Add script to mount/unmount device, delete udiskie
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ Script taken from Luke Smith.
internal=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$external")
internal=$(echo "$screens" | grep -v "$external")
res_external=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$external/,/\+/p" | \
res_external=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$external/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_internal=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$internal/,/\+/p" | \
res_internal=$(xrandr --query | sed -n "/^$internal/,/\+/p" | \
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')
res_ext_x=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/x.*//')
res_ext_x=$(echo "$res_external" | sed 's/x.*//')
res_ext_y=$(echo $res_external | sed 's/.*x//')
res_ext_y=$(echo "$res_external" | sed 's/.*x//')
res_int_x=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/x.*//')
res_int_x=$(echo "$res_internal" | sed 's/x.*//')
res_int_y=$(echo $res_internal | sed 's/.*x//')
res_int_y=$(echo "$res_internal" | sed 's/.*x//')
scale_x=$(echo "$res_ext_x / $res_int_x" | bc -l)
scale_x=$(echo "$res_ext_x / $res_int_x" | bc -l)
scale_y=$(echo "$res_ext_y / $res_int_y" | bc -l)
scale_y=$(echo "$res_ext_y / $res_int_y" | bc -l)
xrandr --output "$external" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 \
xrandr --output "$external" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 \
--output "$internal" --auto --same-as "$external" \
--output "$internal" --auto --same-as "$external" \
--scale "$scale_x"x"$scale_y"
--scale "$scale_x"x"$scale_y"
primary=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select primary display:")
primary=$(echo "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select primary display:")
@ -68,32 +68,151 @@ Script taken from Luke Smith.
multimon() { # Multi-monitor handler.
multimon() { # Multi-monitor handler.
case "$(echo "$screens" | wc -l)" in
case "$(echo "$screens" | wc -l)" in
1) xrandr $(echo "$allposs" | grep -v "$screens" | awk '{print "--output", $1, "--off"}' | tr '\n' ' ') ;;
2) twoscreen ;;
2) twoscreen ;;
,*) morescreen ;;
,*) morescreen ;;
esac ;}
esac ;}
onescreen() { # If only one output available or chosen.
xrandr --output "$1" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 "$(echo "$allposs" | grep -v "$1" | awk '{print "--output", $1, "--off"}' | paste -sd ' ')"
postrun() { # Stuff to run to clean up.
setbg # Fix background if screen size/arangement has changed.
$HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/ # restart polybar
{ killall dunst ; setsid -f dunst ;} >/dev/null 2>&1 # Restart dunst to ensure proper location on screen
# Get all possible displays
# Get all possible displays
allposs=$(xrandr -q | grep "connected")
allposs=$(xrandr -q | grep "connected")
# Get all connected screens.
# Get all connected screens.
screens=$(echo "$allposs" | grep " connected" | awk '{print $1}')
screens=$(echo "$allposs" | awk '/ connected/ {print $1}')
# If there's only one screen
[ "$(echo "$screens" | wc -l)" -lt 2 ] &&
{ onescreen "$screens"; postrun; notify-send "💻 Only one screen detected." "Using it in its optimal settings..."; exit ;}
# Get user choice including multi-monitor and manual selection:
# Get user choice including multi-monitor and manual selection:
chosen=$(printf "%s\\ncancel\\nmulti-monitor\\nmanual selection" "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select display arangement:") &&
chosen=$(printf "%s\\nmulti-monitor\\nmanual selection" "$screens" | dmenu -i -p "Select display arangement:") &&
case "$chosen" in
case "$chosen" in
"cancel") exit ;;
"manual selection") arandr ; exit ;;
"manual selection") arandr ; exit ;;
"multi-monitor") multimon ;;
"multi-monitor") multimon ;;
,*) xrandr --output "$chosen" --auto --scale 1.0x1.0 $(echo "$allposs" | grep -v "$chosen" | awk '{print "--output", $1, "--off"}' | tr '\n' ' ') ;;
,*) onescreen "$chosen" ;;
$HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/ # restart polybar
pgrep -x dunst >/dev/null && killall dunst && setsid dunst & # Restart dunst to ensure proper location on screen
* =dmenumount= - Mount USB and Android
Script taken from Luke Smith.
