2021-07-28 09:43:36 +02:00

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\author[shortname]{Thomas Dehaeze \inst{1,2}, Julien Bonnefoy \inst{1} and Christophe Collette \inst{2,3}}
\institute[shortinst]{\inst{1} European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France \and %
\inst{2} Precision Mechatronics Laboratory, University of Liege, Belgium \and %
\inst{3} BEAMS Department, Free University of Brussels, Belgium}
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\title{Mechatronics Approach for the Development of a Nano-Active-Stabilization-System}
\subtitle{MEDSI2020, July 26-29, 2021}
pdftitle={Mechatronics Approach for the Development of a Nano-Active-Stabilization-System},
pdfcreator={Emacs 27.2 (Org mode 9.5)},
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org75433ab}]{The ID31 Micro Station}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=north east] at (current page.north east){%
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orga898a71}]{Introduction - The Nano Active Stabilization System (NASS)}
\textbf{Objective}: Improve the position accuracy from \(\approx 10\,\mu m\) down to \(\approx 10\,nm\) \newline
\textbf{Design approach}: ``Model based design'' / ``Predictive Design''
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org9574917}]{Overview of the Mechatronic Approach - Model Based Design}
\section{Conceptual Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgd53fdb4}]{Outline - Conceptual Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgf99643e}]{Feedback Control - The Control Loop}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Why Feedback?]
\item Model uncertainties
\item Unknown disturbances
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Every elements can limit the performances]
\item Drivers, Actuators, Sensors
\item Mechanical System
\item Controller
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orge603014}]{Noise Budgeting and Required Control Bandwidth}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org1a8d575}]{Limitation of the Controller Bandwidth?}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Typical Approach, fontupper=\small]
``As stiff as possible'' \newline
Simple controller (e.g. PID)
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Alternative Approach, fontupper=\small]
Limited by complex dynamics\newline
Model based controller
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org239155a}]{Soft or Stiff \(\nu\text{-hexapod}\) ? Interaction with the \(\mu\text{-station}\)}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgeb9ee99}]{Complexity of the Micro-Station Dynamics (Model Analysis)}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
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\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgb8ddd28}]{Control Strategy: HAC-LAC}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Low Authority Control]
\item Collocated sensors/actuators
\item Guaranteed Stability, simple \(K\)
\item Adds damping
\item \(\searrow\) vibration near resonances
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=High Authority Control]
\item Position sensors
\item Complex dynamics
\item Use transformation matrices
\item \(\searrow\) vibration in the bandwidth
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org0579a05}]{Multi-Body Models - Simulations}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
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Validation of the concept
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\section{Detail Design Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org1b0984d}]{Outline - Detail Design Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org1f20e49}]{Nano-Hexapod Overview - Key elements}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=General Specifications, sidebyside]
\item Flexible modes as high as possible
\item Only flexible elements (no backlash, play, etc.)
\item Integrated Force Sensor and Displacement Sensor
\item Predictable dynamics
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orge2a3011}]{Choice of Actuator and Flexible Joint Design}
\textbf{Characteristic} & \textbf{Specs} & \textbf{Doc.}\\
Axial Stiff. & \SI{\approx 2}{\newton/\micro\meter} & \SI{1.8}{\newton/\micro\meter}\\
Sufficient Stroke & \SI{> 100}{\micro\meter} & \SI{368}{\micro\meter}\\
Height & \SI{< 50}{\milli\meter} & \SI{30}{\milli\meter}\\
High Resolution & \SI{< 5}{\nano\meter} & \SI{3}{\nano\meter}\\
\caption{Picture of the APA300ML}
\textbf{Characteristic} & \textbf{Specs} & \textbf{FEM}\\
Axial Stiff. & \SI{> 100}{\newton/\micro\meter} & 94\\
Bending Stiff. & \SI{< 100}{\newton\meter/\radian} & 5\\
Torsion Stiff. & \SI{< 500}{\newton\meter/\radian} & 260\\
Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20\\
\caption{Picture of the joint}
\caption{PiezoDrive - PD200 Amplifier}
\textbf{Characteristics} & \textbf{Manual}\\
Gain & \num{20}\\
Noise & \SI{0.7}{\milli\volt\rms}\\
Small Signal BW & \SI{7.4}{\kilo\hertz}\\
Large Signal BW & \SI{300}{\hertz}\\
\caption{Renishaw - Vionic Encoder}
\textbf{Characteristics} & \textbf{Manual}\\
Range & Ruler length\\
Resolution & \SI{2.5}{\nano\meter}\\
Sub-Divisional Error & \SI{<\pm 15}{\nano\meter}\\
Bandwidth & \SI{>5}{kHz}\\
\caption{Speedgoat - Target Machine}
\textbf{Characteristics} & \textbf{Manual}\\
ADC (x16) & 16bit, \SI{\pm 10}{V}\\
DAC (x8) & 16bit, \SI{\pm 10}{V}\\
Digital I/O (x30) & \SI{<\pm 15}{\nano\meter}\\
Sampling Freq. & \SI{>10}{kHz}\\
All elements could be chosen/design based on the models
\section{Experimental Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org5a3d17b}]{Outline - Experimental Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orge94eaf3}]{Flexible Joints - Measurements}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Other Measurement Benches]
\item Amplifier Output Noise and Bandwidth
\item Encoder Measurement Noise
\item DAC Output Noise
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org518f2db}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Test Bench}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
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\item Identify Dynamics
\item Tune APA Model
\item Test IFF
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org749c413}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Measured FRF and Extracted Model}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org1d672c7}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Integral Force Feedback}
\[ K_{\text{IFF}}(s) = \frac{g}{s} \]
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org7b5008c}]{Strut - Mounting Tool}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
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\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgc1ecd2e}]{Strut - Dynamical Measurements}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
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\item Identify Dynamics
\item Tune Model
\item Flexible joints effects
\item Encoder effect
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org8ce2d42}]{Strut - Encoders Output and Spurious Modes}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
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\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgb6be716}]{Nano-Hexapod Mounting Tool}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
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\begin{frame}[label={sec:org281520e}]{Mounted Nano-Hexapod}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org351990a}]{Nano-Hexapod - Identified Dynamics (Diagonal elements)}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org18b6334}]{Nano-Hexapod - Damped Dynamics}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org79d4d53}]{The Nano-Hexapod on top of the Micro-Station}
\textbf{Mechatronics Approach}:
\item Use of several models
\item Predictive design
\item Beneficial in terms of: cost, delays, performances
\textbf{Future Work}:
\item Optimal/Robust control
\item Control Test Bench
\item Implementation on ID31
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Many thanks to, sidebyside]
Philipp Brumund, Ludovic Ducotte\newline
Jose-Maria Clement, Marc Lesourd
Youness Benyakhlef, Pierrick Got\newline
Damien Coulon and the whole team