"Org-mode automatically generates labels for headings despite explicit use of `#+LABEL`. This filter forcibly removes all automatically generated org-labels in headings."
- [X] ([[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/positioning_error.org][positioning_error]]): Explain how the NASS control is made (computation of the wanted position, measurement of the sample position, computation of the errors)
- [X] ([[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/uncertainty_experiment.org][uncertainty_experiment]]): Effect of experimental conditions on the plant (payload mass, Ry position, Rz position, Rz velocity, etc...)
- [ ] Determination of the *optimal stiffness* for the hexapod actuators:
- [X] How to apply/optimize IFF on an hexapod? ([[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/control_active_damping.org][control_active_damping]], [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/control-active-damping.org][active damping for stewart platforms]])
- [X] ([[file:~/Cloud/research/matlab/decoupling-strategies/svd-control.org][decoupling-strategies]]): Decoupling strategies for HAC? (maybe also in previous report)
*Will be in chapter 2*
- [X] Validation of the concept using simulations:
- [X] Find where this simulation in OL/CL is made (maybe for the conference?)
It was re-made for micro-station validation. Will just have to do the same simulation but with nano-hexapod in closed-loop
- In this section simple control (in the frame of the struts)
- Justify future used control architecture (control in the frame of the struts? Need to check what was done in ID31 tests)
- Table that compares different approaches (specify performances in different DoF, same plans on the diagonal, etc...)
- Literature review about Stewart platform control?
*In chapter 2: Special section about MIMO control, complementary filters, etc...*
** Outline
*** Control Kinematics
- Explain how the position error can be expressed in the frame of the nano-hexapod
- ([[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/positioning_error.org][positioning_error]]): Explain how the NASS control is made (computation of the wanted position, measurement of the sample position, computation of the errors)
- Control architecture, block diagram
*** LAC
- How to apply/optimize IFF on an hexapod? ([[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/control_active_damping.org][control_active_damping]], [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/control-active-damping.org][active damping for stewart platforms]])
- Robustness to payload mass
- Root Locus
- Damping optimization
*** HAC
- ([[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/uncertainty_experiment.org][uncertainty_experiment]]): Effect of experimental conditions on the plant (payload mass, Ry position, Rz position, Rz velocity, etc...)
- Determination of the *optimal stiffness* for the hexapod actuators:
- Take into account disturbances, metrology sensor noise. Maybe say here that we don't take in account other noise sources as they will be optimized latter (detail design phase)
- Tomography + lateral scans (same as what was done in open loop [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/phd-thesis-chapters/A4-simscape-micro-station/simscape-micro-station.org::*Simulation of Scientific Experiments][here]])
- Validation of concept
** DONE Old Outline
CLOSED: [2024-11-07 Thu 16:19]
*** Introduction :ignore:
Discussion of:
- Transformation matrices / control architecture (computation of the position error in the frame of the nano-hexapod)
- Control of parallel architectures
- Control in the frame of struts or cartesian?
- Effect of rotation on IFF? => APA
- New noise budgeting?
*** Control Kinematics
- Explain how the position error can be expressed in the frame of the nano-hexapod
- block diagram
- Explain how to go from external metrology to the frame of the nano-hexapod
*** High Authority Control - Low Authority Control (HAC-LAC)
- general idea
- case for parallel manipulator: decentralized LAC + centralized HAC
*** Decoupling Strategies for parallel manipulators
[[file:~/Cloud/research/matlab/decoupling-strategies/svd-control.org::+TITLE: Diagonal control using the SVD and the Jacobian Matrix][study]]
- Jacobian matrices, CoK, CoM, ...
- Discussion of cubic architecture
- SVD, Modal, ...
*** Decentralized Integral Force Feedback (LAC)
- Root Locus
- Damping optimization
*** Decoupled Dynamics
- Centralized HAC
- Control in the frame of the struts
- Effect of IFF
*** Centralized Position Controller (HAC)
- Decoupled plant
- Controller design
*** Time domain simulations
Goal: validation of the concept
- Take into account disturbances, sensor noise, etc...
