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MIT License
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<title>Mechatronics Approach for the Development of a Nano-Active-Stabilization-System</title>
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<h1 class="title">Mechatronics Approach for the Development of a Nano-Active-Stabilization-System
<br />
<span class="subtitle">Dehaeze Thomas, Bonnefoy Julien, Collette Christophe</span>
With the growing number of fourth generation light sources, there is an increased need of fast positioning end-stations with nanometric precision.
Such systems are usually including dedicated control strategies, and many factors may limit their performances.
In order to design such complex systems in a predictive way, a mechatronic design approach also known as “model based design”, may be utilized.
In this paper, we present how this mechatronic design approach was used for the development of a nano-hexapod for the ESRF ID31 beamline.
The chosen design approach consists of using models of the mechatronic system (including sensors, actuators and control strategies) to predict its behavior.
Based on this behavior and closed-loop simulations, the elements that are limiting the performances can be identified and re-designed accordingly.
This allows to make adequate choices concerning the design of the nano-hexapod and the overall mechatronic architecture early in the project and save precious time and resources.
Several test benches were used to validate the models and to gain confidence on the predictability of the final system’s performances.
Measured nano-hexapod’s dynamics was shown to be in very good agreement with the models.
Further tests should be done in order to confirm that the performances of the system match the predicted one.
The presented development approach is foreseen to be applied more frequently to future mechatronic system design at the ESRF.
<div id="outline-container-org3cd2d8c" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="org3cd2d8c">Conference Paper (<a href="paper/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass.pdf">pdf</a>)</h2>
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#+TITLE: Mechatronics Approach for the Development of a Nano-Active-Stabilization-System
#+SUBTITLE: Dehaeze Thomas, Bonnefoy Julien, Collette Christophe
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With the growing number of fourth generation light sources, there is an increased need of fast positioning end-stations with nanometric precision.
Such systems are usually including dedicated control strategies, and many factors may limit their performances.
In order to design such complex systems in a predictive way, a mechatronic design approach also known as "model based design", may be utilized.
In this paper, we present how this mechatronic design approach was used for the development of a nano-hexapod for the ESRF ID31 beamline.
The chosen design approach consists of using models of the mechatronic system (including sensors, actuators and control strategies) to predict its behavior.
Based on this behavior and closed-loop simulations, the elements that are limiting the performances can be identified and re-designed accordingly.
This allows to make adequate choices concerning the design of the nano-hexapod and the overall mechatronic architecture early in the project and save precious time and resources.
Several test benches were used to validate the models and to gain confidence on the predictability of the final system's performances.
Measured nano-hexapod's dynamics was shown to be in very good agreement with the models.
Further tests should be done in order to confirm that the performances of the system match the predicted one.
The presented development approach is foreseen to be applied more frequently to future mechatronic system design at the ESRF.
* Conference Paper ([[file:paper/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass.pdf][pdf]])
To cite this conference paper use the following bibtex code.
#+begin_src bibtex
You can also use the formatted citation below.
* Talk ([[file:talk/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass_talk.pdf][link]]) :noexport:
#+begin_export html
<iframe width="720"
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe>
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#+LATEX_CLASS: jacow
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#+DATE: {{{time(%Y-%m-%d)}}}
#+AUTHOR: T. Dehaeze\textsuperscript{1,}\thanks{}, J. Bonnefoy, ESRF, Grenoble, France
#+AUTHOR: @@latex:\\@@
#+AUTHOR: C. Collette\textsuperscript{1}, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BEAMS department, Brussels, Belgium
#+AUTHOR: @@latex:\\@@
#+AUTHOR: \textsuperscript{1}also at Precision Mechatronics Laboratory, University of Liege, Belgium
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{pdfpages,multirow,ragged2e}
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* ABSTRACT :ignore:
With the growing number of fourth generation light sources, there is an increased need of fast positioning end-stations with nanometric precision.
Such systems are usually including dedicated control strategies, and many factors may limit their performances.
In order to design such complex systems in a predictive way, a mechatronic design approach also known as "model based design", may be utilized.
In this paper, we present how this mechatronic design approach was used for the development of a nano-hexapod for the ESRF ID31 beamline.
The chosen design approach consists of using models of the mechatronic system (including sensors, actuators and control strategies) to predict its behavior.
Based on this behavior and closed-loop simulations, the elements that are limiting the performances can be identified and re-designed accordingly.
This allows to make adequate choices concerning the design of the nano-hexapod and the overall mechatronic architecture early in the project and save precious time and resources.
Several test benches were used to validate the models and to gain confidence on the predictability of the final system's performances.
Measured nano-hexapod's dynamics was shown to be in very good agreement with the models.
Further tests should be done in order to confirm that the performances of the system match the predicted one.
The presented development approach is foreseen to be applied more frequently to future mechatronic system design at the ESRF.
This research was made possible by a grant from the FRIA.
We thank the following people for their support, without whose help this work would never have been possible: V. Honkimaki, L. Ducotte and M. Lessourd and the whole team of the Precision Mechatronic Laboratory.
* REFERENCES :ignore:
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% Created 2021-06-28 lun. 11:31
% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
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\author{T. Dehaeze\textsuperscript{1,}\thanks{}, J. Bonnefoy, ESRF, Grenoble, France \\ C. Collette\textsuperscript{1}, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BEAMS department, Brussels, Belgium \\ \textsuperscript{1}also at Precision Mechatronics Laboratory, University of Liege, Belgium}
With the growing number of fourth generation light sources, there is an increased need of fast positioning end-stations with nanometric precision.
Such systems are usually including dedicated control strategies, and many factors may limit their performances.
In order to design such complex systems in a predictive way, a mechatronic design approach also known as ``model based design'', may be utilized.
In this paper, we present how this mechatronic design approach was used for the development of a nano-hexapod for the ESRF ID31 beamline.
The chosen design approach consists of using models of the mechatronic system (including sensors, actuators and control strategies) to predict its behavior.
