1418 lines
36 KiB
Org Mode
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2019-01-31 09:41:03 +01:00
#+TITLE: Vim Config
2019-04-04 10:27:43 +02:00
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :comments none
2019-01-31 09:41:03 +01:00
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes
#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :tangle ~/.vimrc
* Plugins Install
** Plug start
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
** Manage Files
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'tpope/vim-vinegar' " Combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --bin' } " A command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim' " Fzf for vim
** Text Objects
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-user' " Create your own text objects
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-line' " Text objects for the current line
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-entire' " Text objects for entire buffer
Plug 'michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object' " Defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level
Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs' " Vim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair
** Git
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Plug 'jreybert/vimagit'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
Plug 'junegunn/gv.vim' " A git commit browser
Plug 'mhinz/vim-signify' " Show a diff using Vim its sign column
** Motions, Search
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'terryma/vim-expand-region' " Vim plugin that allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination
Plug 'justinmk/vim-sneak' " The missing motion for Vim
Plug 'haya14busa/is.vim' " Improved incremental searching for Vim
** Manipulate Things
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround' " Quoting/parenthesizing made simple
Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary' " Comment stuff out
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' " A Vim alignment plugin
Plug 'Olical/vim-enmasse' " Edit every line in a quickfix list at the same time
Plug 'mhinz/vim-grepper', { 'on': ['Grepper', '<plug>(GrepperOperator)'] } "
** Utils
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat' " Enable repeating supported plugin maps with '.'
Plug 'tpope/vim-obsession' " Continuously updated session files
Plug 'tpope/vim-eunuch' " eunuch.vim: helpers for UNIX
Plug 'kana/vim-operator-user' " Define your own operator easily
Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar' " Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope
Plug 'tpope/vim-speeddating' " use CTRL-A/CTRL-X to increment dates, times, and more
Plug 'liuchengxu/vim-which-key' " Vim plugin that shows keybindings in popup
** Visual
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' " A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim
Plug 'Yggdroot/indentLine' " A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' " Adds file type glyphs/icons to many popular Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, unite, vim-startify and many more
Plug 'mhinz/vim-startify' " The fancy start screen for Vim
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim' " Distraction-free writing in Vim
** Themes
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim' " Base16 for Vim
Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox' " Retro groove color scheme for Vim
Plug 'jacoborus/tender.vim' " A 24bit colorscheme for Vim, Airline and Lightline
** Snippnets and autocompletion
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips' " The ultimate snippet solution for Vim
" TODO Alternative https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim
Plug 'honza/vim-snippets' " Vim-snipmate default snippets
** Syntax Checking and Build Utils
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'neomake/neomake' " Asynchronous linting and make framework for Neovim/Vim
** Auto Completion
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' } " Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim
** Tmux
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator' " Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
Plug 'jpalardy/vim-slime' " Used to type text into a REPL
** Syntax
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot' " A solid language pack for Vim
** Markdown
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'plasticboy/vim-markdown', { 'for': 'markdown' } " Markdown Vim Mode
Plug 'mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc', { 'for': 'markdown' } " A vim plugin to generate table of contents for Markdown files
Plug 'JamshedVesuna/vim-markdown-preview', { 'for': 'markdown' } " A light Vim plugin for previewing markdown files in a browser
Plug 'nelstrom/vim-markdown-folding' " Fold markdown documents by section
** LaTeX
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'lervag/vimtex', { 'for': 'tex' } " A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files.
