
398 lines
11 KiB

%% Clear Workspace and Close figures
clear; close all; clc;
%% Intialize Laplace variable
s = zpk('s');
% Numerical Values for the NASS
% Let's define the parameters for the NASS.
mlight = 35; % Mass for light sample [kg]
mheavy = 85; % Mass for heavy sample [kg]
wlight = 2*pi; % Max rot. speed for light sample [rad/s]
wheavy = 2*pi/60; % Max rot. speed for heavy sample [rad/s]
kvc = 1e3; % Voice Coil Stiffness [N/m]
kpz = 1e8; % Piezo Stiffness [N/m]
wdot = 1; % Maximum rotation acceleration [rad/s2]
d = 0.01; % Maximum excentricity from rotational axis [m]
ddot = 0.2; % Maximum Horizontal speed [m/s]
labels = {'Light sample mass [kg]', ...
'Heavy sample mass [kg]', ...
'Max rot. speed - light [rpm]', ...
'Max rot. speed - heavy [rpm]', ...
'Voice Coil Stiffness [N/m]', ...
'Piezo Stiffness [N/m]', ...
'Max rot. acceleration [rad/s2]', ...
'Max mass excentricity [m]', ...
'Max Horizontal speed [m/s]'};
data = [mlight, mheavy, 60*wlight/2/pi, 60*wheavy/2/pi, kvc, kpz, wdot, d, ddot];
data2orgtable(data', labels, {}, ' %.1e ')
% Euler and Coriolis forces - Numerical Result
% First we will determine the value for Euler and Coriolis forces during regular experiment.
% - *Euler forces*: $m d_v \ddot{\theta}$
% - *Coriolis forces*: $2 m \dot{d_v} \dot{\theta}$
Felight = mlight*d*wdot;
Feheavy = mheavy*d*wdot;
Fclight = 2*mlight*ddot*wlight;
Fcheavy = 2*mheavy*ddot*wheavy;
% The obtained values are displayed in table [[tab:euler_coriolis]].
data = [Fclight, Fcheavy ;
Felight, Feheavy];
data2orgtable(data, {'Coriolis', 'Euler'}, {'Light', 'Heavy'}, ' %.1fN ')
% Negative Spring Effect - Numerical Result
% The negative stiffness due to the rotation is equal to $-m{\omega_0}^2$.
Klight = mlight*wlight^2;
Kheavy = mheavy*wheavy^2;
% The values for the negative spring effect are displayed in table [[tab:negative_spring]].
% This is definitely negligible when using piezoelectric actuators. It may not be the case when using voice coil actuators.
data = [Klight, Kheavy];
data2orgtable(data, {'Neg. Spring'}, {'Light', 'Heavy'}, ' %.1f[N/m] ')
% Numerical Analysis
% We plot on the same graph $\frac{|-m \omega^2 + (k - m {\omega_0}^2)|}{|2 m \omega_0 \omega|}$ for the voice coil and the piezo:
% - with the light sample (figure [[fig:coupling_light]]).
% - with the heavy sample (figure [[fig:coupling_heavy]]).
f = logspace(-1, 3, 1000);
hold on;
plot(f, abs(-mlight*(2*pi*f).^2 + kvc - mlight * wlight^2)./abs(2*mlight*wlight*2*pi*f), 'DisplayName', 'Voice Coil')
plot(f, abs(-mlight*(2*pi*f).^2 + kpz - mlight * wlight^2)./abs(2*mlight*wlight*2*pi*f), 'DisplayName', 'Piezo')
plot(f, ones(1, length(f)), 'k--', 'HandleVisibility', 'off')
hold off;
xlim([f(1), f(end)]);
set(gca, 'xscale', 'log'); set(gca, 'yscale', 'log');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
legend('Location', 'northeast');
% #+LABEL: fig:coupling_light
% #+CAPTION: Relative Coupling for light mass and high rotation speed
% [[file:./figs/coupling_light.png]]
hold on;
plot(f, abs(-mheavy*(2*pi*f).^2 + kvc - mheavy * wheavy^2)./abs(2*mheavy*wheavy*2*pi*f), 'DisplayName', 'Voice Coil')
plot(f, abs(-mheavy*(2*pi*f).^2 + kpz - mheavy * wheavy^2)./abs(2*mheavy*wheavy*2*pi*f), 'DisplayName', 'Piezo')
plot(f, ones(1, length(f)), 'k--', 'HandleVisibility', 'off')
hold off;
xlim([f(1), f(end)]);
set(gca, 'xscale', 'log'); set(gca, 'yscale', 'log');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]');
legend('Location', 'northeast');
% Limitations due to negative stiffness effect
% If $\max{\dot{\theta}} \ll \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}$, then the negative spring effect is negligible and $k - m\dot{\theta}^2 \approx k$.
