> By exploiting properties of the joint space mass-inertia matrix of flexure jointed hexapods, a new **decoupling method** is proposed.
> The new decoupling method, through a **static** input-output mapping, transforms the highly coupled 6 inputs 6 outputs dynamics into 6 independent single-input single-output channels.
> Prior decoupling control algorithms imposed severe constraints on the allowable geometry, workspace and payload.
> This paper derives a new algorithm which removes these constraints, thus greatly expanding the applications.
> Based on the new decoupling algorithm, an **identification algorithm** is introduced to identify the **joint space mass-inertia matrix** using payload acceleration and base forces.
> This algorithm can be used for precision payload calibration, thus improving performance and removing the labor required to design the control for different payloads.
> The new decoupling algorithm is experimentally compared to earlier techniques.
> These experimental results indicate that the new approach is practical, and improves performance.
{{<figuresrc="/ox-hugo/chen00_flexure_hexapod.png"caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 1: </span>A flexured joint Hexapod. {P} is a cartesian coordiante frame located at (and rigidly connected to) the payload's center of mass. {B} is a frame attached to the (possibly moving) base, and {U} is a universal inertial frame of reference">}}
- \\(\bm{J}\\) is the \\(6 \times 6\\) hexapod Jacobian relating payload Cartesian movements, expressed in {P}, to strut length changes in the joint space
- \\({}^B\_U\bm{R}\\) is the \\(6 \times 6\\) rotation matrix from the base frame {B} to the universal inertial frame of reference {U} (it consists of two identical \\(3 \times 3\\) rotation matrices forming a block diagonal \\(6 \times 6\\) matrix)
- \\(\bm{J}\_c\\) and \\(\bm{J}\_B\\) are \\(6 \times 6\\) Jacobian matrices capturing base motion
- \\({}^P\bm{M}\_x\\) is the \\(6 \times 6\\) mass-inertia matrix of the payload found with respect to the payload frame {P}
- \\(\bm{M}\_s\\) is a diagonal \\(6 \times 6\\) matrix containing the moving mass of each strut
- \\(\bm{B}\\) and \\(\bm{K}\\) are \\(6 \times 6\\) diagonal matrices containing the damping of stiffness, respectively, of each strut
- \\(\vec{l}\\) is the \\(6 \times 1\\) vector of strut lengths, and \\(\vec{l}\_r\\) is the constant vector of relaxed strut length
- \\(\vec{f}\_b\\) is the vector of forces exerted at the bottom of the strut
- \\(\vec{f}\_m\\) is the vector of strut motor forces
- \\(\ddot{\vec{q}}\_s\\) is a \\(6 \times 1\\) vector of base accelerations along each strut plus some Coriolis terms
- \\(\vec{\mathcal{F}}\_e\\) is a vector of payload exogenous generalized forces
- \\(\vec{\mathcal{C}}\\) is a vector containing all the Coriolis and centripetal terms except the Coriolis terms in \\(\ddot{\vec{q}}\_s\\)
- \\(\vec{\mathcal{G}}\\) is a vector containing all gravity terms
<divclass="csl-entry"><aid="citeproc_bib_item_1"></a>Chen, Yixin, and J.E. McInroy. 2000. “Identification and Decoupling Control of Flexure Jointed Hexapods.” In <i>Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Symposia Proceedings (Cat. No.00CH37065)</i>. doi:<ahref="https://doi.org/10.1109/robot.2000.844878">10.1109/robot.2000.844878</a>.</div>
<divclass="csl-entry"><aid="citeproc_bib_item_2"></a>McInroy, J.E. 1999. “Dynamic Modeling of Flexure Jointed Hexapods for Control Purposes.” In <i>Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (Cat. No.99CH36328)</i>. doi:<ahref="https://doi.org/10.1109/cca.1999.806694">10.1109/cca.1999.806694</a>.</div>