Update Content - 2024-12-17
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@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Sed aliquam
Here is a list of links to:
- [Figure 3](#figure--fig:general-control-names)
- [Figure 4](#figure--fig:general-control-names)
- [Table 3](#table--tab:table-with-equations)
- Listing [Code Snippet 1](#code-snippet--lst:matlab-figure)
- Specific [line of code](#org-coderef--967846-4)
@ -439,38 +439,38 @@ Numbering can be continued by using `+n` option as shown below.
### Normal Image {#normal-image}
[Figure 3](#figure--fig:general-control-names) shows the results of the Tikz code of listing [Code Snippet 4](#code-snippet--lst:tikz-test).
[Figure 3](#figure--fig:test-general-control-names) shows the results of the Tikz code of listing [Code Snippet 4](#code-snippet--lst:tikz-test-general-control-names).
<a id="code-snippet--lst:tikz-test"></a>
<a id="code-snippet--lst:tikz-test-general-control-names"></a>
% Blocs
\node[block={2.0cm}{2.0cm}] (P) {$P$};
\node[block={1.5cm}{1.5cm}, below=0.7 of P] (K) {$K$};
% Blocs
\node[block={2.0cm}{2.0cm}] (P) {$P$};
\node[block={1.5cm}{1.5cm}, below=0.7 of P] (K) {$K$};
% Input and outputs coordinates
\coordinate[] (inputw) at ($(P.south west)!0.75!(P.north west)$);
\coordinate[] (inputu) at ($(P.south west)!0.25!(P.north west)$);
\coordinate[] (outputz) at ($(P.south east)!0.75!(P.north east)$);
\coordinate[] (outputv) at ($(P.south east)!0.25!(P.north east)$);
% Input and outputs coordinates
\coordinate[] (inputw) at ($(P.south west)!0.75!(P.north west)$);
\coordinate[] (inputu) at ($(P.south west)!0.25!(P.north west)$);
\coordinate[] (outputz) at ($(P.south east)!0.75!(P.north east)$);
\coordinate[] (outputv) at ($(P.south east)!0.25!(P.north east)$);
% Connections and labels
\draw[<-] (inputw) node[above left, align=right]{(weighted)\\exogenous inputs\\$w$} -- ++(-1.5, 0);
\draw[<-] (inputu) -- ++(-0.8, 0) |- node[left, near start, align=right]{control signals\\$u$} (K.west);
% Connections and labels
\draw[<-] (inputw) node[above left, align=right]{(weighted)\\exogenous inputs\\$w$} -- ++(-1.5, 0);
\draw[<-] (inputu) -- ++(-0.8, 0) |- node[left, near start, align=right]{control signals\\$u$} (K.west);
\draw[->] (outputz) node[above right, align=left]{(weighted)\\exogenous outputs\\$z$} -- ++(1.5, 0);
\draw[->] (outputv) -- ++(0.8, 0) |- node[right, near start, align=left]{sensed output\\$v$} (K.east);
\draw[->] (outputz) node[above right, align=left]{(weighted)\\exogenous outputs\\$z$} -- ++(1.5, 0);
\draw[->] (outputv) -- ++(0.8, 0) |- node[right, near start, align=left]{sensed output\\$v$} (K.east);
<div class="src-block-caption">
<span class="src-block-number"><a href="#code-snippet--lst:tikz-test">Code Snippet 4</a>:</span>
Tikz code that is used to generate <a href="#orgf0662b3">3</a>
<span class="src-block-number"><a href="#code-snippet--lst:tikz-test-general-control-names">Code Snippet 4</a>:</span>
Tikz code that is used to generate <a href="#org48adbf6">4</a>
<a id="figure--fig:general-control-names"></a>
<a id="figure--fig:test-general-control-names"></a>
{{< figure src="figs/general_control_names.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 3: </span>General Control Configuration" >}}
{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/test_general_control_names.png" caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 3: </span>General Control Configuration. With some mathematics in the caption: \\(z,y\\)" >}}
#+name: fig:general_control_names
@ -638,5 +638,5 @@ It is approximately **12,742 km**
<div class="csl-entry"><a id="citeproc_bib_item_3"></a>Stanisic, Luka, and Arnaud Legrand. 2014. “Effective Reproducible Research with Org-Mode and Git.” In <i>European Conference on Parallel Processing</i>, 475–86. Springer.</div>
[^fn:1]: A long foot note. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. With a reference to [Figure 3](#figure--fig:general-control-names).
[^fn:1]: A long foot note. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. With a reference to [Figure 4](#figure--fig:general-control-names).
[^fn:2]: An other footnote.
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