Measurement of the ID31 Micro-Station

Table of Contents

This web-page gathers all the measurements done on the ID31 Micro Station.

1 Measurements of the dynamics of the station

1.1 Measurement 1

1.1.1 Notes

Date 2017-11-17
Sensors Accelerometers
Excitation Instrumented Hammer
Location Laboratory

Dynamics of the station is evaluated using instrumented hammer and accelerometers fixed on each stage.

1.1.2 Goal

  • Obtain a first estimation of resonance frequencies

1.1.3 Results

  • Resonances have been identified at 45Hz and 75Hz
  • However, the quality of the measurements are bad at low frequency
  • New measurements should be done with Geophones

1.2 Measurement 2

1.2.1 Notes

Date 2018-01-12
Sensors Geophones
Excitation Instrumented Hammer
Location Laboratory
Notes Unglued Granite

1.2.2 Goal

Obtain better coherence at low frequency.

1.2.3 Results

  • Resonances at 42Hz, 70Hz and 125Hz have been identified
  • The coherence is much better than when using accelerometers

1.3 TODO Measurement 3

1.3.1 Notes

Date 2018-10-12
Sensors Geophones
Excitation Instrumented Hammer
Location Experimental Hutch

1.3.2 Goal

The station is now installed on the experimental hutch with a glued granite (final location). The station is identified again.

1.3.3 Results

2 Measurements of perturbations

3 Other

Author: Thomas Dehaeze

Created: 2019-05-14 mar. 23:02
