Update talk

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Dehaeze 2021-07-22 10:17:20 +02:00
parent 0d1a43eecf
commit 656e85fa3d
19 changed files with 189 additions and 5040 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
*.pdf binary
*.svg binary

View File

@ -213,114 +213,11 @@ CLOSED: [2021-07-06 mar. 21:44]
* Conceptual Phase
** Outline - Conceptual Phase
#+begin_src latex :file nass_mechatronics_approach_conceptual_phase.pdf
\graphicspath{ {/home/thomas/Cloud/thesis/papers/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass/tikz/figs-tikz} }
% Styles
\tikzset{myblock/.style= {draw, thin, color=white!70!black, fill=white, text width=3cm, align=center, minimum height=1.4cm}};
\tikzset{mylabel/.style= {anchor=north, below, font=\bfseries\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mymodel/.style= {anchor=south, above, font=\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mystep/.style= {->, ultra thick}};
% Blocks
\node[draw, fill=lightblue, align=center, label={[mylabel, text width=8.0cm] Dynamical Models}, minimum height = 4.5cm, text width = 8.0cm] (model) at (0, 0) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] Disturbances}, left = 3 of model.west] (dist) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\mu$ Station}, below = 2pt of dist] (mustation) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\nu$ Hexapod}, above = 2pt of dist] (nanohexapod) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Mech. Design}, above = 1 of model.north] (mechanical) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Instrumentation}, left = 2pt of mechanical] (instrumentation) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] FEM}, right = 2pt of mechanical] (fem) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Test Benches}, right = 3 of model.east] (testbenches) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Assembly}, above = 2pt of testbenches] (mounting) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Implementation}, below = 2pt of testbenches] (implementation) {};
% Text
\node[anchor=south, opacity=0, above, text width=8cm, align=left] at (model.south) {Extensive use of models for:\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=5pt]\item Extraction of transfer functions \\ \item Choice of appropriate control architecture \\ \item Tuning of control laws \\ \item Closed loop simulations \\ \item Noise budgets / Evaluation of performances \\ \item Sensibility to parameters / disturbances\end{itemize}\centerline{Models are at the core the mecatronic approach!}};
\node[mymodel] at (mustation.south) {Multiple stages \\ Complex dynamics};
\node[mymodel] at (dist.south) {Ground motion \\ Position errors};
\node[mymodel] at (nanohexapod.south) {Different concepts \\ Sensors, Actuators};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (instrumentation.south) {Sensors, Actuators \\ Electronics};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (mechanical.south) {Proper integration \\ Ease of assembly};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (fem.south) {Optimize key parts: \\ Joints, Plates, APA};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (mounting.south) {Struts \\ Nano-Hexapod};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (testbenches.south) {Instrumentation \\ APA, Struts};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (implementation.south) {Control tests \\ $\mu$ Station};
% Links
\draw[->] (dist.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below,midway]{{\small Spectral Analysis}} (dist.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] (mustation.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below, midway]{{\small CAD Model}} (mustation.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Optimization}} ($(nanohexapod.east)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(nanohexapod.east)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(fem.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(fem.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(fem.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small Super}\\{\small Element}} ($(fem.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(mechanical.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small CAD}\\{\small model}} ($(mechanical.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(instrumentation.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(instrumentation.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Requirements}} ($(mounting.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(mounting.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(testbenches.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(testbenches.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(implementation.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(implementation.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
% Main steps
