Update Content - 2024-06-05

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Thomas Dehaeze 2024-06-05 13:15:09 +02:00
parent 61eeb53a1c
commit 9d6d866eac
8 changed files with 56 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -15,15 +15,67 @@ The idea is to combine:
The goal is therefore to obtain a long stroke high precision stage.
## Review {#review}
<a id="table--tab:introduction-dual-stages"></a>
<div class="table-caption">
<span class="table-number"><a href="#table--tab:introduction-dual-stages">Table 1</a>:</span>
List of dual stage systems
| **DoF** | **Long Stroke** | **Short Stroke** | **Bandwidth** | **Metrology** | **References** | Fig |
| X | Servo motor, leadscrew, rotary encoder | PZT, flexure (10um) | n/a | Interferometer, X | <&pahk01_ultra_precis_posit_system_servo_motor> | |
| X,Y | 2 axis, linear motor | 2 PZT, flexures | n/a | Interferometers, XY | <&chassagne07_nano_posit_system_with_sub> | |
| X,Y,Rz | X, linear motor, linear guides | 4 VCM (1mm), air bearing | 85Hz | Interferometers, XYRz | <&choi08_desig_contr_nanop_xy_theta_scann> | [2](#figure--fig:two-stage-choi08) |
| X | 1 axis, DC motor, feedscrew, rotary encoder (25mm) | 1 PZT (17um), flexures | 2000Hz | Interferometer, X | <&buice09_desig_evaluat_singl_axis_precis> | [1](#figure--fig:two-stage-buice09) |
| X,Y,Rz | 1 axis, ballscrew, rotary motor | 3 piezo, flexure | 3 PID, \\(\approx 1\\,Hz\\) | Interferometers, XYRz | <&liu10_desig_contr_long_travel_nano_posit_stage> | |
| X | 1 axis, Servo motor, ball screw (300mm) | 1 VCM, air bearing (5mm) | n/a | Interferometer, X | <&shinno11_newly_devel_long_range_posit> | [4](#figure--fig:two-stage-shinno11) |
| X | 1 axis, VCM, flexure (10mm) | APA, flexure (15um) | PID, \\(\approx 1\\,Hz\\) | Interferometer, X | <&xu12_desig_devel_flexur_based_dual> | [7](#figure--fig:two-stage-xu12) |
| X | 1 axis X, ballscrew, stepper | 1 piezo stack Y | n/a | Capacitive, Y | <&ting11_contr_desig_high_frequen_cuttin> | [5](#figure--fig:two-stage-ting11) |
| X,Y | 2 axis, air bearing, linear motors (500mm), encoder | 4 VCM XYRz (3mm) | n/a | Interferometer, XYRz | <&okazaki12_dual_servo_mechan_stage_contin_posit> | [3](#figure--fig:two-stage-okazaki12) |
| X | 1 axis, linear motor | 1 VCM | 800Hz | Interferometer, X | <&ito13_high_precis_posit_system_using;&ito15_low_stiff_dual_stage_actuat> | |
| X | stepper motor, ballscrew (300mm) | PZT (16um) | 70Hz | Linear Encoder, X | <&kim13_desig_contr_singl_stage_dual> | |
| X,Y | 2 axis stepper (100mm), encoder | 4 PZT (130um) | \\(\approx 10\\,Hz\\) | Interferometers, XY | <&wu13_desig> | |
| X | 1 axis, linear motor (10mm), encoder | 1 VCM | 130 Hz | Interferometer, X | <&zhu17_flexur_based_paral_actuat_dual> | |
| X,Y | XY stepper motor (100mm), ballscrew, encoder | 2 PZT (100um) + capacitive | \\(\approx 10\\,Hz\\) | Combine both | <&wang17_devel_contr_long_strok_precis_stage> | [6](#figure--fig:two-stage-wang17) |
<a id="figure--fig:two-stage-buice09"></a>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/two_stage_buice09.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>Figure caption" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:two-stage-choi08"></a>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/two_stage_choi08.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 2: </span>Figure caption" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:two-stage-okazaki12"></a>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/two_stage_okazaki12.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 3: </span>Figure caption" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:two-stage-shinno11"></a>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/two_stage_shinno11.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 4: </span>Figure caption" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:two-stage-ting11"></a>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/two_stage_ting11.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 5: </span>Figure caption" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:two-stage-wang17"></a>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/two_stage_wang17.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 6: </span>Figure caption" >}}
<a id="figure--fig:two-stage-xu12"></a>
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/two_stage_xu12.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 7: </span>Figure caption" >}}
## References {#references}
Books and PhD:
- (<a href="#citeproc_bib_item_1">Qingsong 2016</a>)
- <qingsong16_desig_implem_large_range_compl_microp_system>
## Bibliography {#bibliography}
<style>.csl-entry{text-indent: -1.5em; margin-left: 1.5em;}</style><div class="csl-bib-body">
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_1"></a>Qingsong. 2016. <i>Design and Implementation of Large-Range Compliant Micropositioning Systems</i>. Singapore: Wiley.</div>

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