> Force sensors typically work well because they are not as sensitive to payload and base dynamics, but are limited in performance by a low-frequency zero pair resulting from the cross-axial stiffness.
- The frequency of the zero pair corresponds to the resonance frequency of the payload mass and the "parasitic" stiffness (sum of the cross-axial, suspension, wiring stiffnesses)
- This zero pair is usually not predictable nor repeatable
- In this Stewart platform, this zero pair uncertainty is due to the internal wiring of the struts
| Relationship with voice coil | Collocated and Dual | Non-Collocated and non-Dual |
| Open loop transfer function | (+) Alternating poles/zeros | (-) Large phase drop |
| Limitation from low-frequency zero pair | (-) Yes | (+) No |
| Sensitive to payload/base dynamics | (+) No | (-) Yes |
| Best frequency range | High (low-freq zero limitation) | Low (high-freq toll-off limitation) |
**Ability of a sensor-actuator pair to improve performance**:
General system with input \\(u\\), performance \\(z\\), output \\(y\\) disturbance \\(u\\).
Given a sensor \\(u\\) and actuator \\(y\\) and a controller \\(u = -K(s) y\\), the closed loop disturbance to performance transfer function can be written as:
In order to obtain a significant performance improvement is to use a high gain controller, _provided_ the term \\(G(s)\_{zw} + K(G(s)\_{zw} G(s)\_{yu} - G(s)\_{zu} G(s)\_{yw})\\) is small.
We can compare the transfer function from \\(w\\) to \\(z\\) with and without a high gain controller.
And we find that for \\(u\\) and \\(y\\) to be an acceptable pair for high gain control:
- Performance limited by the low frequency zero-pair
- It is desirable to separate the zero-pair and first most are separated by at least a decade in frequency
- This can be achieve by reducing the cross-axis stiffness
- If the low frequency zero pair is inverted, robustness is lost
- Thus, the force feedback controller should be designed to have combined performance and robustness at frequencies at least a decade above the zero pair
- The presented controller as a high pass filter at to reduce the gain below the zero-pair, a lag at low frequency to improve phase margin, and a low pass filter for roll off
{{<figuresrc="/ox-hugo/hauge04_obtained_transmissibility.png"caption="<span class=\"figure-number\">Figure 4: </span>Experimental open loop (solid) and closed loop six-axis transmissibility using the geophone only controller (dotted), and combined geophone/load cell controller (dashed)">}}
<divclass="csl-entry"><aid="citeproc_bib_item_1"></a>Hauge, G.S., and M.E. Campbell. 2004. “Sensors and Control of a Space-Based Six-Axis Vibration Isolation System.” <i>Journal of Sound and Vibration</i> 269 (3-5): 913–31. doi:<ahref="https://doi.org/10.1016/s0022-460x(03)00206-2">10.1016/s0022-460x(03)00206-2</a>.</div>