** Matlab
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'tdehaeze/matlab-vim', { 'for': 'matlab' } " Edit Matlab M-files in Vim editor
Plug 'djoshea/vim-matlab-fold', { 'for': 'matlab' } " Vim code folding for Matlab files
** Org Mode
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Plug 'jceb/vim-orgmode' " Text outlining and task management for Vim
Plug 'vim-scripts/SyntaxRange' " Define a different filetype syntax on regions of a buffer
Plug 'chrisbra/NrrwRgn' " A Narrow Region Plugin for vim
Plug 'mattn/calendar-vim' " calendar vimscript
Plug 'vim-scripts/utl.vim' " Univeral Text Linking - Execute URLs, footnotes, open emails, organize ideas
** Others / To test
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Plug 'francoiscabrol/ranger.vim' " Ranger integration in vim and neovim
2019-03-05 22:07:30 +01:00
" Plug 'brooth/far.vim' " Find And Replace Vim plugin
" Plug 'justinmk/vim-gtfo' " Go to Terminal or File manager
2019-01-31 09:41:03 +01:00
" Plug 'sjl/gundo.vim', { 'on': 'GundoToggle' } " Vim plugin to visualize your Vim undo tree
2019-03-05 22:07:30 +01:00
" Plug 'drzel/vim-line-no-indicator' " Simple and expressive line number indicator
2019-01-31 09:41:03 +01:00
** Plug End
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
call plug#end()
* Basic
** General
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
set runtimepath+=~/.vim
" Sets how many lines of history VIM has to remember
set history=500
" Enable filetype plugins
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" Set to auto read when a file is changed from the outside
set autoread
" writes the content of the file automatically if you call :make
set autowrite
" Share clipboard with system
set clipboard+=unnamedplus
" Define Leader Key as Space key
let mapleader = "\<Space>"
let g:mapleader = "\<Space>"
let maplocalleader = ","
** VIM user interface
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Set 7 lines to the cursor - when moving vertically using j/k
set so=7
" Avoid garbled characters in Chinese language windows OS
let $LANG='en'
set langmenu=en
" Set Timeout config
set timeout
set ttimeout
set timeoutlen=500
set ttimeoutlen=50
" Turn on the wild menu
set wildmenu
" Ignore compiled files
set wildignore=*.o,*~,*.pyc
if has("win16") || has("win32")
set wildignore+=.git\*,.hg\*,.svn\*
set wildignore+=*/.git/*,*/.hg/*,*/.svn/*,*/.DS_Store
set wildmode=full
"Always show current position
set ruler
" Height of the command bar
set cmdheight=1
" A buffer becomes hidden when it is abandoned
set hid
" Configure backspace so it acts as it should act
set backspace=eol,start,indent
set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
" Ignore case when searching
set ignorecase
" When searching try to be smart about cases
set smartcase
" Option for smarter completions that will be case aware
set infercase
" Highlight search results
set hlsearch
" Makes search act like search in modern browsers
set incsearch
" Don't redraw while executing macros (good performance config)
set lazyredraw
" For regular expressions turn magic on
set magic
" Show matching brackets when text indicator is over them
set showmatch
" Don't show tab line if there is only one tab
set showtabline=1
" How tany tenths of a second to blink when matching brackets
set mat=2
" No annoying sound on errors
set noerrorbells
set novisualbell
set t_vb=
set tm=500
" Add a bit extra margin to the left
set foldcolumn=0
" Improve VIM scrolling
set ttyfast
" Relative Numbers
set relativenumber
" Smarter J and K navigation
nnoremap <expr> j v:count ? (v:count > 5 ? "m'" . v:count : '') . 'j' : 'gj'
nnoremap <expr> k v:count ? (v:count > 5 ? "m'" . v:count : '') . 'k' : 'gk'
** Foldings
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
if has('folding')
if has('windows')
let &fillchars='vert: ' " less cluttered vertical window separators
set foldmethod=indent " not as cool as syntax, but faster
set foldlevelstart=99 " start unfolded
** Colors and Fonts
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Theme
syntax enable
set background=dark
let base16colorspace=256
" colorscheme tender
colorscheme base16-default-dark
" set cursor shapes for insert and replace modes
set guicursor=n-v-c-sm:block,i-ci-ve:ver25,r-cr-o:hor20
" Set utf8 as standard encoding
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
" Use Unix as the standard file type
set ffs=unix,dos,mac
" Do not highlight the cursor line : http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Highlight_current_line
set nocursorline
set nocursorcolumn
" Always show the status line
set laststatus=2
** Files, backups and undo
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Turn backup off, since most stuff is in SVN, git et.c anyway...
set nobackup
set nowb
set noswapfile
** Text, tab and indent related
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Use spaces instead of tabs
set expandtab
" Be smart when using tabs
set smarttab
" 1 tab == 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4
set tabstop=4
" Word wrap without line breaks
set wrap
set linebreak
set nolist " list disables linebreak
set autoindent " Auto Indentation
set nosmartindent " No Smart Indentation
** Moving around, tabs, windows and buffers
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Specify the behavior when switching between buffers
set switchbuf=useopen,usetab
" Return to last edit position when opening files (You want this!)