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=90, anchor=south, above] (conceptual_phase_node) at (dist.west) {1 - Conceptual Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, above] (detailed_phase_node) at (mechanical.north) {2 - Detail Design Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=-90, anchor=south, above] (implementation_phase_node) at (testbenches.east) {3 - Experimental Phase};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[fit={(conceptual_phase_node.north|-nanohexapod.north) (mustation.south east)}, fill=lightgreen!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (conceptual_phase) {};
\node[fit={(detailed_phase_node.north-|instrumentation.west) (fem.south east)}, fill=lightyellow!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (detailed_phase) {};
\node[fit={(implementation_phase_node.north|-mounting.north) (implementation.south west)}, fill=lightred!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (implementation_phase) {};
% \node[above left] at (dob.south east) {DOB};
% Between main steps
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Concept Validation}}}] (conceptual_phase.north) to[out=90, in=180] (detailed_phase.west);
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Procurement}}}] (detailed_phase.east) to[out=0, in=90] (implementation_phase.north);
% Only for overview
\draw[->] ($(detailed_phase.south|-model.north)-(0.3, 0)$) -- ($(detailed_phase.south)-(0.3, 0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(detailed_phase.south|-model.north)+(0.3, 0)$) -- ($(detailed_phase.south)+(0.3, 0)$);
\draw[->] ($(implementation_phase.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.3)$) -- ($(implementation_phase.west)-(0, 0.3)$);
\draw[<-] ($(implementation_phase.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.3)$) -- ($(implementation_phase.west)+(0, 0.3)$);
% % Inside Model
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north west, draw, fill=white, thin] (multibodymodel) at ($(model.north west) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_nano_hexapod.png}};
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south west, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape) at (model.south west)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_picture.jpg}};
% % Feedback Model
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north east, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape_sim) at ($(model.north east) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{simscape_simulations.pdf}};
% % FeedBack
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south east, draw, fill=white, thin] (feedback) at (model.south east)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{classical_feedback_small.pdf}};
** DONE Outline - Conceptual Phase
CLOSED: [2021-07-22 jeu. 09:10]
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
** DONE Feedback Control - The Control Loop
CLOSED: [2021-07-09 ven. 09:30]
@ -572,113 +469,16 @@ CLOSED: [2021-07-21 mer. 23:23]
* Detail Design Phase
** TODO Outline - Detail Design Phase
#+begin_src latex :file nass_mechatronics_approach_detailed_phase.pdf
\graphicspath{ {/home/thomas/Cloud/thesis/papers/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass/tikz/figs-tikz} }
% Styles
\tikzset{myblock/.style= {draw, thin, color=white!70!black, fill=white, text width=3cm, align=center, minimum height=1.4cm}};
\tikzset{mylabel/.style= {anchor=north, below, font=\bfseries\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mymodel/.style= {anchor=south, above, font=\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mystep/.style= {->, ultra thick}};
% Blocks
\node[draw, fill=lightblue, align=center, label={[mylabel, text width=8.0cm] Dynamical Models}, minimum height = 4.5cm, text width = 8.0cm] (model) at (0, 0) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] Disturbances}, left = 3 of model.west] (dist) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\mu$ Station}, below = 2pt of dist] (mustation) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\nu$ Hexapod}, above = 2pt of dist] (nanohexapod) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] Mech. Design}, above = 1 of model.north] (mechanical) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] Instrumentation}, left = 2pt of mechanical] (instrumentation) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] FEM}, right = 2pt of mechanical] (fem) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Test Benches}, right = 3 of model.east] (testbenches) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Assembly}, above = 2pt of testbenches] (mounting) {};
\node[myblock, opacity=0, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel, opacity=0] Implementation}, below = 2pt of testbenches] (implementation) {};
% Text
\node[anchor=south, opacity=0, above, text width=8cm, align=left] at (model.south) {Extensive use of models for:\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=5pt]\item Extraction of transfer functions \\ \item Choice of appropriate control architecture \\ \item Tuning of control laws \\ \item Closed loop simulations \\ \item Noise budgets / Evaluation of performances \\ \item Sensibility to parameters / disturbances\end{itemize}\centerline{Models are at the core the mecatronic approach!}};
\node[mymodel] at (mustation.south) {Multiple stages \\ Complex dynamics};
\node[mymodel] at (dist.south) {Ground motion \\ Position errors};
