Thomas Dehaeze 6e3677eb29 [WIP] Breaking Change - Use Update
Folder name is changed, rework the html templates
Change the organisation.
2019-05-10 16:06:43 +02:00

87 lines
2.6 KiB

%% Clear Workspace and Close figures
clear; close all; clc;
%% Intialize Laplace variable
s = zpk('s');
%% Add the getAsynchronousError to path
% Load Measurement Data
spindle_1rpm_table = readtable('./mat/10turns_1rpm_icepap.txt');
spindle_60rpm_table = readtable('./mat/10turns_60rpm_IcepapFIR.txt');
spindle_1rpm_table(1, :)
spindle_1rpm = table2array(spindle_1rpm_table);
spindle_60rpm = table2array(spindle_60rpm_table);
% Convert Signals from [deg] to [sec]
speed_1rpm = 360/60; % [deg/sec]
spindle_1rpm(:, 1) = spindle_1rpm(:, 2)/speed_1rpm; % From position [deg] to time [s]
speed_60rpm = 360/1; % [deg/sec]
spindle_60rpm(:, 1) = spindle_60rpm(:, 2)/speed_60rpm; % From position [deg] to time [s]
% Convert Signals
% scaling = 1/80000; % 80 mV/um
scaling = 1e-6; % [um] to [m]
spindle_1rpm(:, 3:end) = scaling*spindle_1rpm(:, 3:end); % [V] to [m]
spindle_1rpm(:, 3:end) = spindle_1rpm(:, 3:end)-mean(spindle_1rpm(:, 3:end)); % Remove mean
spindle_60rpm(:, 3:end) = scaling*spindle_60rpm(:, 3:end); % [V] to [m]
spindle_60rpm(:, 3:end) = spindle_60rpm(:, 3:end)-mean(spindle_60rpm(:, 3:end)); % Remove mean
% Ts and Fs for both measurements
Ts_1rpm = spindle_1rpm(end, 1)/(length(spindle_1rpm(:, 1))-1);
Fs_1rpm = 1/Ts_1rpm;
Ts_60rpm = spindle_60rpm(end, 1)/(length(spindle_60rpm(:, 1))-1);
Fs_60rpm = 1/Ts_60rpm;
% Find Noise of the ADC [$\frac{m}{\sqrt{Hz}}$]
data = spindle_1rpm(:, 5);
dV_1rpm = min(abs(data(1) - data(data ~= data(1))));
noise_1rpm = dV_1rpm/sqrt(12*Fs_1rpm/2);
data = spindle_60rpm(:, 5);
dV_60rpm = min(abs(data(50) - data(data ~= data(50))));
noise_60rpm = dV_60rpm/sqrt(12*Fs_60rpm/2);
% Save all the data under spindle struct
spindle.rpm1.time = spindle_1rpm(:, 1);
spindle.rpm1.deg = spindle_1rpm(:, 2);
spindle.rpm1.Ts = Ts_1rpm;
spindle.rpm1.Fs = 1/Ts_1rpm;
spindle.rpm1.x = spindle_1rpm(:, 3);
spindle.rpm1.y = spindle_1rpm(:, 4);
spindle.rpm1.z = spindle_1rpm(:, 5);
spindle.rpm1.adcn = noise_1rpm;
spindle.rpm60.time = spindle_60rpm(:, 1);
spindle.rpm60.deg = spindle_60rpm(:, 2);
spindle.rpm60.Ts = Ts_60rpm;
spindle.rpm60.Fs = 1/Ts_60rpm;
spindle.rpm60.x = spindle_60rpm(:, 3);
spindle.rpm60.y = spindle_60rpm(:, 4);
spindle.rpm60.z = spindle_60rpm(:, 5);
spindle.rpm60.adcn = noise_60rpm;
% Compute Asynchronous data
for direction = {'x', 'y', 'z'}
spindle.rpm1.([direction{1}, 'async']) = getAsynchronousError(spindle.rpm1.(direction{1}), 10);
spindle.rpm60.([direction{1}, 'async']) = getAsynchronousError(spindle.rpm60.(direction{1}), 10);
% Save data
save('./mat/spindle_data.mat', 'spindle');