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif
set splitbelow
set splitright
" This enables mouse in all modes
set mouse=a
" Automatically equalize splits when Vim is resized
autocmd VimResized * wincmd =
** Misc
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Enable Line Number
set number
" Speed up cursor movments : http://superuser.com/a/625994/587300
set regexpengine=1 " https://github.com/xolox/vim-easytags/issues/88
" Set the maximum column for syntax highlighting
set synmaxcol=250
** Helper functions
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
function! CmdLine(str)
exe "menu Foo.Bar :" . a:str
emenu Foo.Bar
unmenu Foo
function! VisualSelection(direction, extra_filter) range
let l:saved_reg = @"
execute "normal! vgvy"
let l:pattern = escape(@", '\\/.*$^~[]')
let l:pattern = substitute(l:pattern, "\n$", "", "")
if a:direction == 'gv'
call CmdLine("Ag \"" . l:pattern . "\" " )
elseif a:direction == 'replace'
call CmdLine("%s" . '/'. l:pattern . '/')
let @/ = l:pattern
let @" = l:saved_reg
" Don't close window, when deleting a buffer
command! Bclose call <SID>BufcloseCloseIt()
function! <SID>BufcloseCloseIt()
let l:currentBufNum = bufnr("%")
let l:alternateBufNum = bufnr("#")
if buflisted(l:alternateBufNum)
buffer #
if bufnr("%") == l:currentBufNum
if buflisted(l:currentBufNum)
execute("bdelete! ".l:currentBufNum)
** GUI related
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
set guifont=SauceCodePro\ Nerd\ Font:h13
set gfn=SauceCodePro\ Nerd\ Font,Hack\ 14,Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 11
" Disable scrollbars
set guioptions-=r
set guioptions-=R
set guioptions-=l
set guioptions-=L
** Turn persistent undo on
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
set undodir=~/.vim_runtime/temp_dirs/undodir
set undofile
* Mappings
** Normal mode related
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Smart way to move between windows
noremap <C-j> <C-W>j
noremap <C-k> <C-W>k
noremap <C-h> <C-W>h
noremap <C-l> <C-W>l
** Insert mode related
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Paste while in insert mode
inoremap <C-v> <C-r>*
" Go to the end of line
inoremap <C-e> <Esc>A
" Go to the beginning of line
inoremap <C-a> <Esc>I
** Visual mode related
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Visual mode pressing / or ? searches for the current selection
vnoremap <silent> / :<C-u>call VisualSelection('', '')<CR>/<C-R>=@/<CR><CR>
vnoremap <silent> ? :<C-u>call VisualSelection('', '')<CR>?<C-R>=@/<CR><CR>
" Re-select visual block after indenting
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv
" Move visual block
vnoremap J :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap K :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
** Add some delimiters
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" use $ as a delimiter
xnoremap i$ :<C-u>normal! T$vt$<CR>
xnoremap a$ :<C-u>normal! T$hvt$l<CR>
onoremap i$ :normal vi$<CR>
onoremap a$ :normal va$<CR>
** Command mode related
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Bash like keys for the command line
cnoremap <C-A> <Home>
cnoremap <C-E> <End>
cnoremap <C-K> <C-U>
cnoremap <C-P> <Up>
cnoremap <C-N> <Down>
** Terminal mode related
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" tnoremap <Esc> <C-\><C-n>
tnoremap <C-w>h <C-\><C-n><C-w>h
tnoremap <C-w>j <C-\><C-n><C-w>j
tnoremap <C-w>k <C-\><C-n><C-w>k
tnoremap <C-w>l <C-\><C-n><C-w>l
* Filetypes
** Vim Which Key
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
nnoremap <silent> <localleader> :<c-u>WhichKey ','<CR>
let g:which_key_map_local = {}
** MarkDown
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Automatically turn on spell-checking for Markdown files
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.md setlocal spell spelllang=fr,en
** LaTeX
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" TODO : améliorer ça
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tikz set filetype=tex
let tex_no_error=1 " TODO: used to not highlight underscores
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex set filetype=tex
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex let b:AutoPairs={'(':')', '[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`', '$':'$'}
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.tex set iskeyword+=-
" " clear the current list of matches that cause error-highlighting
" syn clear texOnlyMath
" " still mark '^' as an error outside of math mode
" syn match texOnlyMath /[\^]/
" autocmd FileType tex,tikz nnoremap <leader>lt <plug>(vimtex-toc-toggle)
" autocmd FileType tex,tikz nnoremap <leader>ll <plug>(vimtex-labels-open)
" autocmd FileType tex,tikz nnoremap <leader>lv <plug>(vimtex-view)
" autocmd FileType tex,tikz nnoremap <leader>lf <plug>(vimtex-reverse-search)
" " Make Tikz
" nnoremap <leader>mt :Make pdf t=tikz f=%:t:r<cr>
" nnoremap <leader>mto :make open t=tikz f=%:t:r<cr>
" " Make LaTeX
" nnoremap <leader>ml :Make pdf f=%:t:r<cr>
" nnoremap <leader>mlo :make open f=%:t:r<cr>
** Arduino
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pde set filetype=arduino
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.ino set filetype=arduino
" au FileType arduino map <leader>ac :!platformio run<CR>
" au FileType arduino map <leader>au :!platformio run -s --target=upload<CR>
" au FileType arduino map <leader>am :!platformio serialports monitor --port=/dev/cu
** Python
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:slime_python_ipython = 1
au FileType python setlocal expandtab
au FileType python setlocal tabstop=4
au FileType python setlocal shiftwidth=4
" Run Section
au FileType python nmap <buffer> <localleader><localleader> <Plug>SlimeParagraphSend
" Run Selected text
au FileType python vmap <buffer> <localleader><localleader> <Plug>SlimeRegionSend
" CD to directory of current file
" TODO - Should enter the command. This just output the command without runing
" it...
