{{<figuresrc="/ox-hugo/mcinroy99_strut_model.png"caption="Figure 2: The dynamics of the i'th strut. A parallel spring, damper and actuator drives the moving mass of the strut and a payload">}}
From Figure [2](#org0b2b1e5) (b), forces along the strut direction are summed to yield (projected along the strut direction, hence the \\(\hat{u}\_i^T\\) term):
- \\(\ddot{q}\_u = \left[ \hat{u}\_1^T \ddot{q}\_1 \ \dots \ \hat{u}\_6^T \ddot{q}\_6 \right]^T\\) notes the vector of base accelerations in the strut directions
- \\(g\_u\\) denotes the vector of gravity accelerations in the strut directions
- \\(\ddot{\mathcal{X}}\\) is the \\(6 \times 1\\) generalized acceleration of the payload's center of mass
- \\(\omega\\) is the \\(3 \times 1\\) payload's angular velocity vector
- \\(\mathcal{F}\\) is the \\(6 \times 1\\) generalized force exerted on the payload
- \\(M\_x\\) is the combined mass/inertia matrix of the payload, written in the payload frame {P}
- \\(c(\omega)\\) represents the shown vector of Coriolis and centripetal terms
Note \\(\dot{\mathcal{X}} = [\dot{p}^T\ \omega^T]^T\\) denotes the time derivative of the payload's combined position and orientation (or pose) with respect to a universal frame of reference {U}.
First, consider the **generalized force due to struts**.
Denoting this force as \\(\mathcal{F}\_s\\), it can be calculated form the strut forces as:
\mathcal{F}\_s = {}^UJ^T f\_p = {}^U\_BR J^T f\_p
where \\(J\\) is the manipulator Jacobian and \\({}^U\_BR\\) is the rotation matrix from {B} to {U}.
The total generalized force acting on the payload is the sum of the strut, exogenous, and gravity forces:
- \\(\mathcal{F}\_e\\) represents a vector of exogenous generalized forces applied at the center of mass
- \\(g\\) is the gravity vector
By combining \eqref{eq:strut_dynamics_vec}, \eqref{eq:payload_dynamics} and \eqref{eq:generalized_force}, a single equation describing the dynamics of a flexure jointed hexapod can be found:
<aid="orgc5d256d"></a>McInroy, J.E. 1999. “Dynamic Modeling of Flexure Jointed Hexapods for Control Purposes.” In _Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (Cat. No.99CH36328)_, nil. <https://doi.org/10.1109/cca.1999.806694>.
<aid="orge25929e"></a>———. 2002. “Modeling and Design of Flexure Jointed Stewart Platforms for Control Purposes.” _IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics_ 7 (1):95–99. <https://doi.org/10.1109/3516.990892>.