Based on this behavior and closed-loop simulations, the elements that are limiting the performances can be identified and re-designed accordingly.
This allows to make adequate choices concerning the design of the nano-hexapod and the overall mechatronic architecture early in the project and save precious time and resources.
Several test benches were used to validate the models and to gain confidence on the predictability of the final system's performances.
Measured nano-hexapod's dynamics was shown to be in very good agreement with the models.
Further tests should be done in order to confirm that the performances of the system match the predicted one.
The presented development approach is foreseen to be applied more frequently to future mechatronic system design at the ESRF.
This research was made possible by a grant from the FRIA.
We thank the following people for their support, without whose help this work would never have been possible: V. Honkimaki, A. Jublan, L. Ducotte, C. Carole, M. Brendike and M. Lessourd and the whole team of the Precision Mechatronic Laboratory.
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% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB
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% v 2.3 Feb 2019 Volker RW Schaa
% # changes in the collaboration therefore updated file "jacow-collaboration.tex"
% # all References with DOIs have their period/full stop before the DOI (after pp. or year)
% # in the author/affiliation block all ZIP codes in square brackets removed as it was not % understood as optional parameter and ZIP codes had bin put in brackets
% # References to the current IPAC are changed to "IPAC'19, Melbourne, Australia"
% # font for ‘url’ style changed to ‘newtxtt’ as it is easier to distinguish "O" and "0"
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% ----------------------------------------------------
% test for XeTeX where the sequence is by default eps-> pdf, jpg, png, pdf, ...
% and the JACoW template provides JACpic2v3.eps and JACpic2v3.jpg which
% might generates errors, therefore PNG and JPG first
% --------------------------------------------------------
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% utf8 in LaTeX only realises a small portion of codes
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% if BibLaTeX is used
%% Lengths for the spaces in the title
%% \setlength\titleblockstartskip{..} %before title, default 3pt
%% \setlength\titleblockmiddleskip{..} %between title + author, default 1em
%% \setlength\titleblockendskip{..} %afterauthor, default 1em
\title{preparation OF papers for \NoCaseChange{JACoW} conferences\thanks{Work supported by ...}}
\author{A. N. Author\thanks{email address}, H. Coauthor, Name of Institute or Affiliation, City, Country \\
P. Contributor\textsuperscript{1}, Name of Institute or Affiliation, City, Country \\
\textsuperscript{1}also at Name of Secondary Institute or Affiliation, City, Country}
Many conference series have adopted the same standards
for electronic publication and have joined the Joint
Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) collaboration
for the publication of their proceedings. This document
describes the common requirements for the submission of
papers to these conferences. Please consult individual
conference information for page limits, method of electronic
submission, etc. It is not intended that this should
be a tutorial in word processing; the aim is to explain the
particular requirements for electronic publication at
| The abstract itself is to act as a stand-alone
entity and, as such, should not include citations. Any acronyms
should be expanded on their first occurrence, both in the
abstract and in the rest of the paper.
The abstract itself is to act as a stand-alone entity and,
as such, should not include citations. Any acronyms should
be expanded on their first occurrence, both in the abstract
and in the rest of the paper.
Each author should submit the PDF file and all source
files (text and figures) to enable the paper to be
reconstructed if there are processing difficulties.
Templates are provided for recommended software and
authors are advised to use them. Please consult the
individual conference help pages if questions arise.
\subsection{General Layout}
These instructions are a typical implementation of the
requirements. Manuscripts should have:
\item Either A4 (\SI{21.0}{cm}~$\times$~\SI{29.7}{cm}; \SI{8.27}{in}~$\times$~\SI{11.69}{in}) or US
letter size (\SI{21.6}{cm}~$\times$~\SI{27.9}{cm}; \SI{8.5}{in}~$\times$~\SI{11.0}{in}) paper.
\item Single-spaced text in two columns of \SI{82.5}{mm} (\SI{3.25}{in}) with \SI{5.3}{mm}
(\SI{0.2}{in}) separation. More recent versions of Microsoft Word have a default spacing of 1.5 lines;
authors must change this to 1 line.
\item The text located within the margins specified in Table~\ref{l2ea4-t1}.
\caption{Margin Specifications}
\textbf{Margin} & \textbf{A4 Paper} & \textbf{US Letter Paper} \\
Top & \SI{37}{mm} (\SI{1.46}{in}) & \SI{0.75}{in} (\SI{19}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
Bottom & \SI{19}{mm} (\SI{0.75}{in}) & \SI{0.75}{in} (\SI{19}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
Left & \SI{20}{mm} (\SI{0.79}{in}) & \SI{0.79}{in} (\SI{20}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
Right & \SI{20}{mm} (\SI{0.79}{in}) & \SI{1.02}{in} (\SI{26}{mm}) \\
In order to produce good Adobe Acrobat PDF files, authors
using the `jacow' \LaTeX{} template are asked to use only the fonts
defined in the ‘jacow’ class file (v2.3 of 2019/01/15) in standard,
bold (i.\,e., \verb|\textbf|) or italic (i.\,e., \verb|\textit|) form and
symbols from the standard set of fonts. In Word use only
Symbol and, depending on your platform, Times or Times New Roman
fonts in standard, bold or italic form.
The layout of the text on the page is illustrated in
Fig.~\ref{fig:paper_layout}. Note that the paper’s title and the author list should
be the width of the full page. Tables and figures may span
the whole \SI{170}{mm} page width, if desired (see Fig.~\ref{fig:jacow_team}), but
if they span both columns, they should be placed at either
the top or bottom of a page to ensure proper flow of the
text (which should flow from top to bottom in each column).
\caption{Layout of papers.}
\caption{Example of a full-width figure showing the JACoW Team at their annual
meeting in December 2018. This figure has a multi-line caption that has to be
justified rather than centred.}
\subsection{Title and Author List}
The title should use \SI{14}{pt} bold uppercase letters and be centred on the page.