au FileType python nmap <buffer> <localleader>c :SlimeSend0('cd '.expand('%:p:h'))<CR>
" let python_highlight_all = 1
" au FileType python syn keyword pythonDecorator True None False self
" au BufNewFile,BufRead *.jinja set syntax=htmljinja
" au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mako set ft=mako
" au FileType python map <buffer> F :set foldmethod=indent<cr>
" au FileType python inoremap <buffer> $r return
" au FileType python inoremap <buffer> $i import
" au FileType python inoremap <buffer> $p print
" au FileType python inoremap <buffer> $f #--- <esc>a
" au FileType python map <buffer> <leader>1 /class
" au FileType python map <buffer> <leader>2 /def
" au FileType python map <buffer> <leader>C ?class
" au FileType python map <buffer> <leader>D ?def
** Matlab
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" TODO Run Section (delimited by %%)
au FileType matlab nmap <buffer> <localleader>mm <Plug>SlimeParagraphSend
let g:which_key_map_local.m = { 'name' : '+matlab' }
" Run either Selected text
au FileType matlab vmap <buffer> <localleader>mm <Plug>SlimeRegionSend
let g:which_key_map_local.mm = 'run-code'
func! GetSelectedText()
normal gv"xy
let result = getreg("x")
normal gv
return result
" Help on the current selection
au FileType matlab vmap <buffer> <localleader>mh :<C-U>SlimeSend0('help '.expand(GetSelectedText()))<CR>
let g:which_key_map_local.mh = 'help'
" Documentation on the current selection
au FileType matlab vmap <buffer> <localleader>mH :<C-U>SlimeSend0('doc '.expand(GetSelectedText()))<CR>
let g:which_key_map_local.mh = 'help'
" Open the current file in the Matlab Editor (usefull for debuging)
au FileType matlab nmap <buffer> <localleader>me :SlimeSend0('edit '.expand('%:p'))<CR>
let g:which_key_map_local.me = 'edit-gui'
" Run all the file
au FileType matlab nmap <buffer> <localleader>mr :SlimeSend0('run '.expand('%:t'))<CR>
let g:which_key_map_local.mr = 'run-file'
" Send "cd filepath" to matlab
au FileType matlab nmap <buffer> <localleader>mc :SlimeSend0('cd '.expand('%:p:h'))<CR>
let g:which_key_map_local.mr = 'cd-file'
" Open workspace
au FileType matlab nmap <buffer> <localleader>mw :SlimeSend0('workspace')<CR>
let g:which_key_map_local.mr = 'workspace'
** Sage
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" TODO Run Section
au FileType sage.python nmap <buffer> <localleader><localleader> <Plug>SlimeParagraphSend
" Run Selected text
au FileType sage.python vmap <buffer> <localleader><localleader> <Plug>SlimeRegionSend
** Save Which Key Configuration
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
call which_key#register(',', "g:which_key_map_local")
* Plugins Config
** junegunn/fzf
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" This is the default extra key bindings
let g:fzf_action = {
\ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split',
\ 'ctrl-h': 'split',
\ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' }
" [[B]Commits] Customize the options used by 'git log':
let g:fzf_commits_log_options = '--graph --color=always --format="%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(black)%C(bold)%cr"'
let g:fzf_colors =
\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
\ 'hl': ['fg', 'Comment'],
\ 'fg+': ['fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'],
\ 'bg+': ['bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'],
\ 'hl+': ['fg', 'Statement'],
\ 'info': ['fg', 'PreProc'],
\ 'prompt': ['fg', 'Conditional'],
\ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
\ 'marker': ['fg', 'Keyword'],
\ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'header': ['fg', 'Comment'] }
function! s:fzf_statusline()
" Override statusline as you like
highlight fzf1 ctermfg=161 ctermbg=251
highlight fzf2 ctermfg=23 ctermbg=251
highlight fzf3 ctermfg=237 ctermbg=251
setlocal statusline=%#fzf1#\ >\ %#fzf2#fz%#fzf3#f
autocmd! User FzfStatusLine call <SID>fzf_statusline()
** JamshedVesuna/vim-markdown-preview
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let vim_markdown_preview_github=1
let vim_markdown_preview_browser='Google Chrome'
let vim_markdown_preview_temp_file=1
" let vim_markdown_preview_pandoc=1
** mhinz/vim-signify
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:signify_vcs_list = ['git']
let g:signify_disable_by_default = 1
** Deoplete
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
" let g:deoplete#omni#functions = {}
" set completeopt=longest,menuone,preview
" let g:deoplete#sources = {}
" let g:deoplete#enable_smart_case = 1
" call deoplete#custom#set('ultisnips', 'matchers', ['matcher_fuzzy'])
** SirVer/ultisnips
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir = '~/.vim/UltiSnip'
" inoremap <silent><expr><TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<C-j>"
" let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<tab>"
" let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<s-tab>"
** honza/vim-snippets
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:snipMate = {}
let g:snipMate.scope_aliases = {}
** itchyny/lightline.vim
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
function! LightlineObsession()
return '%{ObsessionStatus("")}'
" \ 'colorscheme': 'gruvbox',
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'solarized',
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste' ],
\ [ 'filename', 'modified', 'fugitive', 'obsession' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component': {
\ 'fugitive': '%{exists("*fugitive#head")?fugitive#head():""}'
\ },
\ 'component_expand': {
\ 'obsession': 'LightlineObsession'
\ },
\ 'component_visible_condition': {
\ 'fugitive': '(exists("*fugitive#head") && ""!=fugitive#head())'
\ },
\ 'separator': { 'left': '', 'right': '' },
\ 'subseparator': { 'left': "|", 'right': "|" }
\ }
** Autopairs
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Incompatibilité entre auto-pairs et clang-complete
let g:AutoPairsMapCR = 0
imap <silent><CR> <CR><Plug>AutoPairsReturn
** Yggdroot/indentLine
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" :IndentLinesToggle toggles lines on and off.
