2018-06-21 11:43:46 +02:00

85 lines
2.5 KiB

%% Script Description
% Identification of a force injected into the NASS (in cartesian
% coordinates) to the relative displacement of the sample
% and granite.
clear; close all; clc;
initializeSample(struct('mass', 1));
[G_1, G_1_raw] = identifyG();
initializeSample(struct('mass', 20));
[G_20, G_20_raw] = identifyG();
initializeSample(struct('mass', 50));
[G_50, G_50_raw] = identifyG();
freqs = logspace(0, 3, 1000);
bodeFig({G_1(1, 1), G_1(2, 2), G_1(3, 3)}, freqs, struct('phase', true))
legend({'$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{x}$ - $M = 1Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{y}$ - $M = 1Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{z}$ - $M = 1Kg$'})
legend('location', 'southwest')
exportFig('G_xyz_1', 'normal-normal')
bodeFig({G_20(1, 1), G_20(2, 2), G_20(3, 3)}, struct('phase', true))
legend({'$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{x}$ - $M = 20Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{y}$ - $M = 20Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{z}$ - $M = 20Kg$'})
legend('location', 'southwest')
exportFig('G_xyz_20', 'normal-normal')
bodeFig({G_1(1, 1), G_20(1, 1), G_50(1, 1)}, struct('phase', true))
legend({'$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{x}$ - $M = 1Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{x}$ - $M = 20Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_x} \rightarrow D_{x}$ - $M = 50Kg$'})
legend('location', 'southwest')
exportFig('G_x_mass', 'normal-normal')
bodeFig({G_1(2, 2), G_20(2, 2), G_50(2, 2)}, struct('phase', true))
legend({'$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{y}$ - $M = 1Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{y}$ - $M = 20Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_y} \rightarrow D_{y}$ - $M = 50Kg$'})
legend('location', 'southwest')
exportFig('G_y_mass', 'half-normal')
bodeFig({G_1(3, 3), G_20(3, 3), G_50(3, 3)}, struct('phase', true))
legend({'$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{z}$ - $M = 1Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{z}$ - $M = 20Kg$', ...
'$F_{n_z} \rightarrow D_{z}$ - $M = 50Kg$'})
legend('location', 'southwest')
exportFig('G_z_mass', 'normal-normal')
bodeFig({G_1(2, 2), G_20(2, 2), G_50(2, 2)}, freqs, struct('phase', true))
legend({'$M = 1Kg$', ...
'$M = 20Kg$', ...
'$M = 50Kg$'})
exportFig('G_y_mass_article', 'half-normal')
save('./mat/G_f_to_d.mat', 'G_1', 'G_20', 'G_50');
freqs = logspace(-1, 3, 1000);
bodeFig({G_1(1, 1), G_20(1, 1), G_50(1, 1)}, freqs, struct('phase', true))
ylabel('Amplitude [m/N]');
legend({'$1Kg$', ...
'$20Kg$', ...
legend('location', 'southwest')
set(gca,'YTick',[1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-4])
ylim([1e-9, 1e-3])
exportFig('G_x_mass', 'half-short', struct('tikz', true))