Individual letters may be lowercased to avoid misinterpretation (e.\,g., mW, GeV,
SPring-8, SwissFEL).
To include a funding support statement, put an asterisk after the title and
the support text at the bottom of the first column on page~1---in Word,
use a text box; in \LaTeX, use $\backslash$\texttt{thanks}. See also the
subsection on footnotes.
The names of authors, their organizations/affiliations and
postal addresses should be grouped by affiliation and
listed in \SI{12}{pt} upper- and lowercase letters. The name of
the submitting or primary author should be first, followed
by the coauthors, alphabetically by affiliation. Where
authors have multiple affiliations, the secondary affiliation
may be indicated with a superscript, as shown in the
author listing of this paper. See \textbf{ANNEX~A} for further examples.
\subsection{Section Headings}
Section headings should not be numbered. They should
use \SI{12}{pt} bold uppercase letters and be centred in the
column. All section headings should appear directly above
the text---there should never be a column break between a heading and the
following paragraph.
\subsection{Subsection Headings}
Subsection headings should not be numbered.
They should use \SI{12}{pt} italic letters and be left aligned in the column.
Subsection headings use Title Case (or Initial Caps)
and should appear directly above the text---there should never be a column break
between a subheading and the following paragraph.
\subsubsection{Third-level Headings} These should use \SI{10}{pt} bold
letters and be run into the paragraph text. In \LaTeX{} these headings are
created with \LaTeX's \verb|\subsubsection| command.
In the Word templates authors must bold the heading text themselves.
This heading should be used sparingly. See Table~\ref{tab:styles}
for its style details.
\subsection{Paragraph Text}
Paragraphs should use \SI{10}{pt} font and be justified (touch each side) in
the column. The beginning of each paragraph should be indented
approximately \SI{0.33}{cm} (\SI{0.13}{in}). The last line of a paragraph should not be
printed by itself at the beginning of a column nor should the first line of
a paragraph be printed by itself at the end of a column.
\subsection{Figures, Tables and Equations}
Place figures and tables as close to their place of mention as
possible. Lettering in figures and tables should be large enough to
reproduce clearly. Use of non-approved fonts in figures can lead to
problems when the files are processed. \LaTeX{} users should be sure to use
non-bitmapped versions of Computer Modern fonts in equations (Type\,1 PostScript
or OpenType fonts are required. Their use is described in the help
pages of the JACoW website\cite{jacow-help}).
Each figure and table must be numbered in ascending
order (1, 2, 3, etc.) throughout the paper.
Figure captions are placed below figures, and table
captions are placed above tables.
Figure captions are formatted as shown in Figs.~\ref{fig:paper_layout} and \ref{fig:jacow_team},
while table captions take the form of a heading,
with initial letters of principle words, capitalized, and
without a period at the end (see Tables~\ref{tab:margins} and~\ref{tab:styles}).
Any reference to the contents of the table should be made from
the body of the paper rather than from within the table
caption itself.
Single-line captions are centred in the column, while captions
that span more than one line should be justified.
The \LaTeX{} template uses the ‘booktabs’ package to
format tables.
When referring to a figure from within the text, the
convention is to use the abbreviated form [e.\,g., Fig.~1]
\emph{unless} the reference is at the start of the sentence, in
which case “Figure” is written in full. Reference to a
table, however, is never abbreviated [e.\,g., Table~1].
If a displayed equation needs a number (i.\,e., it will be
referenced), place it in parentheses, and flush with the
right margin of the column. The equation itself should be
indented and centred, as far as is possible:
C_B=\frac{q^3}{3\epsilon_{0} mc}=\SI{3.54}{\micro eV/T}
When referencing a numbered equation, use the word
“Equation” at the start of a sentence, and the abbreviated
form, “Eq.”, if in the text. The equation number is placed
in parentheses [e.\,g., Eq.~\eqref{eq:label}], which can be
achieved in \LaTeX{} using \verb|\eqref{eq:label}|.
Units should be written using the standard, roman font,
not the italic font, as shown in Eq.~\eqref{eq:label}.
An unbreakable space should precede a unit (in \LaTeX{} use a “\verb|\,|”,
the template uses the ‘siunitx’ package to format units).
Some examples are: \SI{3}{keV},
\SI{100}{kW}, \SI{7}{µm}. When a unit appears in a hyphenated,
compound adjective that precedes a noun, it takes on the
singular form, e.\,g., the 3.8-metre long undulator.
% References examples given here are not formatted using \cite as there
% are only reference numbers [1] and [2] in the template
All bibliographical and web references should be numbered and listed at the
end of the paper in a section called \textbf{REFERENCES}. When citing a
reference in the text, place the corresponding reference number in square
brackets~[1]. The reference citations in the text should be numbered
in ascending order. Multiple citations should appear in
the same bracket~[3, 4] and
with ranges where appropriate~[1--4, 10].
A URL or DOI may be included as part of a reference, but its
hyperlink should NOT be added. The usual practice is to
use a monospaced font for the URL so as to help distinguish
it from normal text. In \LaTeX{} the ‘url’ package is used with its
default font now being switched to ``newtxtt'' which offers
a better distinction between ``\texttt{O}'' and ``\texttt{0}''.
For authors to properly cite the resources used when researching
their papers is an obligation. In the interest of
promoting uniformity and complete citations, the IEEE
Editorial Style for Transactions and Journals, which itself
adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style, has been adopted~\cite{IEEE}.
When citing a periodical, the official abbreviation of the journal
should be used\cite{journal-abbreviations}.
Please consult the appended material, \textbf{ANNEX~B},
for details. The onus is on authors to pay attention to
the details of the said style to ensure complete, accurate
and properly formatted references.