let g:indentLine_color_term = 239
** ryanoasis/vim-devicons
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:webdevicons_enable_ctrlp = 1
** TODO [#B] junegunn/goyo.vim
2019-01-31 09:41:03 +01:00
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:goyo_width=100
let g:goyo_margin_top = 2
let g:goyo_margin_bottom = 2
This is for soft line breaks
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
function! s:goyo_enter()
set wrap linebreak nolist textwidth=0 wrapmargin=0
let b:quitting = 0
let b:quitting_bang = 0
autocmd QuitPre <buffer> let b:quitting = 1
cabbrev <buffer> q! let b:quitting_bang = 1 <bar> q!
Quit Vim if this is the only remaining buffer
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
function! s:goyo_leave()
if b:quitting && len(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')) == 1
if b:quitting_bang
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
autocmd! User GoyoEnter call <SID>goyo_enter()
autocmd! User GoyoLeave call <SID>goyo_leave()
2019-01-31 09:41:03 +01:00
** tpope/vim-surround
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
vmap Si S(i_<esc>f)
au FileType mako vmap Si S"i${ _(<esc>2f"a) }<esc>
" surroung un visual mode : use S, then b to make the text bold in markdown
let g:surround_{char2nr('b')} = "__\r__"
** Vim-Markdown
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled = 1
let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0
let g:vim_markdown_toc_autofit = 1
let g:vim_markdown_toml_frontmatter = 1
let g:tex_conceal = ""
** Neomake
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Latex
autocmd! BufWritePost *.tex Neomake
let g:neomake_tex_chktex_maker = {
\ 'exe': 'chktex',
\ 'args': ['--inputfiles'],
\ 'errorformat':
\ '%EError %n in %f line %l: %m,' .
\ '%WWarning %n in %f line %l: %m,' .
\ '%WMessage %n in %f line %l: %m,' .
\ '%Z%p^,' .
\ '%-G%.%#'
\ }
let g:neomake_tex_enabled_makers = ['chktex']
" Matlab
autocmd! BufWritePost *.m Neomake
let g:neomake_matlab_mlint_maker = {
\ 'exe': 'mlint',
\ 'mapexpr': "neomake_bufname.':'.v:val",
\ 'errorformat':
\ '%f:L %l (C %c): %m,' .
