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2019-01-31 09:41:03 +01:00
#+TITLE: Unix Commands
* Navigation
- =pwd= Print Working Directory
- =ls= List Segments: list files
- =-a= All - show hidden files
- =-l= Long
- =-t= Time - in order of modification time
- =cd= Change Directory
- =mkdir= Make Directory
* Manipulation
- =cp= : copies files
- =mv= : moves and rename files
- =rm= : remove files
- =rm -r= : remove directories (-r : Recursive)
* Redirection
- =>= : redirects output of a command to a file, overwriting previous content
- =>>= : redirects output of a command to a file, appending new content to previous content
- =<= : redirects standard input to a command
- =|= : redirects standard output of a command to another command
- =sort= : sort lines of text alphabetically
- =uniq= : filters duplicate, adjacent lines of text
- =grep= : searches for a text pattern and outputs it
- =sed= : searches for a text pattern, modifies it, and outputs it
* Environnement
- =~= (alt+n) : users home directory
- =nano= : line text editor
- =\.bash_profile= : is where environment settings are stored
- ~export VARIABLE='Value'~
- =USER= : the name of the current user
- =HOME= : home directory (not to customize)
- =env= : return a list of environment variables
* Grep
=grep texte nomfichier=
- =-i= : ne pas tenir compte de la casse (majuscules / minuscules)
- =-n= : connaître les numéros des lignes
- =-v= : inverser la recherche : ignorer un mot
- =-r= : rechercher dans tous les fichiers et sous-dossiers