Simscape Uniaxial Model

Table of Contents

The idea is to use the same model as the full Simscape Model but to restrict the motion only in the vertical direction.

This is done in order to more easily study the system and evaluate control techniques.

1 Undamped System

1.1 Init

We initialize all the stages with the default parameters. The nano-hexapod is a piezoelectric hexapod and the sample has a mass of 50kg.

initializeNanoHexapod(struct('actuator', 'piezo'));
initializeSample(struct('mass', 50));

All the controllers are set to 0.

K = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K', '-append');
K_iff = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_iff', '-append');
K_rmc = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_rmc', '-append');
K_dvf = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_dvf', '-append');

1.2 Identification

%% Options for Linearized
options = linearizeOptions;
options.SampleTime = 0;

%% Name of the Simulink File
mdl = 'sim_nano_station_uniaxial';
%% Input/Output definition
io(1)  = linio([mdl, '/Dw'],    1, 'input');  % Ground Motion
io(2)  = linio([mdl, '/Fs'],    1, 'input');  % Force applied on the sample
io(3)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnl'],   1, 'input');  % Force applied by the NASS
io(4)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdty'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Ty
io(5)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdrz'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Rz

io(6)  = linio([mdl, '/Dsm'],  1, 'output'); % Displacement of the sample
io(7)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Force sensor in NASS's legs
io(8)  = linio([mdl, '/Dnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Displacement of NASS's legs
io(9)  = linio([mdl, '/Dgm'],  1, 'output'); % Absolute displacement of the granite
io(10) = linio([mdl, '/Vlm'],  1, 'output'); % Measured absolute velocity of the top NASS platform
%% Run the linearization
G = linearize(mdl, io, options);
G.InputName  = {'Dw',   ... % Ground Motion [m]
                'Fs',   ... % Force Applied on Sample [N]
                'Fn',   ... % Force applied by NASS [N]
                'Fty',  ... % Parasitic Force Ty [N]
                'Frz'};     % Parasitic Force Rz [N]
G.OutputName = {'D',    ... % Measured sample displacement x.r.t. granite [m]
                'Fnm',  ... % Force Sensor in NASS [N]
                'Dnm',  ... % Displacement Sensor in NASS [m]
                'Dgm',  ... % Asbolute displacement of Granite [m]
                'Vlm'}; ... % Absolute Velocity of NASS [m/s]

1.3 Sensitivity to Disturbances


Figure 1: Sensitivity to disturbances (png, pdf)


Figure 2: Sensitivity to disturbances (png, pdf)

1.4 Plant


Figure 3: Bode plot of the Plant (png, pdf)

1.5 Save

save('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G');

2 Integral Force Feedback

2.1 Control Design

load('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G');

Let's look at the transfer function from actuator forces in the nano-hexapod to the force sensor in the nano-hexapod legs for all 6 pairs of actuator/sensor.


Figure 4: Transfer function from forces applied in the legs to force sensor (png, pdf)

The controller for each pair of actuator/sensor is:

K_iff = -1000/s;


Figure 5: Loop Gain for the Integral Force Feedback (png, pdf)

2.2 Identification

Let's initialize the system prior to identification.

initializeNanoHexapod(struct('actuator', 'piezo'));
initializeSample(struct('mass', 50));

All the controllers are set to 0.

K = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K', '-append');
K_iff = -K_iff;
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_iff', '-append');
K_rmc = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_rmc', '-append');
K_dvf = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_dvf', '-append');
%% Options for Linearized
options = linearizeOptions;
options.SampleTime = 0;

%% Name of the Simulink File
mdl = 'sim_nano_station_uniaxial';
%% Input/Output definition
io(1)  = linio([mdl, '/Dw'],    1, 'input');  % Ground Motion
io(2)  = linio([mdl, '/Fs'],    1, 'input');  % Force applied on the sample
io(3)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnl'],   1, 'input');  % Force applied by the NASS
io(4)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdty'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Ty
io(5)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdrz'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Rz