\ '%f:L %l (C %c-%*[0-9]): %m,',
\ }
let g:neomake_matlab_enabled_makers = ['mlint']
** lervag/vimtex
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" let g:tex_conceal=""
" autocmd FileType tex let b:vimtex_main = 'main.tex'
" let g:vimtex_mappings_enabled=0
** jpalardy/vim-slime
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
if exists('$TMUX')
let g:slime_target = "tmux"
let g:slime_default_config = {"socket_name": split($TMUX, ",")[0], "target_pane": ":.2"}
let g:slime_dont_ask_default = 1
** mhinz/vim-grepper
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" nnoremap <leader>G :Grepper -tool ag<cr>
" nmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
" xmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
** Editor config
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" To ensure that this plugin works well with Tim Pope's fugitive, use the following patterns array:
let g:EditorConfig_exclude_patterns = ['fugitive://.*']
** Polyglot
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:polyglot_disabled = ['latex']
* Bindings
** Vim Which Key
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
nnoremap <silent> <leader> :WhichKey '<Space>'<cr>
let g:which_key_map = {}
** Direct ones
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
" Switch with last buffer
nnoremap <leader><Tab> :e #<cr>
" let g:which_key_map.<Tab> = 'last-buffer'
** Quit
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.q = { 'name' : '+quit' }
" Quit
nnoremap <leader>qq :qa<cr>
let g:which_key_map.q.q = 'quit'
" Quit - Force
nnoremap <leader>qQ :qa!<cr>
let g:which_key_map.q.Q = 'quit-force'
" Quit - Save
nnoremap <leader>qw :wq<cr>
let g:which_key_map.q.w = 'quit-save'
" Quit - Save all
nnoremap <leader>qW :wqa<cr>
let g:which_key_map.q.W = 'quit-save-all'
** Files
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.f = { 'name' : '+files' }
" Fast saving
nnoremap <leader>fs :w!<cr>
let g:which_key_map.f.s = 'save-file'
" Fast saving all
nnoremap <leader>fS :wa!<cr>
let g:which_key_map.f.S = 'save-all'
" Find Files
noremap <leader>ff :Files<CR>
let g:which_key_map.f.f = 'find-file'
" Find File corresping to Word
nnoremap <leader>fw
\ :call fzf#vim#files('.', fzf#vim#with_preview({'options': ['--query', expand('<cword>')]}))<cr>
" TODO - Add visual keymap
" vnoremap <leader>fw
" \ :call fzf#vim#files('.', fzf#vim#with_preview({'options': ['--query', <C-r>0]}))<cr>
let g:which_key_map.f.w = 'find-file-word'
** Buffers
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.b = { 'name' : '+buffers' }
" Buffer Create
noremap <leader>bc :enew<cr>
let g:which_key_map.b.c = 'buffer-create'
" Buffer Delete
noremap <leader>bd :Bclose<cr>
let g:which_key_map.b.d = 'buffer-delete'
" Buffer Delete all others
noremap <leader>bD :bufdo bd<cr>
let g:which_key_map.b.D = 'buffer-delete-others'
" Buffer Next
noremap <leader>bn :bnext<cr>
let g:which_key_map.b.n = 'buffer-next'
" Buffer Previous
noremap <leader>bp :bprevious<cr>
let g:which_key_map.b.p = 'buffer-previous'
" Find Buffers
noremap <leader>bf :Buffers<CR>
let g:which_key_map.b.f = 'buffer-find'
" Buffer Home (startify)
noremap <leader>bh :Startify<CR>
let g:which_key_map.b.h = 'buffer-home'
" CD to buffer path
noremap <leader>bw :cd %:p:h<CR>:pwd<CR>
let g:which_key_map.b.w = 'buffer-pwd'
** Tabs
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.t = { 'name' : '+tabs' }
" Let 'tt' toggle between this and the last accessed tab
let g:lasttab = 1
au TabLeave * let g:lasttab = tabpagenr()
" Tab New
nnoremap <leader>tc :tabnew<cr>
let g:which_key_map.t.c = 'tab-create'
" Tab Delete
nnoremap <leader>td :tabclose<cr>
let g:which_key_map.t.d = 'tab-delete'
" Tab Maximize
nnoremap <leader>tD :tabonly<cr>
let g:which_key_map.t.D = 'tab-delete-others'
" Tab Left
nnoremap <leader>th gt<cr>
let g:which_key_map.t.h = 'tab-left'
" Tab Right
nnoremap <leader>tl gT<cr>
let g:which_key_map.t.l = 'tab-right'
" Tab Move Left
nnoremap <leader>tH :tabmove -1<cr>
let g:which_key_map.t.H = 'tab-move-left'
" Tab Move Right
nnoremap <leader>tL :tabmove +1<cr>
let g:which_key_map.t.L = 'tab-move-right'
" Tab Toggle
nnoremap <Leader>tt :exe "tabn ".g:lasttab<CR>
let g:which_key_map.t.t = 'tab-toggle'
** Terminals
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.T = { 'name' : '+terminals' }
" Quickly create a new terminal in a new tab
nnoremap <Leader>Tc :tab new<CR>:term<CR>
let g:which_key_map.T.c = 'term-create'
" Quickly create a new terminal in a vertical split
nnoremap <Leader>T/ :vsplit<CR>:term<CR>
" let g:which_key_map.T./ = 'term-vert'
" Quickly create a new terminal in a horizontal split
nnoremap <Leader>T- :split<CR>:term<CR>
" let g:which_key_map.T.- = 'term-hor'
** Splits / Windows
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.w = { 'name' : '+windows' }