\caption{Summary of Styles}
\textbf{Style} & \textbf{Font} & \textbf{Space} & \textbf{Space} \\
& & \textbf{Before} & \textbf{After} \\
\textbf{PAPER} & \SI{14}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
\textbf{TITLE} & \textbf{UPPERCASE} & & \\
& \textbf{EXCEPT FOR} & & \\
& \textbf{REQUIRED lowercase} & & \\
& \textbf{letters} & & \\
& \textbf{Bold} & & \\[5pt]
Author list & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{12}{pt} \\
& UPPER- and lowercase & & \\[5pt]
\textit{Abstract} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
\textit{Title} & \textit{Initial Caps} & & \\
& \textit{Italic} & & \\[5pt]
\textbf{Section} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
\textbf{Heading} & \textbf{UPPERCASE} & & \\
& \textbf{bold} & & \\[5pt]
\textit{Subsection} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{6}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
& \textit{Initial Caps} & & \\
& \textit{Italic} & & \\[5pt]
\textbf{Third-level} & \SI{10}{pt} & \SI{6}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} \\
& \textbf{Initial Caps} & & \\
& \textbf{Bold} & & \\[5pt]
Figure & \SI{10}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{3}{pt} \\
Captions & & & \\[5pt]
Table & \SI{10}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{3}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
Captions & & & \\[5pt]
Equations & \SI{10}{pt} base font & $\ge$\SI{6}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{6}{pt} \\[5pt]
References & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
when $\le9$ & \verb|\bibliography{9}| & & \\[5pt]
Refs. $\ge10$ & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
& \verb|\bibliography{99}| & & \\
\bottomrule %\SI{0.25}{in}
Footnotes on the title and author lines may be used for acknowledgements
and e-mail addresses. A non-numeric sequence of characters (*, \#,
\dag, \ddag, \P) should be used to indicate the footnote.
These “pseudo footnotes” should only
appear at the bottom of the first column on the first page.
Any other footnote in the body of the paper should
use the normal numeric sequencing (i.\,e., 1, 2, 3)
and appear at the bottom of the same column in which
it is used. All footnotes are of 8pt font size.
Acronyms should be defined the first time they appear,
both in the abstract and in the rest of the paper.
Table~\ref{tab:styles} summarizes the fonts and spacing used in the styles of
a JACoW template. In \LaTeX, these
are implemented in the ‘jacow’ class file.
\section{PAGE NUMBERS}
\textbf{DO NOT include any page numbers}. They will be added
when the final proceedings are produced.
Template documents for the recommended word processing
software are available from the JACoW website~\cite{jacow-help}
and exist for \LaTeX, Microsoft Word (Mac and PC)
and LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice for US letter and A4
paper sizes. Use the correct template for your paper size and
Fonts are embedded by default with pdf\LaTeX. Using \LaTeX{} with `dvips',
make sure that `ps2pdf' has the option \texttt{-dEmbedAllFonts=true}'.
Fonts of included figure graphics in PDF or EPS are often not embedded.
So make sure that this done when generating them or reprocess them
in `Ghostscript' with the switch \texttt{-dEmbedAllFonts=true}' set.
Authors are requested to go over the following checklist for electronic publication:
\item Use only Times or Times New Roman (standard, bold or italic) and Symbol
fonts for text, \SI{10}{pt} except references, which should be \SI{9}{pt}.
\item Figures should use Times or Times New Roman (standard, bold or italic) and
Symbol fonts when possible---\SI{6}{pt} minimum, with fonts embedded.
\item Check that citations to references appear in sequential order and
that all references are cited.
\item Check that the PDF file prints correctly.
\item Check that there are no page numbers.
\item Check that the margins on the printed version are within \SI{\pm1}{mm}
of the specifications.
\item \LaTeX{} users can check their margins by invoking the
\texttt{boxit} option.
Please also check the list of common oversights which can be found in \textbf{ANNEX C}.
Any conclusions should be in a separate section directly preceding
the \textbf{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}, \textbf{APPENDIX}, or \textbf{REFERENCES} sections, in that
Any acknowledgement should be in a separate section directly preceding
the \textbf{REFERENCES} or \textbf{APPENDIX} section.
Any appendix should be in a separate section directly preceding
the \textbf{REFERENCES} section. If there is no \textbf{REFERENCES} section,
this should be the last section of the paper.
% only for "biblatex"
% "biblatex" is not used, go the "manual" way
%\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 10-99 references
\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
\textit{IEEE Editorial Style Manual},
IEEE Periodicals, Piscataway,
NJ, USA, Oct. 2014, pp. 34--52.
} % end \ifboolexpr
% for use as JACoW template the inclusion of the ANNEX parts have been commented out
% to generate the complete documentation please remove the "%" of the next two commands
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
############ jacow.cls ############
Class File: jacow.cls
Authors: John Jowett (CERN), Michel Goossens (CERN),
Martin Comyn (TRIUMF), John Poole (CERN), Todd Satogata (BNL),
Ulrike Fischer, Volker RW Schaa (GSI)
Version: 2.4
Date: 01 April 2019
Copyright: 1996-2019 by JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland
License: LPPL 1.3c
Status: Maintained
Maintainer: Volker RW Schaa
############ A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PACKAGE ############
Many conference series have adopted the same standards for electronic
publication and have joined the Joint Accelerator Conferences Website
(JACoW) collaboration for the publication of their proceedings.
The "jacow.cls" class is used for submissions to the proceedings in LaTeX
in one of the 19 conferences in this series. The documents in this package
describe the common requirements for the submission of papers to these
conferences. Please consult individual conference information for page
limits, method of electronic submission, etc. It is not intended that
this should be a tutorial in word processing; the aim is to explain the
particular requirements for electronic publication at
The package consists of the following files
class file
jacow.cls JACoW class file v2.4 of 2019/04/01
JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex basic A4/letter templates to demonstrate the
JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex use and explain the various parameters
and settings for a submission to a
JACoW conference proceedings.
JACoW_LaTeX_A4.pdf PDF with JACoW class file documentation and examples for
A4 with "en_uk" and Letter with en_us specific formatting.
JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.pdf template in format "letter" and American formatting
To generate the complete PDF for documentation
please remove the "%" of the last two commands
in "JACoW_LaTeX_A4/Letter.tex" which include the
Annexes A-C of "annexes-A4/Letter.tex"
annexes-A4.tex Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex"
annexes-Letter.tex Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex"
JACpic_mc.pdf a graphic showing the JACoW page format
(being the smaller side of A4 and letter respectively)
JACpic2.jpg a graphic for a full width figure (spanning
the two columns and multiline caption) showing
the participants of the 2017 JACoW Team Meeting
jacow-collaboration.tex (an example) title page showing the JACoW Collaboration.
jacow-collaboration.pdf This PDF is included in Annex A.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB
\twocolumn[\vspace*{-1.8ex}\section{ANNEX A:\endgraf FORMATTING OF AUTHORS AND AFFILIATIONS}\vspace*{\baselineskip}]
The names of authors, their organizations/affiliations
and postal addresses should be grouped by affiliation and
listed in \SI{12}{pt} upper- and lowercase letters. The name of
the submitting or primary author should be first, followed
by the coauthors, alphabetically by affiliation. If the
author list for a given affiliation spans multiple lines,
please be sure to break the line in a manner that does not
split the author’s initials from the author’s last name. This
is easily done by placing unbreakable spaces between the
initials and last name. The affiliation name and address
are also best kept together on the same (but not necessarily
separate) line, wherever possible. (See, for example,
the entry for GSI in the following). In cases where authors
have multiple affiliations, the secondary affiliation is
inserted below the author/primary affiliation listing and is
indicated with a superscript, as shown in the following.
Footnotes on the title and author lines may be used for
acknowledgements and e-mail addresses, using a non-numeric
sequence of characters (\textsuperscript{*}, \textsuperscript{†},
\textsuperscript{‡}, \textsuperscript{§}, \textsuperscript{\P}
as generated by \LaTeX's \verb|\footnote| command).
For examples of the preferred formatting of authors and
affiliations, please consult the following list of JACoW
collaboration members.
For manuscripts submitted by large collaborations with
potentially many tens of authors and where, additionally,
there may be page number limitations, a format consisting
of the principle author’s name and institute, followed by
“on behalf of the \ldots\ collaboration”, is preferred.
% Include the title/author page of the JACoW Coolaboration
\includepdf[pages=-, noautoscale, pagecommand={}]{jacow-collaboration.pdf}{}
\twocolumn[\vspace*{-1.8ex}\section{ANNEX B:\endgraf IEEE REFERENCE STYLE GUIDE AS APPLIED TO \NoCaseChange{JACoW} PAPERS, \break PERIODICALS AND OTHER WORKS}\vspace*{\baselineskip}]
\subsection{Referencing JACoW Proceedings}
The format for published JACoW proceedings papers is detailed in the following
and can also be readily deduced from Refs.~[1-3]. At the very minimum, sufficient
information should be given to enable readers to clearly identify the paper and
to facilitate its import into digital databases.
\subsubsection{Author Listing} Careful attention should be given to the
placing of commas and the use of ‘and’ in the author list.
In particular, for the case of three or more authors
(as in [3]), a comma also follows the penultimate author.
The preference for ‘\emph{et al.}’\ takes precedence when the number
of authors becomes large (e.g., $>$6).
\subsubsection{Paper Title} As is modern practice in references, the title
of the paper is written in sentence case, i.\,e., only the
initial letter of the first word in the title is capitalized.
Proper nouns, however, also have a capital. Capital letters
appearing in acronyms likewise remain unaltered
\subsubsection{Conference Proceedings} The title of the proceedings is
written in title case in italics using standard abbreviations,
such as \emph{Int.} and \emph{Conf.} The preposition, ``in'', in normal
font, precedes the proceedings title. The location,
i.\,e., city, state (if USA), and country of the conference
venue, the month (three-letter abbreviation) and the year
the conference took place, is then listed. Finally, details
pertaining to the paper itself, such as the conference paper
ID, mandatory page numbers, and the digital object
identifier (DOI), if existing, are listed in the given order.
A monospaced font for the DOI is used so as to help
distinguish it from normal text. In \LaTeX{}
the ‘url’ package is used. The Word template uses the Liberation
Mono TrueType font (size 8 pt), or Lucida Sans Typewriter
font (size 7.5 pt) in earlier Word versions where the Liberation
Mono font may not be available. In LaTeX, the ‘url’
package is used with its default font now being switched to
``newtxtt'' which offers a better distinction between
``\texttt{O}'' and ``\texttt{0}''. The conference
paper ID is optional and may be included in the absence
of a DOI to facilitate a search through internet search
engines. DOIs have been assigned to all JACoW
publications appearing in recent proceedings and will
likewise be assigned to articles from conferences further
past, in due course. The use of DOIs is strongly
The complete or abbreviated form for citations, as
shown in the following section, is advocated. The former
is more informative to readers outside the immediate
conference sphere, and will further serve to avoid
potential ambiguities in cases where an acronym is not
unique. Both forms, however, when adhered to, ensure a
proper import into digital libraries and information
sources such as INSPIRE, Scopus, and Google Scholar.
Authors are also reminded to make a distinction between
papers published in JACoW proceedings (which have
page numbers and, in the case of recent publications,
DOIs) and those papers that may have been presented at
past JACoW conferences but were not published~[4].
References to contributions presented at the same
conference should be written as shown in [5]; the wording
“this conference” may be optionally appended.
\subsection{Referencing Periodicals and Other Sources}
The IEEE style is also shown for periodicals [6-11],
online sources [12], books [13, 14], internal reports [15],
theses [16], manuals or handbooks [17], patents [18] and
unpublished material [19, 20]. When citing a periodical,
only the official abbreviation of the journal should be used
[21]. Examples of correctly formatted references can also be
found at the JACoW website, under ‘Formatting Citations’ which
is reached through the ‘for Authors’ link.