\node[mymodel] at (nanohexapod.south) {Different concepts \\ Sensors, Actuators};
\node[mymodel] at (instrumentation.south) {Sensors, Actuators \\ Electronics};
\node[mymodel] at (mechanical.south) {Proper integration \\ Ease of assembly};
\node[mymodel] at (fem.south) {Optimize key parts: \\ Joints, Plates, APA};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (mounting.south) {Struts \\ Nano-Hexapod};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (testbenches.south) {Instrumentation \\ APA, Struts};
\node[mymodel, opacity=0] at (implementation.south) {Control tests \\ $\mu$ Station};
% Links
\draw[->] (dist.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below,midway]{{\small Spectral Analysis}} (dist.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] (mustation.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below, midway]{{\small CAD Model}} (mustation.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Optimization}} ($(nanohexapod.east)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(nanohexapod.east)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->] ($(fem.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(fem.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(fem.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small Super}\\{\small Element}} ($(fem.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(mechanical.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small CAD}\\{\small model}} ($(mechanical.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(instrumentation.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(instrumentation.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Requirements}} ($(mounting.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(mounting.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(testbenches.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(testbenches.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->, opacity=0] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(implementation.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-, opacity=0] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(implementation.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
% Main steps
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=90, anchor=south, above] (conceptual_phase_node) at (dist.west) {1 - Conceptual Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, above] (detailed_phase_node) at (mechanical.north) {2 - Detail Design Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=-90, anchor=south, above] (implementation_phase_node) at (testbenches.east) {3 - Experimental Phase};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[fit={(conceptual_phase_node.north|-nanohexapod.north) (mustation.south east)}, fill=lightgreen!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (conceptual_phase) {};
\node[fit={(detailed_phase_node.north-|instrumentation.west) (fem.south east)}, fill=lightyellow!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (detailed_phase) {};
\node[fit={(implementation_phase_node.north|-mounting.north) (implementation.south west)}, fill=lightred!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (implementation_phase) {};
% \node[above left] at (dob.south east) {DOB};
% Between main steps
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Concept Validation}}}] (conceptual_phase.north) to[out=90, in=180] (detailed_phase.west);
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Procurement}}}] (detailed_phase.east) to[out=0, in=90] (implementation_phase.north);
% Only for overview
\draw[->] ($(implementation_phase.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.3)$) -- ($(implementation_phase.west)-(0, 0.3)$);
\draw[<-] ($(implementation_phase.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.3)$) -- ($(implementation_phase.west)+(0, 0.3)$);
% % Inside Model
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north west, draw, fill=white, thin] (multibodymodel) at ($(model.north west) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_nano_hexapod.png}};
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south west, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape) at (model.south west)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_picture.jpg}};
% % Feedback Model
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north east, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape_sim) at ($(model.north east) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{simscape_simulations.pdf}};
% % FeedBack
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south east, draw, fill=white, thin] (feedback) at (model.south east)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{classical_feedback_small.pdf}};
** DONE Outline - Detail Design Phase
CLOSED: [2021-07-22 jeu. 09:10]
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
** TODO Nano-Hexapod Overview - Key elements
** DONE Nano-Hexapod Overview - Key elements
CLOSED: [2021-07-22 jeu. 09:21]
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
@ -689,7 +489,8 @@ CLOSED: [2021-07-09 ven. 14:13]
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
