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<h1 class="title">Virtual Sensor Fusion using Complementary Filters
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<span class="subtitle">Dehaeze Thomas, Verma Mohit, Collette Christophe</span>
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<h2 id="org47d0539">Paper (<a href="paper/paper.pdf">link</a>)</h2>
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The paper has been created using <a href="">Org Mode</a> (generating <a href="">LaTeX</a> code) under <a href="">Emacs</a>.
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<h2 id="org117520e">Matlab Scripts (<a href="matlab/index.html">link</a>)</h2>
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The Matlab scripts that permits to obtain all the results presented in the paper are accessible <a href="matlab/index.html">here</a>.
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<h2 id="orgf00cb2f">Figures (<a href="tikz/index.html">link</a>)</h2>
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All the figures in the paper are generated using either <a href="">TikZ</a> or <a href="">Inkscape</a>. The code snippets that was used to generate the figures are accessible <a href="tikz/index.html">here</a>.
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