\subsection{Alignment of References}
In the \LaTeX{} template, \verb|\bibliography{9}| is used for
when the total number of references is less than ten. This
should be changed to \verb|\bibliography{99}| if the number of
references is ten or more.
\patchcmd\thebibliography{\section*{REFERENCES\@mkboth {REFERENCES}{REFERENCES}}}{}{}{}
\definecolor{jgreen}{cmyk}{0.81, 0.00, 0.97, 0.00}
\definecolor{jred}{cmyk} {0.00, 0.99, 1.00, 0.00}
\definecolor{jgrepc}{cmyk}{0.74, 0.05, 1.00, 0.00}
\definecolor{jblue}{cmyk} {0.87, 0.54, 0.00, 0.00}
\definecolor{jvio}{cmyk} {0.41, 0.82, 0.00, 0.00}
\definecolor{jbook}{cmyk} {0.28, 0.88, 0.79, 0.25}
\definecolor{jrept}{cmyk} {0.07, 0.70, 1.00, 0.00}
\definecolor{jmanu}{cmyk} {0.28, 0.77, 1.00, 0.23}
\definecolor{junpu}{cmyk} {0.00, 0.83, 0.65, 0.00}
\subsection{Complete Form}
%\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 10-99 references
\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta, “Novel techniques for future TeV electron accelerators”,
in \textit{Proc.\ 9th Int.\ Particle Accelerator Conf.\ (IPAC’18)},
Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018.
pp. 567-569. \url{doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-PAPERID}
\CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, two authors; DOI encouraged}
A.~Alpha \emph{et al.},
“A novel injector”, in \emph{Proc.\ 29th Linear Accelerator Conf.\ (LINAC’18)},
Shanghai, China, Sep.\ 2018, pp.\ 27-31. %\newline
\CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, for six or more authors use \emph{et al.};
DOI encouraged}
A.~Alpha, B.~T.~Beta, C.~Gamma, and D.~Delta,
“An overview of control systems”,
in \emph{Proc.\ 13th Int.\ Conf.\ on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS’11)}, Grenoble, France, Oct.\ 2011,
paper TUP014, pp.\ 89--91.
\CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, four authors; optional paper ID
in the absence of a DOI}
\subsection{Abbreviated Form}
\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta, “Novel techniques for future TeV electron accelerators”,
in \textit{Proc.\ IPAC’18}, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr.-May 2018,
pp.\ 567-569. %\newline
\CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, two authors; DOI encouraged}
A.~Alpha \emph{et al.},
“A novel injector”, in \emph{Proc.\ LINAC’18},
Shanghai, China, Sep.\ 2018, pp.\ 27-31. %\newline
\CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, for six or more authors use \emph{et al.}; DOI encouraged}
A.~Alpha, B.~T.~Beta, C.~Gamma, and D.~Delta,
“An overview of control systems”,
in \emph{Proc.\ ICALEPCS’11}, Grenoble, France, Oct.\ 2011,
paper TUP014, pp.\ 89--91.
\CCom{jgreen}{Conference Proceedings, four authors; optional paper ID
in the absence of a DOI}
\subsection{Complete Form}
\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta,
“An interesting talk but paper not submitted”,
presented at the 5th Int.\ Particle Accelerator Conf.\ (IPAC’14),
Dresden, Germany, Jun.\ 2014, paper MOAX01, unpublished.
\CCom{jred}{Unpublished paper; conference name in normal font; paper
ID may only be given if material supplementing the proceedings
exists on the JACoW website, e.\,g., PDF of talk}
\subsection{Abbreviated Form}
\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta,
“An interesting talk but paper not submitted”,
presented at IPAC’14,
Dresden, Germany, Jun.\ 2014, paper MOAX01, unpublished.
\CCom{jred}{Unpublished paper; conference name in normal font; paper
ID may only be given if material supplementing the proceedings
exists on the JACoW website, e.\,g., PDF of talk}
\subsection{Complete Form}
\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
A.~Alpha and B.~T.~Beta,
“An interesting talk at this conference”,
presented at the 10th Int.\ Particle Accelerator
Conf.\ (IPAC’19), Melbourne, Australia, May 2019,
paper MOAB01, this conference.
\CCom{jgrepc}{Current conference; conference name in normal font;
the wording “this conference” is optional}
\subsection{Abbreviated Form}
\begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
“An interesting talk at this conference”,
presented at IPAC’19, Melbourne, Australia, May 2019,
paper MOAB01, this conference.
\CCom{jgrepc}{Current conference; conference name in normal font;
the wording “this conference” is optional}
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
P.~Mercury \emph{et al.},
“Title of paper published in journal”,
\emph{Phy.\ Rev.\ Lett.}, vol.\ 114, no.\ 5,
p.\ 050511, Feb.\ 2014.
\CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.;
issue no.\ and month may be omitted}
P.~Venus \emph{et al.},
“New techniques in laser wakefield accelerators”,
\emph{Phys.\ Rev.\ ST Accel.\ Beams}, vol.\ 18,
p.\ 120198, Dec.~2015. %\newline
\CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Phys.\ Rev.\ ST Accel.\ Beams;
month may be omitted}
T.~Earth \emph{et al.},
“Low dose irradiation impact on modern silicon detectors”,
\emph{Nucl.\ Instr.\ Meth.}, vol.\ 692, pp.\ 256--280, 2014.
\CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Nucl. Instr. Method.}
T.~Earth, L.~Moon, and A.~Belt,
“Temporal correlations of x-ray free electron lasers”,
\emph{Optics Express}, vol.\ 20, pp.\ 11396--11404, 2012.
\CCom{jblue}{Periodical, Optics Express}
“A paper accepted for publication”,
\emph{Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.}, to be published.
\CCom{jblue}{Periodical, paper accepted for publication
by Phys. Rev. Lett.}
“Title of paper submitted for publication”,
submitted for publication.
