
54 lines
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2021-01-01 20:12:34 +01:00
#+SETUPFILE: ./setup/
2020-01-11 22:04:28 +01:00
#+PROPERTY: header-args:bash :comments both
#+PROPERTY: header-args:bash+ :mkdirp yes
#+PROPERTY: header-args:bash+ :shebang "#!/bin/sh"
#+PROPERTY: header-args:bash+ :tangle ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
2019-12-30 17:21:56 +01:00
* List Desktops
#+begin_src bash
bspc monitor -d code web mail misc figs
2019-12-30 17:21:56 +01:00
* Basic Config
#+begin_src bash
bspc config border_width 1
bspc config window_gap 8
bspc config top_padding 27 # top_padding I set equal to polybar's height
bspc config split_ratio 0.52
bspc config borderless_monocle true
bspc config gapless_monocle true
bspc config focus_follows_pointer true
2019-12-30 17:21:56 +01:00
* Colors
#+begin_src bash
bspc config normal_border_color \#32302f
bspc config focused_border_color \#bdae93
2019-12-30 17:21:56 +01:00
* Rules
Use =xprop= to obtain information about the window.
#+begin_src bash
2019-12-30 17:21:56 +01:00
# If refreshing bspwm, remove all previous rules to prevent doubling up.
bspc rule -r "*"
bspc rule --add qutebrowser desktop='web' follow=on state=tiled
bspc rule --add Emacs desktop='code' follow=on state=tiled
2020-01-11 22:24:51 +01:00
bspc rule --add Zathura state=tiled
2019-12-30 17:21:56 +01:00
bspc rule --add Pavucontrol state=floating
2020-01-11 22:24:51 +01:00
bspc rule --add Blueman-manager state=floating
2019-12-30 17:21:56 +01:00
* Run Polybar and SXHKD
#+begin_src bash
2021-01-01 20:12:34 +01:00
polybar top >>/tmp/polybar.log 2>&1 &
sxhkd -m 1 -c ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc.bspwm &