" Split Horizontal
nnoremap <leader>w- :split<cr>
" let g:which_key_map.w.- = 'win-hor'
" Split Vertical
nnoremap <leader>w/ :vsplit<cr>
" let g:which_key_map.w./ = 'win-vert'
" Split Maximize
nnoremap <leader>wD <C-w>o
let g:which_key_map.w.D = 'win-delete-others'
" Split Delete
nnoremap <leader>wd <C-w>q
let g:which_key_map.w.d = 'win-delete'
" Split Go Left
nnoremap <leader>wh :wincmd h<CR>
let g:which_key_map.w.h = 'win-left'
" Split Go Down
nnoremap <leader>wj :wincmd j<CR>
let g:which_key_map.w.j = 'win-down'
" Split Go Up
nnoremap <leader>wk :wincmd k<CR>
let g:which_key_map.w.k = 'win-up'
" Split Go Right
nnoremap <leader>wl :wincmd l<CR>
let g:which_key_map.w.l = 'win-right'
" Split to Tab
nnoremap <leader>wt <C-w>T
let g:which_key_map.w.t = 'win-make-tab'
" Find window
nnoremap <leader>wf :Windows<CR>
let g:which_key_map.w.f = 'win-find'
" Maximize window
nnoremap <leader>wm :call MaximizeToggle()<CR>
let g:which_key_map.w.m = 'win-maximize'
function! MaximizeToggle()
if exists("s:maximize_session")
exec "source " . s:maximize_session
call delete(s:maximize_session)
unlet s:maximize_session
let &hidden=s:maximize_hidden_save
unlet s:maximize_hidden_save
let s:maximize_hidden_save = &hidden
let s:maximize_session = tempname()
set hidden
exec "mksession! " . s:maximize_session
** Check Spell
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.S = { 'name' : '+spell-check' }
" CheckSpell Toggle
noremap <leader>St :setlocal spell!<cr>
let g:which_key_map.S.t = 'spell-toggle'
" CheckSpell Correct
noremap <leader>Sc z=
let g:which_key_map.S.c = 'spell-correct'
" CheckSpell Do first
noremap <leader>SC 1z=
let g:which_key_map.S.C = 'spell-correct-first'
" CheckSpell Language
noremap <leader>Sl :set spelllang=
let g:which_key_map.S.l = 'spell-language'
" CheckSpell Next
noremap <leader>Sn ]s
let g:which_key_map.S.n = 'spell-next'
" CheckSpell Next and correct
noremap <leader>SN ]s1z=
let g:which_key_map.S.N = 'spell-next-correct'
" CheckSpell Previous
noremap <leader>Sp [s
let g:which_key_map.S.p = 'spell-prev'
" CheckSpell Previous and correct
noremap <leader>SP [s1z=
let g:which_key_map.S.P = 'spell-prev-correct'
" CheckSpell Add to dictionnary
noremap <leader>Sa zg
let g:which_key_map.S.a = 'spell-add-dict'
** Make
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.m = { 'name' : '+make' }
" Make Make
nnoremap <leader>mm :Make -B<CR>
let g:which_key_map.m.m = 'make'
" Make Clean
nnoremap <leader>mc :Make clean<CR>
let g:which_key_map.m.c = 'make-clean'
" Make Force
nnoremap <leader>mf :Make! -B<CR>
let g:which_key_map.m.f = 'make-force'
" Make Run
nnoremap <leader>mr :Make! run<cr>
let g:which_key_map.m.r = 'make-run'
" Make Open
nnoremap <leader>mo :make! open<cr>
let g:which_key_map.m.o = 'make-open'
** Search
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.s = { 'name' : '+search' }
" Search History
noremap <leader>sh :History<CR>
let g:which_key_map.s.h = 'search-history'
" Search Tags
noremap <leader>sT :Tags<CR>
let g:which_key_map.s.T = 'search-tags'
" Search All
noremap <leader>sa :Rg<CR>
let g:which_key_map.s.g = 'search-all'
" Search Word
noremap <leader>sw :exe ':Rg ' . expand('<cword>')<CR>
let g:which_key_map.s.w = 'search-word'
" Search todo keyboard
" TODO - should not have to press enter
nnoremap <leader>st :Grepper -tool rg -query TODO<CR>
let g:which_key_map.s.t = 'search-todos'
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.g = { 'name' : '+git' }
" Git Gutter
nnoremap <silent><leader>gg :SignifyToggle<cr>
let g:which_key_map.g.g = 'git-'
" Git Gutter Highlight
nnoremap <silent><leader>gG :SignifyToggleHighlight<cr>
let g:which_key_map.g.G = 'git-'
" Git Commit
nnoremap <leader>gc :Gcommit<CR>
let g:which_key_map.g.c = 'git-commit'
" Git Status
nnoremap <leader>gs :Gstatus<CR>
let g:which_key_map.g.s = 'git-status'
" Git Diff
nnoremap <leader>gd :Gdiff<CR>
let g:which_key_map.g.d = 'git-diff'
" Git Blame
nnoremap <leader>gb :Gblame<CR>
let g:which_key_map.g.b = 'git-blame'
" Git Visualise
nnoremap <leader>gv :GV<CR>
let g:which_key_map.g.v = 'git-visualize'
" Git File (visualise)
nnoremap <leader>gF :GV!<CR>
let g:which_key_map.g.F = 'git-file'
" Git Find Commits
noremap <leader>gf :Commits<CR>
let g:which_key_map.g.f = 'git-find-commit'
** Errors
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.e = { 'name' : '+errors' }
function! s:GetBufferList()
redir =>buflist
silent! ls
redir END
return buflist
function! ToggleLocationList()
let curbufnr = winbufnr(0)
for bufnum in map(filter(split(s:GetBufferList(), '\n'), 'v:val =~ "Location List"'), 'str2nr(matchstr(v:val, "\\d\\+"))')
if curbufnr == bufnum
let winnr = winnr()
let prevwinnr = winnr("#")
let nextbufnr = winbufnr(winnr + 1)
catch /E776/
echohl ErrorMsg
echo "Location List is Empty."