io(6)  = linio([mdl, '/Dsm'],  1, 'output'); % Displacement of the sample
io(7)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Force sensor in NASS's legs
io(8)  = linio([mdl, '/Dnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Displacement of NASS's legs
io(9)  = linio([mdl, '/Dgm'],  1, 'output'); % Absolute displacement of the granite
io(10) = linio([mdl, '/Vlm'],  1, 'output'); % Measured absolute velocity of the top NASS platform
%% Run the linearization
G_iff = linearize(mdl, io, options);
G_iff.InputName  = {'Dw',   ... % Ground Motion [m]
                    'Fs',   ... % Force Applied on Sample [N]
                    'Fn',   ... % Force applied by NASS [N]
                    'Fty',  ... % Parasitic Force Ty [N]
                    'Frz'};     % Parasitic Force Rz [N]
G_iff.OutputName = {'D',    ... % Measured sample displacement x.r.t. granite [m]
                    'Fnm',  ... % Force Sensor in NASS [N]
                    'Dnm',  ... % Displacement Sensor in NASS [m]
                    'Dgm',  ... % Asbolute displacement of Granite [m]
                    'Vlm'}; ... % Absolute Velocity of NASS [m/s]

2.3 Sensitivity to Disturbance


Figure 6: Sensitivity to disturbance once the IFF controller is applied to the system (png, pdf)


Figure 7: Sensitivity to force disturbances in various stages when IFF is applied (png, pdf)

2.4 Damped Plant


Figure 8: Damped Plant after IFF is applied (png, pdf)

2.5 Save

save('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G_iff', '-append');

2.6 Conclusion

Integral Force Feedback:

3 Relative Motion Control

In the Relative Motion Control (RMC), a derivative feedback is applied between the measured actuator displacement to the actuator force input.

3.1 Control Design

load('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G');

Let's look at the transfer function from actuator forces in the nano-hexapod to the measured displacement of the actuator for all 6 pairs of actuator/sensor.


Figure 9: Transfer function from forces applied in the legs to leg displacement sensor (png, pdf)

The Relative Motion Controller is defined below. A Low pass Filter is added to make the controller transfer function proper.

K_rmc = s*50000/(1 + s/2/pi/10000);


Figure 10: Loop Gain for the Integral Force Feedback (png, pdf)

3.2 Identification

Let's initialize the system prior to identification.

initializeNanoHexapod(struct('actuator', 'piezo'));
initializeSample(struct('mass', 50));

And initialize the controllers.

K = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K', '-append');
K_iff = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_iff', '-append');
K_rmc = -K_rmc;
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_rmc', '-append');
K_dvf = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_dvf', '-append');
%% Options for Linearized
options = linearizeOptions;
options.SampleTime = 0;

%% Name of the Simulink File
mdl = 'sim_nano_station_uniaxial';
%% Input/Output definition
io(1)  = linio([mdl, '/Dw'],    1, 'input');  % Ground Motion
io(2)  = linio([mdl, '/Fs'],    1, 'input');  % Force applied on the sample
io(3)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnl'],   1, 'input');  % Force applied by the NASS
io(4)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdty'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Ty
io(5)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdrz'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Rz

io(6)  = linio([mdl, '/Dsm'],  1, 'output'); % Displacement of the sample
io(7)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Force sensor in NASS's legs
io(8)  = linio([mdl, '/Dnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Displacement of NASS's legs
io(9)  = linio([mdl, '/Dgm'],  1, 'output'); % Absolute displacement of the granite
io(10) = linio([mdl, '/Vlm'],  1, 'output'); % Measured absolute velocity of the top NASS platform
%% Run the linearization
G_rmc = linearize(mdl, io, options);
G_rmc.InputName  = {'Dw',   ... % Ground Motion [m]
                    'Fs',   ... % Force Applied on Sample [N]
                    'Fn',   ... % Force applied by NASS [N]
                    'Fty',  ... % Parasitic Force Ty [N]
                    'Frz'};     % Parasitic Force Rz [N]
G_rmc.OutputName = {'D',    ... % Measured sample displacement x.r.t. granite [m]
                    'Fnm',  ... % Force Sensor in NASS [N]
                    'Dnm',  ... % Displacement Sensor in NASS [m]
                    'Dgm',  ... % Asbolute displacement of Granite [m]
                    'Vlm'}; ... % Absolute Velocity of NASS [m/s]

3.3 Sensitivity to Disturbance


Figure 11: Sensitivity to disturbance once the RMC controller is applied to the system (png, pdf)


Figure 12: Sensitivity to force disturbances in various stages when RMC is applied (png, pdf)

3.4 Damped Plant


Figure 13: Damped Plant after RMC is applied (png, pdf)

3.5 Save

save('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G_rmc', '-append');

3.6 Conclusion

Relative Motion Control:

4 Direct Velocity Feedback

In the Relative Motion Control (RMC), a feedback is applied between the measured velocity of the platform to the actuator force input.

