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#!/bin/env perl
# Shebang is only to get syntax highlighting right across GitLab, GitHub and IDEs.
# This file is not meant to be run, but read by `latexmk`.
# ======================================================================================
# Perl `latexmk` configuration file
# ======================================================================================
# ======================================================================================
# PDF Generation/Building/Compilation
# ======================================================================================
# PDF-generating modes are:
# 1: pdflatex, as specified by $pdflatex variable (still largely in use)
# 2: postscript conversion, as specified by the $ps2pdf variable (useless)
# 3: dvi conversion, as specified by the $dvipdf variable (useless)
# 4: lualatex, as specified by the $lualatex variable (best)
# 5: xelatex, as specified by the $xelatex variable (second best)
$pdf_mode = 1;
# Treat undefined references and citations as well as multiply defined references as
# ERRORS instead of WARNINGS.
# This is only checked in the *last* run, since naturally, there are undefined references
# in initial runs.
# This setting is potentially annoying when debugging/editing, but highly desirable
# in the CI pipeline, where such a warning should result in a failed pipeline, since the
# final document is incomplete/corrupted.
# However, I could not eradicate all warnings, so that `latexmk` currently fails with
# this option enabled.
# Specifically, `microtype` fails together with `fontawesome`/`fontawesome5`, see:
# The fix in that answer did not help.
# Setting `verbose=silent` to mute `microtype` warnings did not work.
# Switching between `fontawesome` and `fontawesome5` did not help.
$warnings_as_errors = 0;
# Show used CPU time. Looks like:
$show_time = 1;
# Default is 5; we seem to need more owed to the complexity of the document.
# Actual documents probably don't need this many since they won't use all features,
# plus won't be compiling from cold each time.
# --shell-escape option (execution of code outside of latex) is required for the
#'svg' package.
# It converts raw SVG files to the PDF+PDF_TEX combo using InkScape.
# SyncTeX allows to jump between source (code) and output (PDF) in IDEs with support
# (many have it). A value of `1` is enabled (gzipped), `-1` is enabled but uncompressed,
# `0` is off.
# Testing in VSCode w/ LaTeX Workshop only worked for the compressed version.
# Adjust this as needed. Of course, only relevant for local use, no effect on a remote
# CI pipeline (except for slower compilation, probably).
# %O and %S will forward Options and the Source file, respectively, given to latexmk.
# `set_tex_cmds` applies to all *latex commands (latex, xelatex, lualatex, ...), so
# no need to specify these each. This allows to simply change `$pdf_mode` to get a
# different engine. Check if this works with `latexmk --commands`.
set_tex_cmds("--shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode --synctex=1 %O %S");
# Use default pdf viewer
$pdf_previewer = 'zathura';
# option 2 is same as 1 (run biber when necessary), but also deletes the
# regeneratable bbl-file in a clenaup (`latexmk -c`). Do not use if original
# bib file is not available!
$bibtex_use = 2; # default: 1
# Change default `biber` call, help catch errors faster/clearer. See
$biber = "biber --validate-datamodel %O %S";
# Glossaries
add_cus_dep('glo', 'gls', 0, 'run_makeglossaries');
add_cus_dep('acn', 'acr', 0, 'run_makeglossaries');
sub run_makeglossaries {
if ( $silent ) {
system "makeglossaries -q -s '$_[0].ist' '$_[0]'";
else {
system "makeglossaries -s '$_[0].ist' '$_[0]'";
# ======================================================================================
# Auxiliary Files
# ======================================================================================
# Let latexmk know about generated files, so they can be used to detect if a
# rerun is required, or be deleted in a cleanup.
# loe: List of Examples (KOMAScript)
# lol: List of Listings (`listings` and `minted` packages)
# run.xml: biber runs
# glg: glossaries log
# glstex: generated from glossaries-extra
push @generated_exts, 'loe', 'lol', 'run.xml', 'glstex', 'glo', 'gls', 'glg', 'acn', 'acr', 'alg';
# Also delete the *.glstex files from package glossaries-extra. Problem is,
# that that package generates files of the form "basename-digit.glstex" if
# multiple glossaries are present. Latexmk looks for "basename.glstex" and so
# does not find those. For that purpose, use wildcard.
# Also delete files generated by gnuplot/pgfplots contour plots
# (.dat, .script, .table).
$clean_ext = "%R-*.glstex %R_contourtmp*.*";