echohl None
if winbufnr(0) == nextbufnr
if prevwinnr > winnr
let prevwinnr-=1
if prevwinnr > winnr
let prevwinnr+=1
" restore previous window
exec prevwinnr."wincmd w"
exec winnr."wincmd w"
" Error Toggle
nnoremap <silent><leader>ee :call ToggleLocationList()<CR>
let g:which_key_map.e.e = 'error-toggle'
" Error Open
nnoremap <silent><leader>eo :lopen<CR>
let g:which_key_map.e.o = 'error-open'
" Error Close
nnoremap <silent><leader>ec :lclose<CR>
let g:which_key_map.e.c = 'error-close'
" Error Next
nnoremap <silent><leader>en :lnext<CR>
let g:which_key_map.e.n = 'error-next'
" Error Previous
nnoremap <silent><leader>ep :lprevious<CR>
let g:which_key_map.e.p = 'error-previous'
** Text
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.x = { 'name' : '+text' }
" Start interactive EasyAlign in visual mode (e.g. vipga) and for a motion
xmap <leader>xa <Plug>(EasyAlign)
nmap <leader>xa <Plug>(EasyAlign)
let g:which_key_map.x.a = 'text-align'
" Indent all file
nnoremap <leader>x= mzgg=G`z
" let g:which_key_map.x.= = 'text-indent-file'
" Custom Multiple Cursor
" http://www.kevinli.co/posts/2017-01-19-multiple-cursors-in-500-bytes-of-vimscript/
let g:mc = "y/\\V\<C-r>=escape(@\", '/')\<CR>\<CR>"
" Multiple Cursor
nnoremap <leader>xm *``cgn
vnoremap <expr> <leader>xm g:mc . "``cgn"
let g:which_key_map.x.m = 'multiple-cursor'
" Multiple Cursor - reserve direction
nnoremap <leader>xM *``cgN
vnoremap <expr> <leader>xM g:mc . "``cgN"
let g:which_key_map.x.M = 'multiple-cursor-reverse'
" Delete trainling Whitespaces
fun! TrimWhitespace()
let l:save = winsaveview()
keeppatterns %s/\s\+$//e
call winrestview(l:save)
nnoremap <leader>xt :call TrimWhitespace()<CR>
let g:which_key_map.x.t = 'delete-trailing-whitespaces'
** Config
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.c = { 'name' : '+config' }
let s:activatedsh = 0
function! ToggleSyntaxH()
if s:activatedsh == 0
let s:activatedsh = 1
set synmaxcol=800
let s:activatedsh = 0
set synmaxcol=100
" Toggle Syntax column
nnoremap <leader>cs :call ToggleSyntaxH()<CR>
let g:which_key_map.c.s = 'toggle-syntax-col'
let s:activatedh = 0
function! ToggleH()
if s:activatedh == 0
let s:activatedh = 1
match Search '\%>80v.\+'
let s:activatedh = 0
match none
" Toggle Highlight
nnoremap <leader>ch :call ToggleH()<CR>
let g:which_key_map.c.h = 'toggle-highlight'
" Reload vim config
noremap <Leader>cr :source $MYVIMRC<CR>
let g:which_key_map.c.e = 'reload-config'
" Edit vim config
noremap <Leader>ce :e $MYVIMRC<CR>
let g:which_key_map.c.e = 'edit-config'
" Disable highlight
noremap <silent> <leader>c<CR> :noh<CR>
let g:which_key_map.c.enter = 'disable-highlight'
" Theme
noremap <silent> <leader>ct :noh<CR>
let g:which_key_map.c.t = 'choose-theme'
** Insert
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
let g:which_key_map.i = { 'name' : '+insert' }
" Insert Snippet
noremap <Leader>is :Snippets<CR>
let g:which_key_map.i.s = 'insert-snippet'
** Save Which Key Configuration
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
call which_key#register('<Space>', "g:which_key_map")