4.1 Control Design

load('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G');


Figure 14: Transfer function from forces applied in the legs to leg velocity sensor (png, pdf)

K_dvf = tf(5e4);


Figure 15: Transfer function from forces applied in the legs to leg velocity sensor (png, pdf)

4.2 Identification

Let's initialize the system prior to identification.

initializeNanoHexapod(struct('actuator', 'piezo'));
initializeSample(struct('mass', 50));

And initialize the controllers.

K = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K', '-append');
K_iff = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_iff', '-append');
K_rmc = tf(0);
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_rmc', '-append');
K_dvf = -K_dvf;
save('./mat/controllers.mat', 'K_dvf', '-append');
%% Options for Linearized
options = linearizeOptions;
options.SampleTime = 0;

%% Name of the Simulink File
mdl = 'sim_nano_station_uniaxial';
%% Input/Output definition
io(1)  = linio([mdl, '/Dw'],    1, 'input');  % Ground Motion
io(2)  = linio([mdl, '/Fs'],    1, 'input');  % Force applied on the sample
io(3)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnl'],   1, 'input');  % Force applied by the NASS
io(4)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdty'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Ty
io(5)  = linio([mdl, '/Fdrz'],  1, 'input');  % Parasitic force Rz

io(6)  = linio([mdl, '/Dsm'],  1, 'output'); % Displacement of the sample
io(7)  = linio([mdl, '/Fnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Force sensor in NASS's legs
io(8)  = linio([mdl, '/Dnlm'], 1, 'output'); % Displacement of NASS's legs
io(9)  = linio([mdl, '/Dgm'],  1, 'output'); % Absolute displacement of the granite
io(10) = linio([mdl, '/Vlm'],  1, 'output'); % Measured absolute velocity of the top NASS platform
%% Run the linearization
G_dvf = linearize(mdl, io, options);
G_dvf.InputName  = {'Dw',   ... % Ground Motion [m]
                    'Fs',   ... % Force Applied on Sample [N]
                    'Fn',   ... % Force applied by NASS [N]
                    'Fty',  ... % Parasitic Force Ty [N]
                    'Frz'};     % Parasitic Force Rz [N]
G_dvf.OutputName = {'D',    ... % Measured sample displacement x.r.t. granite [m]
                    'Fnm',  ... % Force Sensor in NASS [N]
                    'Dnm',  ... % Displacement Sensor in NASS [m]
                    'Dgm',  ... % Asbolute displacement of Granite [m]
                    'Vlm'}; ... % Absolute Velocity of NASS [m/s]

4.3 Sensitivity to Disturbance


Figure 16: Sensitivity to disturbance once the DVF controller is applied to the system (png, pdf)


Figure 17: Sensitivity to force disturbances in various stages when DVF is applied (png, pdf)

4.4 Damped Plant


Figure 18: Damped Plant after DVF is applied (png, pdf)

4.5 Save

save('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G_dvf', '-append');

4.6 Conclusion

Direct Velocity Feedback:

5 Comparison of Active Damping Techniques

5.1 Load the plants

load('./uniaxial/mat/plants.mat', 'G', 'G_iff', 'G_rmc', 'G_dvf');

5.2 Sensitivity to Disturbance


Figure 19: Sensitivity to disturbance - Comparison (png, pdf)


Figure 20: Sensitivity to force disturbances - Comparison (png, pdf)

5.3 Damped Plant


Figure 21: Damped Plant - Comparison (png, pdf)

5.4 Conclusion

Author: Dehaeze Thomas

Created: 2019-10-24 jeu. 17:44