#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/dmenumount
getmount() { \
[ -z "$chosen" ] && exit 1
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
mp="$(find $1 2>/dev/null | dmenu -i -p "Type in mount point.")" || exit 1
[ "$mp" = "" ] && exit 1
if [ ! -d "$mp" ]; then
mkdiryn=$(printf "No\\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "$mp does not exist. Create it?") || exit 1
[ "$mkdiryn" = "Yes" ] && (mkdir -p "$mp" || sudo -A mkdir -p "$mp")
mountusb() { \
chosen="$(echo "$usbdrives" | dmenu -i -p "Mount which drive?")" || exit 1
chosen="$(echo "$chosen" | awk '{print $1}')"
sudo -A mount "$chosen" 2>/dev/null && notify-send "💻 USB mounting" "$chosen mounted." && exit 0
alreadymounted=$(lsblk -nrpo "name,type,mountpoint" | awk '$3!~/\/boot|\/home$|SWAP/&&length($3)>1{printf "-not ( -path *%s -prune ) ",$3}')
getmount "/mnt /media /mount /home -maxdepth 5 -type d $alreadymounted"
partitiontype="$(lsblk -no "fstype" "$chosen")"
case "$partitiontype" in
"vfat") sudo -A mount -t vfat "$chosen" "$mp" -o rw,umask=0000;;
,*) sudo -A mount "$chosen" "$mp"; user="$(whoami)"; ug="$(groups | awk '{print $1}')"; sudo -A chown "$user":"$ug" "$mp";;
notify-send "💻 USB mounting" "$chosen mounted to $mp."
mountandroid() { \
chosen="$(echo "$anddrives" | dmenu -i -p "Which Android device?")" || exit 1
chosen="$(echo "$chosen" | cut -d : -f 1)"
getmount "$HOME -maxdepth 3 -type d"
simple-mtpfs --device "$chosen" "$mp"
echo "OK" | dmenu -i -p "Tap Allow on your phone if it asks for permission and then press enter" || exit 1
simple-mtpfs --device "$chosen" "$mp"
notify-send "🤖 Android Mounting" "Android device mounted to $mp."
asktype() { \
choice="$(printf "USB\\nAndroid" | dmenu -i -p "Mount a USB drive or Android device?")" || exit 1
case $choice in
USB) mountusb ;;
Android) mountandroid ;;
anddrives=$(simple-mtpfs -l 2>/dev/null)
usbdrives="$(lsblk -rpo "name,type,size,mountpoint" | awk '$4==""{printf "%s (%s)\n",$1,$3}')"
if [ -z "$usbdrives" ]; then
[ -z "$anddrives" ] && echo "No USB drive or Android device detected" && exit
echo "Android device(s) detected."
if [ -z "$anddrives" ]; then
echo "USB drive(s) detected."
echo "Mountable USB drive(s) and Android device(s) detected."
* =dmenuumount= - Unmount USB and Android devices
Script taken from Luke Smith.
#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/dmenuumount
unmountusb() {
[ -z "$drives" ] && exit
chosen="$(echo "$drives" | dmenu -i -p "Unmount which drive?")" || exit 1
chosen="$(echo "$chosen" | awk '{print $1}')"
[ -z "$chosen" ] && exit
sudo -A umount "$chosen" && notify-send "💻 USB unmounting" "$chosen unmounted."
unmountandroid() { \
chosen="$(awk '/simple-mtpfs/ {print $2}' /etc/mtab | dmenu -i -p "Unmount which device?")" || exit 1
[ -z "$chosen" ] && exit
sudo -A umount -l "$chosen" && notify-send "🤖 Android unmounting" "$chosen unmounted."
asktype() { \
choice="$(printf "USB\\nAndroid" | dmenu -i -p "Unmount a USB drive or Android device?")" || exit 1
case "$choice" in
USB) unmountusb ;;
Android) unmountandroid ;;
drives=$(lsblk -nrpo "name,type,size,mountpoint" | awk '$4!~/\/boot|\/home$|SWAP/&&length($4)>1{printf "%s (%s)\n",$4,$3}')
if ! grep simple-mtpfs /etc/mtab; then
[ -z "$drives" ] && echo "No drives to unmount." && exit
echo "Unmountable USB drive detected."
if [ -z "$drives" ]
echo "Unmountable Android device detected."
echo "Unmountable USB drive(s) and Android device(s) detected."
* =vpntoggle= - Connect to VPN using NordVPN
* =vpntoggle= - Connect to VPN using NordVPN
#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/vpntoggle
#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/vpntoggle
if [[ $(nordvpn status) == *"Connected"* ]]; then
if [[ $(nordvpn status) == *"Connected"* ]]; then
nordvpn disconnect && dunstify --replace=23198 "VPN" "Disconnected";
nordvpn disconnect && dunstify --replace=23198 "VPN" "Disconnected";
@ -573,6 +692,7 @@ fi
xwallpaper --zoom "$bgloc"
xwallpaper --zoom "$bgloc"
* =insert-unicode= - Insert Unicode Icon
* =insert-unicode= - Insert Unicode Icon
#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/insert-unicode
#+begin_src bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/insert-unicode
@ -450,10 +450,6 @@ Start the applications related to the top bar (polybar + applet).
# Synology Cloud Station Drive
# Synology Cloud Station Drive
synology-drive &
synology-drive &
# Udiskie to automount usb keys
pgrep -xu "$USER" udiskie >/dev/null || \
udiskie --automount --notify --tray &
Start other applications
Start other applications
Reference in New Issue
Block a user