** TODO Choice of Actuator - Amplifier Piezoelectric Actuator
** DONE Choice of Actuator - Amplifier Piezoelectric Actuator
CLOSED: [2021-07-22 jeu. 09:24]
*** Column :BMCOL:
@ -702,7 +503,7 @@ CLOSED: [2021-07-09 ven. 14:13]
#+attr_latex: :center t :booktabs t
| *Characteristic* | *Specs* | *Doc.* |
| Axial Stiff. | \SI{\approx 1}{\newton/\micro\meter} | \SI{1.8}{\newton/\micro\meter} |
| Axial Stiff. | \SI{\approx 2}{\newton/\micro\meter} | \SI{1.8}{\newton/\micro\meter} |
| Sufficient Stroke | \SI{> 100}{\micro\meter} | \SI{368}{\micro\meter} |
| Height | \SI{< 50}{\milli\meter} | \SI{30}{\milli\meter} |
| High Resolution | \SI{< 5}{\nano\meter} | \SI{3}{\nano\meter} |
@ -750,34 +551,35 @@ CLOSED: [2021-07-09 ven. 14:13]
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
** Flexible Joints - Specifications and Optimization ([[https://research.tdehaeze.xyz/test-bench-nass-flexible-joints/][link]])
** DONE Flexible Joints - Specifications and Optimization
CLOSED: [2021-07-22 jeu. 09:30]
*** Column :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.75
:BEAMER_col: 0.7
#+attr_latex: :environment tabularx :width \linewidth :align ccccc
#+attr_latex: :environment tabularx :width 0.9\linewidth :align cccc
#+attr_latex: :center t :booktabs t
| *Goal* | *Stiffness* | *Specs* | *FEM* | *Measured* |
| High DVF Damping | Axial | \SI{> 100}{\newton/\micro\meter} | 94 | |
| Low Coupling | Bending | \SI{< 100}{\newton\meter/\radian} | 5 | 3.8 |
| Low Coupling | Torsion | \SI{< 500}{\newton\meter/\radian} | 260 | |
| Sufficient Stroke | Bending Stroke | \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} | 20 | 18 |
| *Goal* | *Stiffness* | *Specs* | *FEM* |
| High DVF Damping | Axial | \SI{> 100}{\newton/\micro\meter} | 94 |
| Low Coupling | Bending | \SI{< 100}{\newton\meter/\radian} | 5 |
| Low Coupling | Torsion | \SI{< 500}{\newton\meter/\radian} | 260 |
| Sufficient Stroke | Bending Stroke | \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} | 20 |
*** Column :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.25
:BEAMER_col: 0.3
#+caption: Dimensions after optimization
#+caption: Opt. geometry
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
@ -786,13 +588,15 @@ CLOSED: [2021-07-09 ven. 14:13]
:BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
**** Column :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.45
#+caption: Positioning of the top joint
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
@ -802,143 +606,129 @@ CLOSED: [2021-07-09 ven. 14:13]
:BEAMER_col: 0.55
#+caption: Picture of the joint
#+attr_latex: :width 0.9\linewidth
#+caption: Simscape Model
#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
** DONE Instrumentation
CLOSED: [2021-07-22 jeu. 09:50]
*** Column :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.33
#+caption: PiezoDrive - PD200 Amplifier
#+attr_latex: :height 2.2cm
#+attr_latex: :environment tabularx :width 0.75\linewidth :align lc
#+attr_latex: :center t :booktabs t
| *Characteristics* | *Manual* |
| Gain | \num{20} |
| Noise | \SI{0.7}{\milli\volt\rms} |
| Small Signal BW | \SI{7.4}{\kilo\hertz} |
| Large Signal BW | \SI{300}{\hertz} |
** TODO Instrumentation
*** Column :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.33
- PD200 amplifier
- Encoders
- Speedgoat, DAC, ADC
- Attocube
#+caption: Renishaw - Vionic Encoder
#+attr_latex: :height 2.2cm
#+attr_latex: :environment tabularx :width 0.85\linewidth :align lc
#+attr_latex: :center t :booktabs t
| *Characteristics* | *Manual* |
| Range | Ruler length |
| Resolution | \SI{2.5}{\nano\meter} |
| Sub-Divisional Error | \SI{<\pm 15}{\nano\meter} |
| Bandwidth | \SI{>5}{kHz} |
*** Column :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.33
#+caption: Speedgoat - Target Machine
#+attr_latex: :height 2.2cm
#+attr_latex: :environment tabularx :width 0.8\linewidth :align lc
#+attr_latex: :center t :booktabs t
| *Characteristics* | *Manual* |
| ADC (x16) | 16bit, \SI{\pm 10}{V} |
| DAC (x8) | 16bit, \SI{\pm 10}{V} |
| Digital I/O (x30) | \SI{<\pm 15}{\nano\meter} |
| Sampling Freq. | \SI{>10}{kHz} |
*** Continue :B_ignoreheading:
:BEAMER_env: ignoreheading
All elements could be chosen/design based on the models
* Experimental Phase
** Outline - Experimental Phase
#+begin_src latex :file nass_mechatronics_approach_experimental_phase.pdf
\graphicspath{ {/home/thomas/Cloud/thesis/papers/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass/tikz/figs-tikz} }
% Styles
\tikzset{myblock/.style= {draw, thin, color=white!70!black, fill=white, text width=3cm, align=center, minimum height=1.4cm}};
\tikzset{mylabel/.style= {anchor=north, below, font=\bfseries\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mymodel/.style= {anchor=south, above, font=\small, color=black, text width=3cm, align=center}};
\tikzset{mystep/.style= {->, ultra thick}};
% Blocks
