66 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2019-10-31 11:14:28 +01:00
\tikzstyle{legend}=[draw, text width=4.2cm, align=center]
\node[inner sep=0pt, anchor=south west] (assemblage) at (0,0)
\coordinate[] (aheight) at (assemblage.north west);
\coordinate[] (awidth) at (assemblage.south east);
\coordinate[] (xrightlabel) at (-0.2, 0);
\coordinate[] (xleftlabel) at ($(awidth)+(0.2, 0)$);
% Translation Stage
\coordinate[] (ty) at ($0.5*(aheight)+0.1*(awidth)$);
\draw[<-] (ty) -- (ty-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Translation Stage\\$\SI{-5}{m\metre} < T_y < \SI{5}{m\metre}$};
% Sample Interface
\coordinate[] (sampleint) at ($0.77*(aheight)+0.5*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (sampleintmid) at ($(sampleint)+(-1, -0.5)$);
\draw[<-] (sampleint) -- (sampleintmid) -- (sampleintmid-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Sample Interface};
% Sample
\coordinate[] (sample) at ($0.9*(aheight)+0.5*(awidth)$);
\draw[<-] (sample) -- (sample-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Sample Environment\\$\SI{1}{\kg} < M < \SI{50}{\kg}$};
% Tilt Stage
\coordinate[] (tilt) at ($0.55*(aheight)+0.78*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (tiltmid) at ($(tilt)+(1, 0.5)$);
\draw[<-] (tilt) -- (tiltmid) -- (tiltmid-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Tilt Stage\\$\ang{-3} < \theta_y < \ang{3}$};
% Spindle
\coordinate[] (spindle) at ($0.53*(aheight)+0.33*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (spindlemid) at ($(spindle)+(-1, -1.5)$);
\draw[<-] (spindle) -- (spindlemid) -- (spindlemid-|xrightlabel) node[left, legend]{Spindle\\$\SI{1}{rpm} < \dot{\theta_z} < \SI{60}{rpm}$};
% Center of gravity compensation
\coordinate[] (axisc) at ($0.65*(aheight)+0.65*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (axiscmid) at ($(axisc)+(1, 1.5)$);
\draw[<-] (axisc) -- (axiscmid) -- (axiscmid-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Center of gravity\\compensation system};
% Micro Hexapod
\coordinate[] (hexapod) at ($0.52*(aheight)+0.6*(awidth)$);
\coordinate[] (hexapodmid) at ($(hexapod)+(1, -1.0)$);
\draw[<-] (hexapod) -- (hexapodmid) -- (hexapodmid-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Long Stroke Hexapod\\$\SI{-10}{m\metre} < T_{x y z} < \SI{10}{m\metre}$\\$\ang{-3} < \theta_{x y z} < \ang{3}$};
% Frame
\coordinate[] (frame) at ($0.14*(aheight)+0.65*(awidth)$);
\draw[<-] (frame) -- (frame-|xleftlabel) node[right, legend]{Frame fixed\\on the granite};
% X-Ray
\draw[color=red, ->-=0.7] ($0.92*(aheight)+0.8*(awidth)$) -- node[above, color=black]{X-ray} ++(190:1.8);
% Size of the setup
\draw[dashed, <->, color=black!70, line width=0.5pt] ($0.03*(aheight)+0.35*(awidth)$) -- node[below, color=black, pos=0.6]{$\approx\SI{1}{m}$} ($0.14*(aheight)+0.98*(awidth)$);
\draw[dashed, <->, color=black!70, line width=0.5pt] ($0.032*(aheight)+0.32*(awidth)$) -- node[left, color=black, pos=0.4]{$\approx\SI{1}{m}$} ($0.305*(aheight)+0.0*(awidth)$);
% Axis
\begin{scope}[shift={(0.0, 0.7)}]
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(195:0.8) node[above] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(90:0.9) node[right] {$z$};
\draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(-40:0.7) node[above] {$y$};