% Let's estimate what is the maximum rotation speed for which the negative stiffness effect is still negligible ($\omega_\text{max} = 0.1 \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}$). Results are shown table [[tab:negative_stiffness]].
data = 0.1*60*(1/2/pi)*[sqrt(kvc/mlight), sqrt(kpz/mlight);
sqrt(kvc/mheavy), sqrt(kpz/mheavy)];
data2orgtable(data, {'Light', 'Heavy'}, {'Voice Coil', 'Piezo'}, ' %.0f[rpm] ')
% #+NAME: tab:negative_stiffness
% #+CAPTION: Maximum rotation speed at which negative stiffness is negligible ($0.1\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}$)
% | | Voice Coil | Piezo |
% |-------+------------+-----------|
% | Light | 5[rpm] | 1614[rpm] |
% | Heavy | 3[rpm] | 1036[rpm] |
% The negative spring effect is proportional to the rotational speed $\omega$.
% The system dynamics will be much more affected when using soft actuator.
% #+begin_important
% Negative stiffness effect has very important effect when using soft actuators.
% #+end_important
% The system can even goes unstable when $m \omega^2 > k$, that is when the centrifugal forces are higher than the forces due to stiffness.
% From this analysis, we can determine the lowest practical stiffness that is possible to use: $k_\text{min} = 10 m \omega^2$ (table sec:tab:min_k)
data = 10*[mlight*2*pi, mheavy*2*pi/60]
data2orgtable(data, {'k min [N/m]'}, {'Light', 'Heavy'}, ' %.0f ')
% Voice coil actuator
m = mlight;
k = kvc;
ws = linspace(0, 2*pi, 5); % Rotation speed vector [rad/s]
Gs = {zeros(1, length(ws))};
Gcs = {zeros(1, length(ws))};
for i = 1:length(ws)
w = ws(i);
Gs(i) = {(m*s^2 + (k-m*w^2))/((m*s^2 + (k - m*w^2))^2 + (2*m*w*s)^2)};
Gcs(i) = {(2*m*w*s)/((m*s^2 + (k - m*w^2))^2 + (2*m*w*s)^2)};
freqs = logspace(-2, 1, 1000);
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, abs(squeeze(freqresp(Gs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))));
hold off;
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ylabel('Magnitude [m/N]');
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, 180/pi*angle(squeeze(freqresp(Gs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))), 'DisplayName', sprintf('w = %.0f [rpm]', ws(i)*60/2/pi));
hold off;
ylim([-180 180]);
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'lin');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('Phase [deg]');
legend('Location', 'southwest');
% #+LABEL: fig:G_ws_vc
% #+CAPTION: Bode plot of the direct transfer function term (from $F_u$ to $D_u$) for multiple rotation speed - Voice coil
% [[file:figs/G_ws_vc.png]]
freqs = logspace(-2, 1, 1000);
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, abs(squeeze(freqresp(Gcs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))));
hold off;
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ylabel('Magnitude [m/N]');
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, 180/pi*angle(squeeze(freqresp(Gcs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))), 'DisplayName', sprintf('w = %.0f [rpm]', ws(i)*60/2/pi));
hold off;
ylim([-180 180]);
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'lin');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('Phase [deg]');
legend('Location', 'southwest');
% Piezoelectric actuator
m = mlight;
k = kpz;
ws = linspace(0, 2*pi, 5); % Rotation speed vector [rad/s]
Gs = {zeros(1, length(ws))};
Gcs = {zeros(1, length(ws))};
for i = 1:length(ws)
w = ws(i);
Gs(i) = {(m*s^2 + (k-m*w^2))/((m*s^2 + (k - m*w^2))^2 + (2*m*w*s)^2)};
Gcs(i) = {(2*m*w*s)/((m*s^2 + (k - m*w^2))^2 + (2*m*w*s)^2)};
freqs = logspace(2, 3, 1000);
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, abs(squeeze(freqresp(Gs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))));
