2020-04-27 11:35:57 +02:00

7.3 KiB


ESRF Equipment



Picture of the L-28LB Geophone
Natural Frequency [Hz] 4.5
Weight [g] 140
Sensitivity [V/(m/s)] 31.3
L-28LB Parameters

We define the parameters of the geophone and we plot its bode plot (figure fig:L28LB_bode_plot).

  w0 = 4.5*2*pi; % [rad/s]
  ksi = 0.38;
  G0 = 31.3; % [V/(m/s)]
  G = G0*(s/w0)^2/((s/w0)^2 + 2*ksi*(s/w0) + 1);


Bode plot of the L-28LB Geophone


Picture of the L-4C Geophone
Natural Frequency [Hz] 1
Weight [g] 2150
Sensitivity [V/(m/s)] 276.8
L4C Parameters

The transfer function from the velocity and the measured voltage is defined below.

Its bode plot is shown on figure fig:L4C_bode_plot.

  w0 = 2*pi; % [rad/s]
  ksi = 0.28;
  G0 = 276.8; % [V/(m/s)]
  G = G0*(s/w0)^2/((s/w0)^2 + 2*ksi*(s/w0) + 1);


Bode plot of the L4C Geophone


Pieozoelectric acc. 356b18 - 3 axis

Pieozoelectric acc. 356b18 - 3 axis
Sensitivity 0.102 $V/(m/s^2)$
Measurement Range 4.9 $m/s^2$ pk
Frequency Range 0.5 to 3000 Hz
resonant frequency > 20000 hz
broadband resolution 0.0005 $m/s^2$ rms
356b18 Parameters

Ceramic acc. 393B05 - 1 axis

Ceramic acc. 393B05 - 1 axis
Sensitivity (±10 %) 1.02 $V/(m/s^2)$
Measurement Range 4.9 $m/s^2$ pk
Frequency Range (±5 %) 0.7 to 450 Hz
resonant frequency > 2500 hz
broadband resolution 0.00004 $m/s^2$ rms
393B05 Parameters