Considerations

4.7.5 Preloading Piezo-Stack Actuators

4.7.6 Flexure Design for Lateral Positioning

4.7.7 Design of Vertical Stage

4.7.8 Fabrication and Assembly

4.7.9 Drive Electronics

4.7.10 Experimental Results

4.8 Chapter Summary


5 Position Sensors

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Sensor Characteristics

5.2.1 Calibration and Nonlinearity

5.2.2 Drift and Stability

5.2.3 Bandwidth

5.2.4 Noise

5.2.5 Resolution

5.2.6 Combining Errors

5.2.7 Metrological Traceability

5.3 Nanometer Position Sensors

5.3.1 Resistive Strain Sensors

5.3.2 Piezoresistive Strain Sensors

5.3.3 Piezoelectric Strain Sensors

5.3.4 Capacitive Sensors

5.3.5 MEMs Capacitive and Thermal Sensors

5.3.6 Eddy-Current Sensors

5.3.7 Linear Variable Displacement Transformers

5.3.8 Laser Interferometers

5.3.9 Linear Encoders

5.4 Comparison and Summary

5.5 Outlook and Future Requirements


6 Shunt Control

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Shunt Circuit Modeling

6.2.1 Open-Loop

6.2.2 Shunt Damping

6.3 Implementation

6.4 Experimental Results

6.4.1 Tube Dynamics

6.4.2 Amplifier Performance

6.4.3 Shunt Damping Performance

6.5 Chapter Summary


7 Feedback Control

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Experimental Setup

7.3 PI Control

7.4 PI Control with Notch Filters

7.5 PI Control with IRC Damping

7.6 Performance Comparison

7.7 Noise and Resolution

7.8 Analog Implementation

7.9 Application to AFM Imaging

7.10 Repetitive Control

7.10.1 Introduction

7.10.2 Repetitive Control Concept and Stability Considerations

7.10.3 Dual-Stage Repetitive Control

7.10.4 Handling Hysteresis

7.10.5 Design and Implementation

7.10.6 Experimental Results and Discussion

7.11 Summary


8 Force Feedback Control

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Modeling

8.2.1 Actuator Dynamics

8.2.2 Sensor Dynamics

8.2.3 Sensor Noise

8.2.4 Mechanical Dynamics

8.2.5 System Properties

8.2.6 Example System

8.3 Damping Control

8.4 Tracking Control

8.4.1 Relationship Between Force and Displacement

8.4.2 Integral Displacement Feedback

8.4.3 Direct Tracking Control

8.4.4 Dual Sensor Feedback

8.4.5 Low Frequency Bypass

8.4.6 Feedforward Inputs

8.4.7 Higher-Order Modes

8.5 Experimental Results

8.5.1 Experimental Nanopositioner

8.5.2 Actuators and Force Sensors

8.5.3 Control Design

8.5.4 Noise Performance

8.6 Chapter Summary


9 Feedforward Control

9.1 Why Feedforward?

9.2 Modeling for Feedforward Control

9.3 Feedforward Control of Dynamics and Hysteresis

9.3.1 Simple DC-Gain Feedforward Control

9.3.2 An Inversion-Based Feedforward Approach for Linear Dynamics

9.3.3 Frequency-Weighted Inversion: The Optimal Inverse

9.3.4 Application to AFM Imaging

9.4 Feedforward and Feedback Control

9.4.1 Application to AFM Imaging

9.5 Iterative Feedforward Control

9.5.1 The ILC Problem

9.5.2 Model-Based ILC

9.5.3 Nonlinear ILC

9.5.4 Conclusions


10 Command Shaping

10.1 Introduction

10.1.1 Background

10.1.2 The Optimal Periodic Input

10.2 Signal Optimization

10.3 Frequency Domain Cost Functions

10.3.1 Background: Discrete Fourier Series

10.3.2 Minimizing Signal Power

10.3.3 Minimizing Frequency Weighted Power

10.3.4 Minimizing Velocity and Acceleration

10.3.5 Single-Sided Frequency Domain Calculations

10.4 Time Domain Cost Function

10.4.1 Minimum Velocity

10.4.2 Minimum Acceleration

10.4.3 Frequency Weighted Objectives

10.5 Application to Scan Generation