\node[draw, fill=lightblue, align=center, label={[mylabel, text width=8.0cm] Dynamical Models}, minimum height = 4.5cm, text width = 8.0cm] (model) at (0, 0) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] Disturbances}, left = 3 of model.west] (dist) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\mu$ Station}, below = 2pt of dist] (mustation) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightgreen, label={[mylabel] $\nu$ Hexapod}, above = 2pt of dist] (nanohexapod) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] Mech. Design}, above = 1 of model.north] (mechanical) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] Instrumentation}, left = 2pt of mechanical] (instrumentation) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightyellow, label={[mylabel] FEM}, right = 2pt of mechanical] (fem) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel] Test Benches}, right = 3 of model.east] (testbenches) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel] Assembly}, above = 2pt of testbenches] (mounting) {};
\node[myblock, fill=lightred, label={[mylabel] Implementation}, below = 2pt of testbenches] (implementation) {};
% Text
\node[anchor=south, opacity=0, above, text width=8cm, align=left] at (model.south) {Extensive use of models for:\begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=5pt]\item Extraction of transfer functions \\ \item Choice of appropriate control architecture \\ \item Tuning of control laws \\ \item Closed loop simulations \\ \item Noise budgets / Evaluation of performances \\ \item Sensibility to parameters / disturbances\end{itemize}\centerline{Models are at the core the mecatronic approach!}};
\node[mymodel] at (mustation.south) {Multiple stages \\ Complex dynamics};
\node[mymodel] at (dist.south) {Ground motion \\ Position errors};
\node[mymodel] at (nanohexapod.south) {Different concepts \\ Sensors, Actuators};
\node[mymodel] at (instrumentation.south) {Sensors, Actuators \\ Electronics};
\node[mymodel] at (mechanical.south) {Proper integration \\ Ease of assembly};
\node[mymodel] at (fem.south) {Optimize key parts: \\ Joints, Plates, APA};
\node[mymodel] at (mounting.south) {Struts \\ Nano-Hexapod};
\node[mymodel] at (testbenches.south) {Instrumentation \\ APA, Struts};
\node[mymodel] at (implementation.south) {Control tests \\ $\mu$ Station};
% Links
\draw[->] (dist.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below,midway]{{\small Spectral Analysis}} (dist.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] (mustation.east) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Measurements}} node[below, midway]{{\small CAD Model}} (mustation.east-|model.west);
\draw[->] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Optimization}} ($(nanohexapod.east)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(nanohexapod.east-|model.west)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(nanohexapod.east)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->] ($(fem.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(fem.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(fem.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small Super}\\{\small Element}} ($(fem.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(mechanical.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(mechanical.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway,align=right]{{\small CAD}\\{\small model}} ($(mechanical.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)+(0.15, 0)$) -- node[right, midway]{{\small Specif.}} ($(instrumentation.south)+(0.15,0)$);
\draw[<-] ($(instrumentation.south|-model.north)-(0.15, 0)$) -- node[left, midway]{{\small Model}} ($(instrumentation.south)-(0.15,0)$);
\draw[->] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Requirements}} ($(mounting.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(mounting.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(mounting.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(testbenches.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(testbenches.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(testbenches.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[->] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)+(0, 0.15)$) -- node[above, midway]{{\small Control Laws}} ($(implementation.west)+(0, 0.15)$);
\draw[<-] ($(implementation.west-|model.east)-(0, 0.15)$) -- node[below, midway]{{\small Model refinement}} ($(implementation.west)-(0, 0.15)$);
% Main steps
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=90, anchor=south, above] (conceptual_phase_node) at (dist.west) {1 - Conceptual Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, above] (detailed_phase_node) at (mechanical.north) {2 - Detail Design Phase};
\node[font=\bfseries, rotate=-90, anchor=south, above] (implementation_phase_node) at (testbenches.east) {3 - Experimental Phase};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node[fit={(conceptual_phase_node.north|-nanohexapod.north) (mustation.south east)}, fill=lightgreen!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (conceptual_phase) {};
\node[fit={(detailed_phase_node.north-|instrumentation.west) (fem.south east)}, fill=lightyellow!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (detailed_phase) {};
\node[fit={(implementation_phase_node.north|-mounting.north) (implementation.south west)}, fill=lightred!50!white, draw, inner sep=2pt] (implementation_phase) {};
% \node[above left] at (dob.south east) {DOB};
