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############                    jacow.cls                      ############

Class File: jacow.cls
Authors:    John Jowett (CERN), Michel Goossens (CERN), 
            Martin Comyn (TRIUMF), John Poole (CERN), Todd Satogata (BNL), 
            Ulrike Fischer, Volker RW Schaa (GSI)
Version:    2.4
Date:       01 April 2019
Copyright:  1996-2019 by JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland
Homepage:   http://www.jacow.org
License:    LPPL 1.3c
Status:     Maintained
Maintainer: Volker RW Schaa

############        A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PACKAGE         ############

Many conference series have adopted the same standards for electronic 
publication and have joined the Joint Accelerator Conferences Website 
(JACoW) collaboration for the publication of their proceedings.

The "jacow.cls" class is used for submissions to the proceedings in LaTeX
in one of the 19 conferences in this series. The documents in this package 
describe the common requirements for the submission of papers to these 
conferences. Please consult individual conference information for page 
limits, method of electronic submission, etc. It is not intended that 
this should be a tutorial in word processing; the aim is to explain the 
particular requirements for electronic publication at www.JACoW.org.

The package consists of the following files
  class file
    jacow.cls               JACoW class file v2.4 of 2019/04/01

    JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex      basic A4/letter templates to demonstrate the
    JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex  use and explain the various parameters
                            and settings for a submission to a
                            JACoW conference proceedings.
    JACoW_LaTeX_A4.pdf      PDF with JACoW class file documentation and examples for  
                            A4 with "en_uk" and Letter with en_us specific formatting.
    JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.pdf  template in format "letter" and American formatting

                            To generate the complete PDF for documentation
                            please remove the "%" of the last two commands
                            in "JACoW_LaTeX_A4/Letter.tex" which include the 
                            Annexes A-C of "annexes-A4/Letter.tex"

    annexes-A4.tex          Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex"
    annexes-Letter.tex      Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex"

    JACpic_mc.pdf           a graphic showing the JACoW page format 
                            (being the smaller side of A4 and letter respectively)
    JACpic2.jpg             a graphic for a full width figure (spanning
                            the two columns and multiline caption) showing
                            the participants of the 2017 JACoW Team Meeting

   jacow-collaboration.tex  (an example) title page showing the JACoW Collaboration. 
   jacow-collaboration.pdf  This PDF is included in Annex A.