10.5.1 Choosing β and K

10.5.2 Improving Feedback and Feedforward Controllers

10.6 Comparison to Other Techniques

10.7 Experimental Application

10.8 Chapter Summary


11 Hysteresis Modeling and Control

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Modeling Hysteresis

11.2.1 Simple Polynomial Model

11.2.2 Maxwell Slip Model

11.2.3 Duhem Model

11.2.4 Preisach Model

11.2.5 Classical Prandlt-Ishlinksii Model

11.3 Feedforward Hysteresis Compensation

11.3.1 Feedforward Control Using the Presiach Model

11.3.2 Feedforward Control Using the Prandlt-Ishlinksii Model

11.4 Chapter Summary


12 Charge Drives

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Charge Drives

12.3 Application to Piezoelectric Stack Nanopositioners

12.4 Application to Piezoelectric Tube Nanopositioners

12.5 Alternative Electrode Configurations

12.5.1 Grounded Internal Electrode

12.5.2 Quartered Internal Electrode

12.6 Charge Versus Voltage

12.6.1 Advantages

12.6.2 Disadvantages

12.7 Impact on Closed-Loop Control

12.8 Chapter Summary


13 Noise in Nanopositioning Systems

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Review of Random Processes

13.2.1 Probability Distributions

13.2.2 Expected Value, Moments, Variance, and RMS

13.2.3 Gaussian Random Variables

13.2.4 Continuous Random Processes

13.2.5 Joint Density Functions and Stationarity

13.2.6 Correlation Functions

13.2.7 Gaussian Random Processes

13.2.8 Power Spectral Density

13.2.9 Filtered Random Processes

13.2.10 White Noise

13.2.11 Spectral Density in V/sqrtHz

13.2.12 Single- and Double-Sided Spectra

13.3 Resolution and Noise

13.4 Sources of Nanopositioning Noise

13.4.1 Sensor Noise

13.4.2 External Noise

13.4.3 Amplifier Noise

13.5 Closed-Loop Position Noise

13.5.1 Noise Sensitivity Functions

13.5.2 Closed-Loop Position Noise Spectral Density

13.5.3 Closed-Loop Noise Approximations with Integral Control

13.5.4 Closed-Loop Position Noise Variance

13.5.5 A Note on Units

13.6 Simulation Examples

13.6.1 Integral Controller Noise Simulation

13.6.2 Noise Simulation with Inverse Model Controller

13.6.3 Feedback Versus Feedforward Control

13.7 Practical Frequency Domain Noise Measurements

13.7.1 Preamplification

13.7.2 Spectrum Estimation

13.7.3 Direct Measurement of Position Noise

13.7.4 Measurement of the External Disturbance

13.8 Experimental Demonstration

13.9 Time-Domain Noise Measurements

13.9.1 Total Integrated Noise

13.9.2 Estimating the Position Noise

13.9.3 Practical Considerations

13.9.4 Experimental Demonstration

13.10 A Simple Method for Measuring the Resolution of Nanopositioning Systems

13.11 Techniques for Improving Resolution

13.12 Chapter Summary


Electrical Considerations

Amplifier and Piezo electrical models

{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/fleming14_amplifier_model.png" caption="Figure 1: A voltage source \(V_s\) driving a piezoelectric load. The actuator is modeled by a capacitance \(C_p\) and strain-dependent voltage source \(V_p\). The resistance \(R_s\) is the output impedance and \(L\) the cable inductance." >}}

Consider the electrical circuit shown in Figure 1 where a voltage source is connected to a piezoelectric actuator. The actuator is modeled as a capacitance \(C_p\) in series with a strain-dependent voltage source \(V_p\). The resistance \(R_s\) and inductance \(L\) are the source impedance and the cable inductance respectively.