% Between main steps
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Concept Validation}}}] (conceptual_phase.north) to[out=90, in=180] (detailed_phase.west);
\draw[mystep, postaction={decorate,decoration={raise=1ex,text along path,text align=center,text={Procurement}}}] (detailed_phase.east) to[out=0, in=90] (implementation_phase.north);
% % Inside Model
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north west, draw, fill=white, thin] (multibodymodel) at ($(model.north west) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_nano_hexapod.png}};
% \node[inner sep=1pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south west, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape) at (model.south west)
% {\includegraphics[width=5.6cm]{simscape_picture.jpg}};
% % Feedback Model
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=north east, draw, fill=white, thin] (simscape_sim) at ($(model.north east) - (0, 0.5)$)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{simscape_simulations.pdf}};
% % FeedBack
% \node[inner sep=3pt, outer sep=6pt, anchor=south east, draw, fill=white, thin] (feedback) at (model.south east)
% {\includegraphics[width=3.6cm]{classical_feedback_small.pdf}};
** DONE Outline - Experimental Phase
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** Flexible Joints - Measurements
** DONE Flexible Joints - Measurements
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#+caption: Measured displacement and force
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** DONE Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Test Bench
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@ -59,421 +59,43 @@
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgdc51d45}]{The ID31 Micro Station}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=north east, padding=5pt] at (current page.north east){%
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgd54db4c}]{Introduction - The Nano Active Stabilization System}
\textbf{Objective}: Improve the position accuracy from \(\approx 10\,\mu m\) down to \(\approx 10\,nm\) \newline
\textbf{Design approach}: ``Model based design'' / ``Predictive Design''
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org58304ff}]{Overview of the Mechatronic Approach - Model Based Design}
\section{Conceptual Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org95b2a1a}]{Outline - Conceptual Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org612b41f}]{Feedback Control - The Control Loop}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Why Feedback?]
\item Model uncertainties
\item Unknown disturbances
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Every elements can limit the performances]
\item Drivers, Actuators, Sensors
\item Mechanical System
\item Controller
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orga5ea61a}]{Noise Budgeting and Required Control Bandwidth}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgd23064f}]{Limitation of the Controller Bandwidth?}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Typical Approach, fontupper=\small]
``As stiff as possible'' \newline
Simple controller (e.g. PID)
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Alternative Approach, fontupper=\small]
Limited by complex dynamics\newline
Model based controller
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Next-Gen Systems, fontupper=\small]
Active research topic\newline
Complex controllers
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org9493c8d}]{Soft or Stiff \(\nu\text{-hexapod}\) ? Interaction with the \(\mu\text{-station}\)}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgddab963}]{Complexity of the Micro-Station Dynamics (Model Analysis)}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=north east, padding=5pt] at (current page.north east){%
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org3dfae25}]{Control Strategy: HAC-LAC}
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Low Authority Control]
\item Collocated sensors/actuators
\item Guaranteed Stability
\item Adds damping
\item \(\searrow\) vibration near resonances
\begin{tcolorbox}[title=High Authority Control]
\item Position sensors
\item Complex dynamics
\item \(\searrow\) vibration in the bandwidth
\item Use transformation matrices
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgb8b73a0}]{Multi-Body Models - Simulations}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[align=left, anchor=south east, text width=5.5cm,shift={(-1em, 1em)}] at (current page.south east){%
Validation of the concept
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=north east, padding=5pt] at (current page.north east){%
\section{Detail Design Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org6378434}]{Outline - Detail Design Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgc57fa9c}]{Nano-Hexapod Overview - Key elements}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orga847212}]{Include Flexible Elements in a Multi-Body model}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org36e74d8}]{Choice of Actuator - Amplifier Piezoelectric Actuator}