hold off;
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ylabel('Magnitude [m/N]');
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, 180/pi*angle(squeeze(freqresp(Gs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))), 'DisplayName', sprintf('w = %.0f [rpm]', ws(i)*60/2/pi));
hold off;
ylim([-180 180]);
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'lin');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('Phase [deg]');
legend('Location', 'southwest');
% #+LABEL: fig:G_ws_pz
% #+CAPTION: Bode plot of the direct transfer function term (from $F_u$ to $D_u$) for multiple rotation speed - Piezoelectric actuator
% [[file:figs/G_ws_pz.png]]
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, abs(squeeze(freqresp(Gcs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))));
hold off;
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[]);
ylabel('Magnitude [m/N]');
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
hold on;
for i = 1:length(ws)
plot(freqs, 180/pi*angle(squeeze(freqresp(Gcs{i}, freqs, 'Hz'))), 'DisplayName', sprintf('w = %.0f [rpm]', ws(i)*60/2/pi));
hold off;
ylim([-180 180]);
xlim([freqs(1), freqs(end)]);
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log'); set(gca, 'YScale', 'lin');
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]'); ylabel('Phase [deg]');
legend('Location', 'southwest');
% Campbell diagram
% The poles of the system are computed for multiple values of the rotation frequency. To simplify the computation of the poles, we add some damping to the system.
m = mlight;
k = kvc;
c = 0.1*sqrt(k*m);
wsvc = linspace(0, 10, 100); % [rad/s]
polesvc = zeros(2, length(wsvc));
for i = 1:length(wsvc)
polei = pole(1/((m*s^2 + c*s + (k - m*wsvc(i)^2))^2 + (2*m*wsvc(i)*s)^2));
polesvc(:, i) = sort(polei(imag(polei) > 0));
m = mlight;
k = kpz;
c = 0.1*sqrt(k*m);
wspz = linspace(0, 1000, 100); % [rad/s]
polespz = zeros(2, length(wspz));
for i = 1:length(wspz)
polei = pole(1/((m*s^2 + c*s + (k - m*wspz(i)^2))^2 + (2*m*wspz(i)*s)^2));
polespz(:, i) = sort(polei(imag(polei) > 0));
% We then plot the real and imaginary part of the poles as a function of the rotation frequency (figures [[fig:poles_w_vc]] and [[fig:poles_w_pz]]).
% When the real part of one pole becomes positive, the system goes unstable.
% For the voice coil (figure [[fig:poles_w_vc]]), the system is unstable when the rotation speed is above 5 rad/s. The real and imaginary part of the poles of the system with piezoelectric actuators are changing much less (figure [[fig:poles_w_pz]]).
% Amplitude
ax1 = subplot(1,2,1);
hold on;
plot(wsvc, real(polesvc(1, :)))
plot(wsvc, real(polesvc(2, :)))
plot(wsvc, zeros(size(wsvc)), 'k--')
hold off;
xlabel('Rotation Frequency [rad/s]');
ylabel('Pole Real Part');
ax2 = subplot(1,2,2);
hold on;
plot(wsvc, imag(polesvc(1, :)))
plot(wsvc, -imag(polesvc(1, :)))
plot(wsvc, imag(polesvc(2, :)))
plot(wsvc, -imag(polesvc(2, :)))
hold off;
xlabel('Rotation Frequency [rad/s]');
ylabel('Pole Imaginary Part');
% #+LABEL: fig:poles_w_vc
% #+CAPTION: Real and Imaginary part of the poles of the system as a function of the rotation speed - Voice Coil and light sample
% [[file:figs/poles_w_vc.png]]
% Amplitude
ax1 = subplot(1,2,1);
hold on;
plot(wspz, real(polespz(1, :)))
plot(wspz, real(polespz(2, :)))
plot(wspz, zeros(size(wspz)), 'k--')
hold off;
xlabel('Rotation Frequency [rad/s]');
ylabel('Pole Real Part');
ax2 = subplot(1,2,2);
hold on;
plot(wspz, imag(polespz(1, :)))
plot(wspz, -imag(polespz(1, :)))
plot(wspz, imag(polespz(2, :)))
plot(wspz, -imag(polespz(2, :)))
hold off;
xlabel('Rotation Frequency [rad/s]');
ylabel('Pole Imaginary Part');