\CCom{jblue}{Paper submitted for publication; the name of the
periodical does not appear}
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
JACoW, \url{}
\CCom{jvio}{online source; no hyperlink, no period at end of URL unless there is a trailing “/” as shown below. A monospaced font should be used, this is achieved using the ‘url’ package in \LaTeX}
JACoW, \url{}.
\CCom{jvio}{online source; no hyperlink, period after trailing “/” in URL
if optionally preferred. A monospaced font should be used, this is
achieved using the ‘url’ package in \LaTeX}
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
T.~Earth and L.~Moon,
“Title of chapter in the book”,
in \emph{Title of Book}, R Mars, Ed.\ New York, NY, USA:
Wiley, 1994, pp.\ 42--48.
\CCom{jbook}{Chapter in book}
A.~Belt, \emph{Title of Book}. Cambridge, MA, USA:
MIT Press, 1986.
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
G. Jupiter \emph{et al.},
“Title of report”, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland,
Rep.\ CERN-2012-333, Oct.\ 2012.
A.~Student, “Title of thesis”,
Ph.D.\ thesis, Phys.\ Dept.,
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe,
Germany, 2014.
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
\emph{IEEE Editorial Style Manual},
IEEE Periodicals,
Piscataway, NJ, USA, Oct.\ 2014, pp.\ 34-52;
\CCom{jmanu}{Handbook/Manual, no hyperlink, no period after URL}
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
“Title of patent”,
Patent Authority and No., Jan.\ 20, 2016.
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
P.~Neptune, “Title of paper”, unpublished.
P.~Uranus, private communication, Jun.\ 2015.
\CCom{junpu}{Private communication}
\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 1-9 references
\twocolumn[\vspace*{-1.8ex}\section{ANNEX C:\endgraf THE DILIGENT AUTHOR’S CHECKLIST}\vspace*{\baselineskip}]
\subsection{Common Oversights}
In order to lessen the load on a small team of editors
and to help expedite publication of the Proceedings, authors
are kindly asked to give themselves an extra few
minutes to go over the following points, which highlight
the most common errors, before uploading their paper. By
providing a properly formatted JACoW paper, the Proceedings
Office is able to benefit from an autodistill process
which automatically converts the author's PDF file
into a version that adheres to the JACoW-compliant PDF
standard. The process further ensures that all fonts required
to view the entire document are embedded, rendering
a final PDF that qualifies technically for publication.
\subsection{Author and Affiliation Listing}
The names of authors and their affiliations should be in
\SI{12}{pt} uppercase and lowercase letters, with standard,
roman fonts (i.\,e., not italics). When there is more than
one author, the submitting author should be first, followed
by the coauthor. Coauthors should be grouped by affiliation
and then be listed alphabetically. Please refer to \textbf{ANNEX~A}
for further details and examples, particularly for
the case where authors have multiple institutes.
\subsection{SPMS Database and Final Manuscript Validation}
Primary authors are reminded that it is their
responsibility to verify the accuracy of the title, abstract,
and coauthor/institute listing, and that these are identical
in both the final manuscript and SPMS database. This is
required to ensure the proper indexing of author/coauthor(s)
appear in the published proceedings.
\subsection{Subsection Headings}
Subsection Headings are in \SI{12}{pt} \emph{italic} lowercase and uppercase.
The initial letter of every principle word is capitalized,
and the heading is left aligned in the column.
\subsection{Figure Captions}
Figure captions should be placed \emph{below} the figure and
centred if on one line, but justified if spanning two or
more lines:
Figure 1: A one line figure caption is centred.
Figure 2: A lengthy figure caption that spans
two lines is justified.
Note the colon “:” after the figure number and the period
“.” at the end of the caption.
When referring to a figure from within the text, the
convention is to use the abbreviated form, i.\,e., Fig.~1,
\emph{unless} the reference to the figure is at the start of the sentence:
Figure 1 shows a schematic view of\ldots
\ldots as shown in Fig.~1.
% if set as \subsection, the title will appear at the top
% of the column followed by "Table captions ... lines:",
% then follows the text above after the justify till end of quote
\subsection{Table Headings}
\noindent\textit{\vspace{1em}\large Table Headings}
Table captions should be placed \emph{above} the table and
centred if on one line, but justified if spanning two or
more lines:
Table 1: Table Heading
Table 2: A Particularly Long Table Heading
Spanning Two Lines
Note the colon “:” after the table number, that the initial
letters of the principle words in the table heading are
capitalized, and the absence of a period at the end of the
When referring to a table from within the text, the convention
is \emph{not} to abbreviate, i.\,e., Table 1.
If a displayed equation requires a number, it should be
placed flush with the right margin of the column.
An unbreakable space should always precede a unit. In \LaTeX{} use
a “\verb|\,|” or the ‘siunitx’ package to format units.
Examples are:
\SI{3}{keV}, \SI{4}{GeV}, \SI{100}{kW}, \SI{7}{\micro m}.
References are written in \SI{9}{pt} size and should be neatly
presented in a consistent format with reference numbers
aligned. Please refer to \textbf{ANNEX~B} for the preferred format
and proper alignment.
Please also ensure that references in the text are cited in
sequential order.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
%% This file has been developed as a common template for papers
%% destined for electronic production for Accelerator Conferences
%% See the JACoW website for more information
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
%% version. This version of this license is in
%% and the latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Volker RW Schaa.
%% This work consists of the following files
%% jacow.cls this class file
%% JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex A4/letter templates to demonstrate the
%% JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex .. use and explain the various parameters
%% .. and settings for a submission to
%% .. a JACoW conference proceedings
%% JACoW_LaTeX_A4.pdf template in format A4 and European
%% settings (citation and hyphenation)
%% JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.pdf template in format letter and American
%% setting (citation and hyphenation)
%% annexes-A4.tex Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex"
%% annexes-Letter.tex Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex"
%% JACpic_mc.pdf a graphic showing the JACoW page format
%% JACpic2.jpg a graphic for a full width figure and
%% multiline caption
%% jacow-collaboration.tex an example title page showing the
%% jacow-collaboration.pdf JACoW Colloaboration, the responsible
%% editors for the various platform
%% dependent templates (LaTeX, Word on PC and
%% Mac, ODF). The PDF is included in the template
% v0.1 to 1.3 : JAC2000.cls
% Special thanks to John Jowett and Michel Goossens from CERN and
% Martin Comyn at TRIUMF for their significant contributions to
% this class file over the period 1996 to 2000.