- Tomography + lateral scans (same as what was done in open loop [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/phd-thesis-chapters/A4-simscape-micro-station/simscape-micro-station.org::*Simulation of Scientific Experiments][here]])
** TODO [#A] Merge the micro-station model with the nano-hexapod model
** TODO [#B] Rework the Simulink file
- [ ] Change the variable names to make things consistent
- [ ] Rework the org files to match the new variable names
** DONE [#A] Where to discuss the necessity of estimated Rz?
CLOSED: [2025-02-06 Thu 16:35]
One big advantage of doing the control in the cartesian plane, is that we don't need the estimation of nano-hexapod Rz, therefore we don't need the encoders anymore!
Maybe this should be done *here*.
Here it can be reminded when doing the control in the cartesian frame.
** CANC [#C] What performance metric can we use? :@christophe:
CLOSED: [2024-11-12 Tue 09:22]
- State "CANC" from "QUES" [2024-11-12 Tue 09:22]
This can be nice to have a (scalar) performance metric that can be used for optimization.
In cite:hauge04_sensor_contr_space_based_six, a (scalar) performance metric representing the 6dof transmissibility is used.
** DONE [#C] Identify the sensibility to disturbances without the nano-hexapod and save the results
CLOSED: [2024-11-07 Thu 09:20]
This can then be used to compare with obtained performance with the nano-hexapod.
- Explain how the position error can be expressed in the frame of the nano-hexapod
- [ ] [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/positioning_error.org][positioning_error]]: Explain how the NASS control is made (computation of the wanted position, measurement of the sample position, computation of the errors)
- Control architecture, block diagram
- Schematic with micro-station + nass + metrology + control system
- Zoom in the control system with blocs
- Then explain all the blocs
- Say that there are many control strategies.
It will be the topic of chapter 2.3.
Here, we start with something simple: control in the frame of the struts
- [ ][[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/control-active-damping.org][active damping for stewart platforms]]
- [ ][[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/stewart-simscape/org/bibliography.org::*Vibration Control and Active Damping][Vibration Control and Active Damping]]
** IFF Plant
- Show how it changes with the payload mass (1, 25, 50)
- Effect of rotation (1rpm, 60rpm)
** Controller Design
- Apply IFF
- Show Root Locus
- Choose optimal gain.
Here in MIMO, cannot have optimal damping for all modes. (there is a paper that tries to optimize that)
- Show robustness to change of payload (loci?)
- Reference to paper showing stability in MIMO for decentralized IFF
** Sensitivity to disturbances
- Compute transfer functions from spindle vertical error to sample vertical error with IFF (and compare without the NASS)
- Same for horizontal
- Maybe noise budgeting, but may be complex in MIMO...
* Centralized Active Vibration Control
:HEADER-ARGS:matlab+: :tangle matlab/nass_3_hac.m
** Introduction :ignore:
- [ ] [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/matlab/nass-simscape/org/uncertainty_experiment.org][uncertainty_experiment]]: Effect of experimental conditions on the plant (payload mass, Ry position, Rz position, Rz velocity, etc...)
- Effect of micro-station compliance
- Effect of IFF
- Effect of payload mass
- Decoupled plant
- Controller design
From control kinematics:
- Talk about issue of not estimating Rz from external metrology? (maybe could be nice to discuss that during the experiments!)
- Show what happens is Rz is not estimated (for instance supposed equaled to zero => increased coupling)
** HAC Plant
- Compute transfer function from u to dL (with IFF applied)
** Effect of Payload mass
- Show effect of payload mass + rotation
** Controller design
- Show robustness with Loci
** Sensitivity to disturbances
- Compute transfer functions from spindle vertical error to sample vertical error with HAC-IFF
Compare without the NASS, and with just IFF
- Same for horizontal
- Maybe noise budgeting, but may be complex in MIMO...
** Tomography experiment
- With HAC-IFF, perform tomography experiment, and compare with open-loop
- Take into account disturbances, metrology sensor noise. Maybe say here that we don't take in account other noise sources as they will be optimized latter (detail design phase)
- Tomography + lateral scans (same as what was done in open loop [[file:~/Cloud/work-projects/ID31-NASS/phd-thesis-chapters/A4-simscape-micro-station/simscape-micro-station.org::*Simulation of Scientific Experiments][here]])