2018-10-25 10:59:30 +02:00

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Simscape model - Report

Simscape files for identification

Simscape Name Ty Ry Rz Hexa NASS
id micro station F F F F
id nano station stages F F F F F
id nano station config D D D D F
control nano station D D D D F



Variable Meaning Size Unit
Dw Ground motion 3 [m]
Fg External force applied on granite 3 [N]
Fs External force applied on the Sample 3 [N]

Measurement Noise

Variable Meaning Size Unit

Control Inputs

Variable Meaning Size Unit
Fy Actuation force for Ty 1 [N]
Dy Imposed displacement for Ty 1 [m]
My Actuation torque for Ry 1 [N.m]
Ry Imposed rotation for Ry 1 [rad]
Mz Actuation torque for Rz 1 [N.m]
Rz Imposed rotation for Rz 1 [rad]
Fh Actuation force/torque for hexapod (cart) 6 [N, N.m]
Fhl Actuation force/torque for hexapod (legs) 6 [N]
Dh Imposed position for hexapod (cart) 6 [m, rad]
Rm Position of the two masses 2 [rad]
Fn Actuation force for the NASS (cart) 6 [N, N.m]
Fnl Actuation force for the NASS's legs 6 [N]
Dn Imposed position for the NASS (cart) 6 [m, rad]


Variable Meaning Size Unit
Dgm Absolute displacement of the granite 3 [m]
Vgm Absolute Velocity of the granite 3 [m/s]
Dym Measured displacement of Ty 1 [m]
Rym Measured rotation of Ry 1 [rad]
Rzm Measured rotation of Rz 1 [rad]
Dhm Measured position of hexapod (cart) 6 [m, rad]
Fnlm Measured force of NASS's legs 6 [N]
Dnlm Measured elongation of NASS's legs 6 [m]
Dnm Measured position of NASS w.r.t NASS's base 6 [m, rad]
Vnm Measured absolute velocity of NASS platform 6 [m/s, rad/s]
Vnlm Measured absolute velocity of NASS's legs 6 [m/s]
Dsm Position of Sample w.r.t. granite frame 6 [m, rad]