% John Poole
% March 2000
% v1.4 : JAC2001.cls
% JAC2001.cls is a modified version of JAC2000.cls to produce indented
% first paragraphs after section, subsection and subsubsection headings.
% Martin Comyn April 2001
% v1.5 : JAC2003.cls
% This is a modified version of JAC2003.cls to adjust space around
% section and subsection headers to be more consistent with JACoW Word
% templates. Todd Satogata March 2011
% v 1.6 : jacow.cls
% This is a complectly rewritten version of JAC2003.cls which needs a current
% TeX-System to run.
% Ulrike Fischer, November 2013
% v 1.7
% - small change to correct the text block inside JACoW's magic red borders for
% a4paper (aca4); top has been set 18.5mm (19mm is defined in the template but
% leaves descenders outside the lower y margin).
% - duplicate {boxit} removed
% Volker RW Schaa, 14 April 2014
% v1.8
% - added setup for \micro sign which disappears when using XeTeX or LuaTeX
% with unicode-math. Ulrike Fischer, 21 April 2014
% v1.9
% - fixed the pdfLaTeX warnings for the text/math-micro hack
% Ulrike Fischer, 22 April 2014
% v1.91
% - Ligatures=TeX switch introduced to accommodate
% Ulrike Fischer, 22 April 2014
% v1.92
% - settings for top margin have to be different in A4 and letter to accommodate
% JACoW's PitStop Action List. This was found after receiving Plamen Hopchev's
% email about margins and testing the workflow with cropping the bounding box
% which starts at the lower left edge and not at the top (see graphic JACpic_mc
% in the template for measures).
% Volker RW Schaa, 29 April 2014
% v1.93
% - setting the bottom margin (19mm) without top solves the problem for different
% A4/Letter settings. This was already the default in v1.6. Pointed out by
% Plamen Hopchev. To accommodate the descenders the bottom margin has been set
% to 56pt now.
% Volker RW Schaa, 01 May 2014
% v1.94
% - the micro sign in UTF-8 prevents ASCII format of the cls file. Ulrike pointed
% out a hack in
% which is now introduced.
% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
% v1.95
% - only change to the version 1.94 are the extended documenation and license
% statement (lppl1.3c) as preparation for publication on CTAN.
% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
% v1.96
% - modification of bibatex style information. Since the JACoW template Feb-2016
% the bibliography requires the IEEEtran style. Heine provided an adapted
% version using the required values of the template:
% + ieee biblatex style instead of numeric-compv
% + doi field is cleared for all entries
% + et al. is used when there are > 6 authors (maxnames=6). In that case,
% only the first author is mentioned (minnames=1)
% + url field is cleared for articles and inproceedings
% + giveninits=true reduces all given names to initials
% Heine Dølrath Thomsen, 30 June 2016
% v2.00
% - after using v1.96 during conferences where DOIs/URLs were present in biblio-
% graphic records, the following changes to Heine's version have been made:
% + doi field allowed
% + url field allowed
% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
% v2.1 new options introduced
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% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
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% Volker RW Schaa, 23 Feb 2018
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% Volker RW Schaa, 01 Apr 2019
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title = {ID16B: a hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline at the ESRF for nano-analysis},
author = {Martinez-Criado, Gema and Villanova, Julie and Tucoulou, Remi and Salomon, Damien and Suuronen, J-P and Laboure, Sylvain and Guilloud, Cyril and Valls, Valentin and Barrett, Raymond and Gagliardini, Eric and others},
journal = {Journal of synchrotron radiation},
volume = {23},
pages = {344--352},
year = {2016},
month = {1},
doi = {10.1107/S1600577515019839},
publisher = {International Union of Crystallography}
author = {Ducotte, L and Clement, J.M and Gleyzolle, H and Wright, J},
title = {The new ID11 nanoscope end-station - a nano-tomography scanner},
note = {presented at MEDSI'16, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2016, unpublished}
title = {The nanotomography endstation at the PETRA III imaging beamline},
author = {Ogurreck, M and Wilde, F and Herzen, J and Beckmann, F and Nazmov, V and Mohr, J and Haibel, A and M{\"u}ller, M and Schreyer, A},
booktitle = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
volume = {425},
number = {18},
year = {2013},
doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/425/18/182002}
% Stewart Platform
author = {Geng, Zheng and Haynes, Leonard S},
journal = {Journal of Robotic Systems},
number = {5},
pages = {725--744},
title = {Six-degree-of-freedom active vibration isolation using a stewart platform mechanism},
volume = {10},
doi = {10.1109/87.273110},
year = {1992}
author = {McInroy, J.E.},
journal = {Proc. of the 1999 IEEE International Conference On Control Applications, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA},
pages = {508--513},
title = {Dynamic modeling of flexure jointed hexapods for control purposes},
doi = {10.1109/CCA.1999.806694},
year = {1999}
author = {Preumont, A. and Horodinca, M. and Romanescu, I. and de Marneffe, B. and Avraam, M. and Deraemaeker, A. and Bossens, F.},
journal = {Journal of Sound and Vibration},
number = {3-5},
title = {A six-axis single-stage active vibration isolator based on Stewart platform},
volume = {300},
doi = {10.1016/j.jsv.2006.07.050},
year = {2007}
author = {McInroy, John E. and Hamann, Jerry C.},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation},
number = {4},
pages = {372--381},
title = {Design and control of flexure jointed hexapods},
volume = {16},
doi = {10.1109/70.864229},
year = {2000}
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
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