Typical inductance of standard RG-58 coaxial cable is \(250 nH/m\). Typical value of \(R_s\) is between \(10\) and \(100 \Omega\).

When considering the effects of both output impedance and cable inductance, the transfer function from source voltage \(V_s\) to load voltage \(V_L\) is second-order low pass filter:

\begin{equation} \frac{V_L(s)}{V_s(s)} = \frac{1}{\frac{s^2}{\omega_r^2} + 2 \xi \frac{s}{\omega_r} + 1} \end{equation}


  • \(\omega_r = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L C_p}}\)
  • \(\xi = \frac{R_s \sqrt{L C_p}}{2 L}\)

Amplifier small-signal Bandwidth

The most obvious bandwidth limitation is the small-signal bandwidth of the amplifier.

If the inductance \(L\) is neglected, the transfer function from source voltage \(V_s\) to load voltage \(V_L\) forms a first order filter with a cut-off frequency

\begin{equation} \omega_c = \frac{1}{R_s C_p} \end{equation}

This is thus highly dependent of the load.

The high capacitive impedance nature of piezoelectric loads introduces phase-lag into the feedback path. A rule of thumb is that closed-loop bandwidth cannot exceed one-tenth the cut-off frequency of the pole formed by the amplifier output impedance \(R_s\) and load capacitance \(C_p\) (see Table 1 for values).

Table 1: Bandwidth limitation due to \(R_s\)
Cp = 100 nF Cp = 1 uF Cp = 10 uF
Rs = 1 Ohm 1.6 MHz 160 kHz 16 kHz
Rs = 10 Ohm 160 kHz 16 kHz 1.6 kHz
Rs = 100 Ohm 16 kHz 1.6 kHz 160 Hz

The inductance \(L\) does also play a role in the amplifier bandwidth as it changes the resonance frequency. Ideally, low inductance cables should be used. It is however usually quite high compare to \(\omega_c\) as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Bandwidth limitation due to \(R_s\)
Cp = 100 nF Cp = 1 uF Cp = 10 uF
L = 25 nH 3.2 MHz 1 MHz 320 kHz
L = 250 nH 1 MHz 320 kHz 100 kHz
L = 2500 nH 320 kHz 100 kHz 32 kHz

Amplifier maximum slew rate

Further bandwidth restrictions are imposed by the maximum slew rate of the amplifier. This is the maximum rate at which the output voltage can change and is usually expressed in \(V/\mu s\).

For sinusoidal signals, the amplifiers slew rate must exceed: \[ SR_{\text{sin}} > V_{p-p} \pi f \] where \(V_{p-p}\) is the peak to peak voltage and \(f\) is the frequency.

If a 300kHz sine wave is to be reproduced with an amplitude of 10V, the required slew rate is \(\approx 20 V/\mu s\).

When dealing with capacitive loads, the current limit is usually exceed well before the slew rate limit.

Current and Power Limitations

When driving the actuator off-resonance, the current delivered to a piezoelectric actuator is approximately: \[ I_L(s) = V_L(s) C_p s \]

For sinusoidal signals, the maximum positive and negative current is equal to: \[ I_L^\text{max} = V_{p-p} \pi f C_p \]

Table 3: Minimum current requirements for a 10V sinusoid
Cp = 100 nF Cp = 1 uF Cp = 10 uF
f = 30 Hz 0.19 mA 1.9 mA 19 mA
f = 3 kHz 19 mA 190 mA 1.9 A
f = 300 kHz 1.9 A 19 A 190 A

Chapter Summary

The bandwidth limitations of standard piezoelectric drives were identified as:

  • High output impedance
  • The presence of a ple in the voltage-feedback loop due to output impedance and load capacitance
  • Insufficient current capacity due to power dissipation
  • High cable and connector inductance



Fleming, Andrew J., and Kam K. Leang. 2014. Design, Modeling and Control of Nanopositioning Systems. Advances in Industrial Control. Springer International Publishing.