\textbf{Characteristic} & \textbf{Specs} & \textbf{Doc.}\\
Axial Stiff. & \SI{\approx 1}{\newton/\micro\meter} & \SI{1.8}{\newton/\micro\meter}\\
Sufficient Stroke & \SI{> 100}{\micro\meter} & \SI{368}{\micro\meter}\\
Height & \SI{< 50}{\milli\meter} & \SI{30}{\milli\meter}\\
High Resolution & \SI{< 5}{\nano\meter} & \SI{3}{\nano\meter}\\
\caption{Picture of the APA300ML}
\caption{2-DoF Model}
\caption{APA Finite Element Model}
\caption{Flexible Modes due to limited APA stiffness}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgaefb8a2}]{Flexible Joints - Specifications and Optimization (\href{https://research.tdehaeze.xyz/test-bench-nass-flexible-joints/}{link})}
\textbf{Goal} & \textbf{Stiffness} & \textbf{Specs} & \textbf{FEM} & \textbf{Measured}\\
High DVF Damping & Axial & \SI{> 100}{\newton/\micro\meter} & 94 & \\
Low Coupling & Bending & \SI{< 100}{\newton\meter/\radian} & 5 & 3.8\\
Low Coupling & Torsion & \SI{< 500}{\newton\meter/\radian} & 260 & \\
Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\caption{Dimensions after optimization}
\caption{Positioning of the top joint}
\caption{Simscape Model}
\item PD200 amplifier
\item Encoders
\item Speedgoat, DAC, ADC
\item PEPU
\item Attocube
\section{Experimental Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org8c075cc}]{Outline - Experimental Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgf3c94cd}]{Outline - Experimental Phase}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org57e9067}]{Flexible Joints - Measurements}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org479753d}]{Flexible Joints - Measurements}
\caption{Measurement bench}
\caption{Measured displacement and force}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org230d623}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Test Bench}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org3b64613}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Test Bench}
@ -492,16 +114,18 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org9368c73}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Extracted Model}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orge94bd9a}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Extracted Model}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orga3a7c76}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Integral Force Feedback}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org977a349}]{Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator - Integral Force Feedback}
@ -517,7 +141,7 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org4e8f560}]{Strut - Mounting Tool}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org891e73c}]{Strut - Mounting Tool}
@ -538,7 +162,7 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orge547304}]{Strut - Dynamical Measurements}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org7ca4f86}]{Strut - Dynamical Measurements}
@ -558,7 +182,7 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org76a12db}]{Strut - Encoders Output and Spurious Modes}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org1bb0afd}]{Strut - Encoders Output and Spurious Modes}
@ -584,7 +208,7 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org416c1db}]{Strut - Extracted Model}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org5d75c1c}]{Strut - Extracted Model}
@ -592,7 +216,7 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgd58b991}]{Nano-Hexapod Mounting Tool}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org876bcde}]{Nano-Hexapod Mounting Tool}
@ -603,7 +227,7 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgb957064}]{Mounted Nano-Hexapod}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org467130b}]{Mounted Nano-Hexapod}
@ -611,19 +235,19 @@ Sufficient Stroke & Bending Stroke & \SI{> 1}{\milli\radian} & 20 & 18\\
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org92c51de}]{Nano-Hexapod - Identified Dynamics}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org1ec90cc}]{Nano-Hexapod - Identified Dynamics}
Diagonal + off-diagonal transfer function from Va to De (comp with model)
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgafcfc6b}]{Nano-Hexapod - Force Sensors}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgcc130d7}]{Nano-Hexapod - Force Sensors}
Diagonal + off-diagonal transfer function from Va to Vs
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org2608c34}]{Nano-Hexapod - Damped Dynamics}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgc171e2c}]{Nano-Hexapod - Damped Dynamics}
Damped and Undamped, Diagonal + off-diagonal transfer function from Va to De
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org9e7c6f4}]{The Nano-Hexapod on top of the Micro-Station}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:org9927ee9}]{The Nano-Hexapod on top of the Micro-Station}
@ -640,8 +264,4 @@ Damped and Undamped, Diagonal + off-diagonal transfer function from Va to De

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id="tspan3869">Objective</tspan>: Help designing the controllers</tspan></text>
y="205.05869">Help with the design of the controllers</tspan></text>


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